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Useless Labor Party

How does it compare to 2014 METADATA Brandis???

Bowen is the potential treasurer.
My God, he makes Swan look good in comparison. He could single handedly lower the IQ of whatever suburb he is standing in to special needs.


All make me want to curl up into a ball and puke knowing that they have the potential to win government. Libs need to start applying pressure to this bunch if they choose to stick with Abbott. From what I hear Albanese - Shorten and respective factions don't need a lot to provoke a leadership punch up. I would rather see fresh blood in labor.
Bowen is the potential treasurer.
He has form when it comes to performance. He was their immigration minister.

The current government does indeed need to take control of the economic narrative. Only that way will it get the electorate to look beyond the cheaply repainted front door of the house of Labor.

Thank you for the reply Tink and apologies about the late reply.

I can't ever recall Labor supporting the East West Link and this is the only article I could find as to when this was discussed
State Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews faces internal dissent over Labor's decision not to support the western stage of the East West Link.
which was from June 1 last year Now the contracts were signed in October just before the care taker period when Napthine knew for months that Labor wouldn't carry out the project if they won government, this was irresponsible.

My personal opinion is I don't support the road, it only had an economic return of 45 cents to the dollar however I don't support Labor's level crossing plan either and out of the two projects I would prefer the East West Link be built over the level crossing given they were the two options we had to vote on.

I feel a large payout is going to be on the head of the Napthine government though given the ridiculous contracts signed.
I'm sure we've all heard the turmoil going on with the Greyhound industry over the illegal cruel practices they have undertaken.

Well the Victoria government feels that what the industry requires is tax payer funding of 3 million so that Grey Hound Racing Victoria can undertake an investigation into the allegations.
The Victorian government has defended its decision to give $3m to Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) to investigate the “live baiting” scandal despite two former senior members of the organization being accused of direct involvement
I can't believe the complete stupidity here to provide tax payer funding so that an industry can investigate themselves when we know that those involved are high up the food chain in the industry. The focus of GRV will be to minimize the damage done to the brand, they will attempt to sweep as much under the carpet as possible to protect their image.
Now the contracts were signed in October just before the care taker period when Napthine knew for months that Labor wouldn't carry out the project if they won government, this was irresponsible.

Quite so.

And why should the new government have to pay compensation for work that has not been completed ?

Some may ask if former Ministers would get a kickback from any compensation paid.
That is fine, overhang, and thanks.

There was more to the saga yesterday, regarding the contracts.

I remember when the other freeways were built, be it Labor or Liberal, there was always a drama.

Monash, Eastern freeway

In my opinion, Andrews should build it, rather than wasting our money as he is.

I still think it's the Greens that is the problem.

The Melbourne and Yarra Councils are the Greens.

Last I heard, they are going on a taxpayer funded holiday to the South Korean Climate Change Conference.
The focus of GRV will be to minimize the damage done to the brand, they will attempt to sweep as much under the carpet as possible to protect their image.

But in order to do that will require money............ (come in sucker taxpayer)
Shorten supports Hicks - both traitors.

Shorten also supports the gaffe made by Bowen the shadow treasure who did not know the tax threshold and the tax % thereafter.....Just a lapse of memory after such a long day.....Poor bugger....over worked and under paid.
Shorten supports Hicks - both traitors.

Is that any worse than the way the Howard Govt turned traitor to mahmoud habib?

A Govt that turned it's back on a citizen, left them to be tortured, shipped from torture site to torture site with their tacit support? I'm not sure if it's been categorically proven that Australian Intelligence officals were present during some of his torture, but it's up their with the disregard to life and death situations similar to the AFP at the time.

Hicks was definitely an idiot, but if you condone the torture and deplorable actions against him, then you're basically saying we're in a race with the likes of ISIS and Bokko Haram as to which group can do the most deplorable actions against another human.

Is this the same Hicks you are feeling sorry for that wrote this in one of his letters to his mother ???

