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Useless Labor Party

Shorten and Plibersek getting the job done in Kiribati.

Tim Blair, Wednesday, November 04, 2015

View attachment 64906

As much as I dislike Tanya's demeanour, I think Tim Blair should lift his game out of his obvious contempt for women.... an over bearing mother perhaps?

He even admits his immaturity and keeps company with the racist bloke who, amongst other things, made a taxpayer funded doco Dumb, Drunk& Racist to whip up Indian hatred of us, :

I suppose all the rusted on ASF Labor supporters, will be jumping in and buying up BHP at $20, what with all the super profits it's a no brainer.

The Labor Party underpinned their nation building policy, on the super profits they were going to make, absolute dicks.
Union hacks, does not a Government
Bring back Keating and Hawke, or Labor are gone.
Tend to agree.

I think Adam would be better suited to task forces and quangos, than the brutal cut and thrust of parliament.

I would advise him against, whichever political party that approaches him.

The problem with Keynesianism is that it is only invoked as economies get into trouble.

Can you show me one government in the English speaking world, ever, that practiced 'true vine' Keynesianism?

Despite the big gu'mint implications of it, I could live with it if properly practiced, but governments, even Social Dem ones just don't. It just isn't politically expedient in boom times.

I wish it wasn't so, but you are right. Is that a problem with Keynesian economics though? Should we throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak?

Maybe this infrastructure bank both sides of politics are keen on could be the answer?

Take 10pc of our taxes and lock them into this bank.

Have a board where most are infrastructure specialists but two or 3 are economists who decide how much of the kitty is spent each year. Seperate the power to spend (in part only) from politicians. The decision on what to build could ultimately still be theirs but how much is released could be seperate akin to the reserve bank board.

It works with the reserve around monetary policy (well better than politicians deciding...) why couldn't it work around fiscal policy?
Malcolm has impressed a lot of people who aren't going to vote for him.

He looks more and more like a windbag.
I see Fairfax are starting to crank up the anti Turnbull press.

Jeez they really have lost the plot, why not run some reports on what both parties are offering.
He's obviously doing too well in the polls for their liking.

From the article,

Microphones picked up Mr Obama, seated next to Mr Turnbull, asking about who he was meeting at the conference.

It looks like the only return Barack Obama had to Malcolm's response was to essentially be rude.

After Mr Turnbull mentioned he would be meeting his Kiwi counterpart Prime Minister John Key, Mr Obama replied: "So you actually, er, you actually talk to the New Zealanders?"

Barack Obama I would have thought would not be one who would have to chase such cheap publicity. In that and what followed, it was Barack who was out of his depth.

The image says it all.


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It looks like the only return Barack Obama had to Malcolm's response was to essentially be rude.

Lighten up Smith, Obama has a sense of humour.

Anyway, Obama can say what ever he likes, he is the leader of the free world. Mal is the unelected leader of a banana republic and has been on the job for a whole 66 days.

Get back to us when Turnbull takes charge of the New World Order.

I took Obama's remark to be a tongue in cheek reference to the Rugby World Cup result.

I don't think he intended any offence.

The only people who laugh at Obama are the fawning leftist sycophants.

Yeah, it's unfortunate Mal had to inherit an economy with a Labor afflicted deficit/debt akin to Nicaragua.
The only people who laugh at Obama are the fawning leftist sycophants.

Yeah, it's unfortunate Mal had to inherit an economy with a Labor afflicted deficit/debt akin to Nicaragua.

Sort of like the people on the other side who laughed at Abbott's many gaffes like knights and dames and the women of Australia going about their ironing.
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