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Useless Labor Party

Its always the same old argument and both sides have their pros and their cons. Always have, always will.

At least it gives people something to discuss. It would be boring if it didn't.
You would think that (irrespective of any Party) that they would run a police clearance or a background check on ALL candidates heading into parliament or even the crazies that nominate to run for an elected position?

Afterall if you are applying for a job in the finance sector the employer runs your whole life through the mill as well as contacting personal acquaintances and referees BUT you run for State or Federal parliament and you get a questionnaire asking if you have been a good boy/girl/whatever??

Errmmmmmmmmmmm does anyone else think this is strange?

Oh yeah ... Ms Palaszczuk is in a world of pain.

Can't wait for Billy Gordon to play the "race" card on this one ....

Noel Pearson:
"I feel that [the Labor Party] have thrown him under a very brutal bus,"

I wonder if it's the same bus the woman (women) were thrown under?
Gee ... these reporters must be reading ASF?

Words fail me ... read all about it here first in ASF before the pressers get hold of it.
Dear God is there no shame among this lot ...
It's just a question of law. I can't see any shame here. He is entitled to stay as an MP.

How did he get picked by the Labor Party though? That's where the shame is. Don't they do checks?
And now for the show stopper ...

Read more:,nbn-napkin-lists-on-ebay-for-5000.aspx#ixzz3W0ehIz2j

I am going to the bank today with a serviette that has a sketch of a 40 billion dollar aquaculture industry on it whereby all the residents of Australia can get their very own piece of fish to eat for the rest of their lives. Afterall if you can teach a man to fish right?
It's the right day for something like that. It looks like the work of an 8yo, in more ways than one.

I'll just wish best of luck to the seller.


  • 0_600_800_0_70__News_nbn napkin.JPG
    26.7 KB · Views: 29
By the colour of the dribble on the napkin, it would definitely confirm it is Conroy's work.
It would have been better if there was Conroys signature on it and there was some red wine stain in the top right hand corner. More legit and better street cred.
Labor still prefers wealth redistribution over balancing the budget,

Yes I read that Fairfax headline " Labor to end super concessions for the rich". LOL

Labor aren't in Government, and when they were in government, they didn't end them, so why all the bull$hit.

If the Coalition Government decides to curb the super tax concessions, Labor will support it.

Like I said, why didn't they sort it, when they were in office?

Because they are useless, and want to ride on the shirt tails of Coalition reform, they are a disgrace.

Bloody shamefull bunch of gutless back stabbing spineless ghosts, nothing of substance.

Also Fairfax are just as shameless, for not asking the question of Labor,
"Why didn't you fix it you FW's"
On matters Fairfax, they're reporting that Guardian columnist David Marr will be doing a quarterly essay on Bill Shorten,

Should be very short (pun) essays, as Bill does not stand for much.
As I have mentioned in some previous posts, the anti Islam rallies that took place in some capital cities yesterday, is all about dividing the community.....the 50,000 boat people let in by Rudd and Gillard was designed specifically to just that....divide the community into racial hate.

The burning down of 4 churches this week adds fuel to the fire and even one woman stated it is pleasing to drive past that burnt out church......will some mosques be bombed in retaliation?....Quite possibly.

So, where is Australia heading with all this?.....Do we really need these people whom we have befriended into our society who are intent in trying to bring in their own Sharia law...Why can't they accept our laws and live the way we live in Australia....After WW11 we brought in thousands if immigrants from England and Europe without all this dissension that is taking place now.....Even the Vietnamese people assimilated into the community....So why should we tolerate the way Islam is taking a hold on this country as well as other Western countries?

The Fabian indoctrinated Labor can be thanked for splitting our communities...I once stated Muslims are very moderate in small numbers but once those numbers increase that is when they start to show their muscle and it is happening right now.

They have opened the doors to illegal invaders who are bringing in a religion that goes totally against our way of life. They are using Islam to create divisions in our society and turn citizen against citizen. At the same time, they have neglected our own needy; our aged and veterans, the very citizens who have contributed so much to our country and who should now be enjoying the fruits of their labour. Instead, they are living on the brink of poverty.

I'm not sure I agree with your premise Noco.

Firstly even the English migrant was given the rounds and shown resentment from the locals;
The olive skinned Italians where eyed with suspicion, but admired for their industry;
Even 3rd gen Yugoslavs were treated as guests upto the seventies, similarly anyone else who wasn't Nordic white;
The second gen Vietnamese offspring seized control of the drug trade from the Italians and used machettes to enforce their rule;
There is still strong ethnic bonding, even three gens on in those immigrant families, where marriage and deals done are along genetic and religious lines;

The bid difference with immigration then and now is that we used to import technical skills required for an industrial and primary economy, now we import labourers and public servants.
Luck the Libs are in and increased the immigration rate to 400,000 a year then, hey noco?
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