“As a muslim we believe in destiny that when it is my time then so be it. If it is my time that is called martyrdom I will always fight for Islam. Real jihad is possible just like before in the Prophets day where martyrs die with a smile on their faces and their bodies stay smelling of beautiful perfume for weeks after death... one reward I get in being martyred I get to take ten members of my family to heaven who were destined for hell But first I also must be martyred.”
Bill Shorten walks into a bank to cash a cheque. “Good morning”, says Bill, “could you please cash this cheque for me?”
Cashier: “It would be my pleasure Sir, but could you please show me some identification?”
Shorten: “Truthfully… I did not bring my ID with me as I didn’t think there was any need to. But hang on! I’m Bill Shorten, Leader of the Opposition and of the Labor Party!!!”
Cashier: “Yes Sir, I know who you are, but with all the regulations and monitoring of the banks because of impostors and forgers etc, I must insist on seeing some identification”.
Shorten: “Just ask any of the customers here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am!”
Cashier: “I’m sorry Sir, but these are the bank rules and I must follow them”.
Shorten: “I am urging you please, to cash this cheque for me”.
Cashier: “Look Sir, this is what we can do. One day Greg Norman came into the bank without any ID. To prove he was Greg Norman he pulled out his putter and putted a ball along the floor and into a small cup. With that sort of skill we knew it was Greg Norman and we cashed his cheque.
On another occasion, Pat Cash came in without any ID. He pulled out his tennis racquet and lobbed a tennis ball straight into my teacup with such a spectacular shot that we all knew it was Pat Cash."
Bill stood there thinking and thinking and then finally says, “To be honest, there is nothing that comes to my mind. I can’t think of a single thing that I’m any good at.”
Cashier: “Will that be large or small notes you require Mr Shorten ?"

I don't condone him going off to join al qaeda. As I said he's an idiot.

I also don't condone the torture he went through. there is no room for torture in a civilised society.

What the USA did after 9/11 has provided fodder for jihadist groups around the world to this day. Images out of Abu Ghraib couldn't be a better recruitment poster.

Do you condone torture? Do you believe the Howard Govt acted honourably by turning it's back on mahmoud habib?
Cashier: “Look Sir, this is what we can do. One day Greg Norman came into the bank without any ID. To prove he was Greg Norman he pulled out his putter …..

Cashier: “Will that be large or small notes you require Mr Shorten ?"

I was quite worried while reading this until I got to the punch line. I thought it was going to end with Bill Shorten pulling out something as well.
I was quite worried while reading this until I got to the punch line. I thought it was going to end with Bill Shorten pulling out something as well.
Yes I believe that part has got him into trouble more than once.
Daniel Andrews has opened a Royal Commission on Domestic Violence in Victoria.

PREMIER Daniel Andrews has vowed to jail family violence thugs, make intervention orders easier to get and enforce tough new laws to make women and children safe.

Supposedly it was run on the ABC as well, on Q and A.

Alcohol was mentioned as a problem, I saw in one of her statements, that Rosie wants the prices of alcohol to be lifted.

I wasn't sure whether to post this here or open a new thread on Domestic Violence.
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or open a new thread on Domestic Violence.

You are wise to be cautious about starting a new thread in General Chat these days. It can invite the wrath of the 'thread police'. (Though pinkboy seems to be lying low at the moment).
But I don't understand how your post fits with the topic of Useless Labor Party.

If the mods want to put it under a 'Domestic Violence' thread, they are welcome.

I was putting it under Labor, which is where we are in Vic at the moment.
Daniel Andrews has opened a Royal Commission on Domestic Violence in Victoria.

If the mods want to put it under a 'Domestic Violence' thread, they are welcome.

I was putting it under Labor, which is where we are in Vic at the moment.

Tink, I was only joking about the “thread police”.

I’m still trying to get the gist of your post. Are you saying that the Royal Commission is a waste of time?
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