Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Useless Labor Party

When will people eventually wake up to what a fake this Abbott is?

Surely they are not that naive to not understand what a destroyer to our economy Abbott is....he is an absolute economic vandal.

Typical FABIAN tactic of yours......Shame on you for vandalizing my post.

You are as bad as are an absolute clown in the Shorten 3 ring circus.

As your fearless leader said, it's up to the government to get their legislation through Parliament.

If letting legislation through breaches what the Labor party stands for, then Labor has no obligation to vote for it, and would in fact be cheating it's own supporters if it did.

So blame the electorate for not trusting the Coalition in the Senate. As i see it, the electorate had every right not to trust them after all the lies and backflips they have perpetrated.
What exactly does Labor stand for other than a carbon tax ?

We know what it doesn't stand for. It doesn't stand for supporting it's own budget savings it put to the electorate last year. It also doesn't stand for stopping the boats and hence preventing the consequent problems including deaths at sea, the tragedy of which has only been recently highlighted again in the press.
What exactly does Labor stand for other than a carbon tax ?

We know what it doesn't stand for. It doesn't stand for supporting it's own budget savings it put to the electorate last year. It also doesn't stand for stopping the boats and hence preventing the consequent problems including deaths at sea, the tragedy of which has only been recently highlighted again in the press.

It also doesn't stand for hitting OAP's and unemployed youth trying to find non existent jobs, increased university fees and increased costs for the sick.
What exactly does Labor stand for other than a carbon tax ?

We know what it doesn't stand for. It doesn't stand for supporting it's own budget savings it put to the electorate last year. It also doesn't stand for stopping the boats and hence preventing the consequent problems including deaths at sea, the tragedy of which has only been recently highlighted again in the press.

And the Green/Labor left wing socialist do not stand for doing anything in the National interest...only self interest in point scoring....All they are interested in is assisting to wreck the economy and send it further down the gurgler....I would not be surprised if they are hoping for another GFC to further embarrass the LNP.

Labor could not care less about the debt they left for the next generation pay back .

They are lower than a rattle snakes belly.
I'd like to introduce some figures into the argument that the libs are better managers than ALP (which leaves the question about what is satisfactory management open):

The Frazier govt left Hawke a net debt of $40bn
The Hawke/Keeting Debt was $56bn
Howard sold our assets to ourselves for $72bn:- 72- 56 = $26Bn

The Howard govt was paying $454/month in April 2007, $476/m in May 2007, on a debt that apparently didn't exist; something miraculous happened in the first half of the 2007/2008 financial year with debt seeming to disappear in the space of a month and net negative debt pretty high in August at $41bn, but whittled down to $22bn by November 2007, rising to $26bn in Jan 2008 ... something must have happened in December 2007? :rolleyes:
Government bonds were still on issue and the government rightly elected to main the bond market (keep issuing bonds)
I'd like to introduce some figures into the argument that the libs are better managers than ALP (which leaves the question about what is satisfactory management open):

The Frazier govt left Hawke a net debt of $40bn
The Hawke/Keeting Debt was $56bn
Howard sold our assets to ourselves for $72bn:- 72- 56 = $26Bn

The Howard govt was paying $454/month in April 2007, $476/m in May 2007, on a debt that apparently didn't exist; something miraculous happened in the first half of the 2007/2008 financial year with debt seeming to disappear in the space of a month and net negative debt pretty high in August at $41bn, but whittled down to $22bn by November 2007, rising to $26bn in Jan 2008 ... something must have happened in December 2007? :rolleyes:
So who was in before Frazier.
Future Fund was also set up.

How much did Rudd blow again. I think the question that needs to be asked now is was his stimulus the supposed salvation or did he just kick a grenade down the road for others to deal with?
They also distorted the economic figures at the time (employment figures,GDP) to make themselves look better then they actually were. As much as I was against the idea at the time I know realize Keating was onto something with his 'recession we had to have'. Australia needs a price reset.
How much did Rudd blow again. .

$40 bil, Coalition said they would have spent $20 what's your point?

Remember mining shed 19% of its work force during the GFC..............retail employs far more Australians by %
$40 bil, Coalition said they would have spent $20 what's your point?

yeah and the rest on failed policy. He never made a serious attempt to cut back on wasteful spending either.

moXJO you need to look at the finance dept figures if you want to put blame on Whitlam.

Future fund is superannuation liability on the balance sheet
No, wasn't part of the asset sale used for the future fund.
Are you saying whitlam left the country with no debt?
Thats because net Foreign Debt wasn't recorded until 8 months after he was ousted. He more than doubled the Net Income Deficit. And why try and borrow $8 billion from the middle east if we were doing so well? just for $hits and giggles. Don't forget the budget was in deficit for most of the way through and getting worse.The records do not show the whole picture.
yeah and the rest on failed policy. He never made a serious attempt to cut back on wasteful spending either.

Swan held spending at or below 2%, Howard / Costello over their time in Office was well above that.

If there was easy wasteful spending in creases under Labor then how come Abbott hasn't targeted it? where is it?
Noco your being too generous again.

I wish that was true the many times I have had to sit down with them and negotiate EBAs. I feel quite disempowered with the process and aggravated at the impudence of it all, but they are clever and steeled to their resolve just like any other person who makes it through the ranks in any organisation and holds.

The ALP is made up of people who have mostly survived the trial by fire of the rank and file and the haters. The Lib reps don't have that union layer to get past, which proves to them what a waste the unions are in impeding the cream rising to the surface like they have.