Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Useless Labor Party

I didn't know if this should be posted here, or in the joke thread.

Obviously Chris hasn't got anything intelligent to add to the current fiscal situation, that they left behind.:D

Rather than engage the Government in economic debate, they are ridiculing the department they quoted endlessly while in Government.

Oh dear, what a sad situation.:D
Bill Shorten is the leader who cannot lead......He is saying one thing and 4 other Labor MP's saying the opposite.

Shorten, does not who he is or what he stands for.

Geez, I do wish he would talk to Uncle Bob and Paul.....but he does not want to listen to them.

LABOR leader Bill Shorten still looks healthy from the outside. Isn’t his party ahead in the polls?

But look closer and the rot is starting to peek through.

In fact, Shorten seems the leader who cannot lead. He does not know where to take his troops and now isn’t sure they’d follow him anyway.

Already four MPs, including two frontbenchers, are making him look weak by criticising what he’s actually backing – the Abbott Government’s war on the Islamic State.

Shorten swore this intervention would be beyond politics, but then Kim Carr, Alannah MacTiernan, Melissa Parke and Sue Lines made a liar of him, accusing the Government of playing at soldiers for the votes.

How could they do this to their leader? Thanks to them, Shorten on Tuesday had to bat away journalists’ questions about Labor disunity.

And from one readers comment.

Joy 43 minutes ago

@deb And this is what Jones "thinks about" Shorten

In an interview in May 2014 Alan Jones and Paul Sheehan arrived at the same opinion of Bill Shorten

"We have an opposition leader willing to sacrifice the economy for the good of his career"
Bill Shorten is the leader who cannot lead......He is saying one thing and 4 other Labor MP's saying the opposite.

Shorten, does not who he is or what he stands for.

Geez, I do wish he would talk to Uncle Bob and Paul.....but he does not want to listen to them.

LABOR leader Bill Shorten still looks healthy from the outside. Isn’t his party ahead in the polls?

But look closer and the rot is starting to peek through.

In fact, Shorten seems the leader who cannot lead. He does not know where to take his troops and now isn’t sure they’d follow him anyway.

Already four MPs, including two frontbenchers, are making him look weak by criticising what he’s actually backing – the Abbott Government’s war on the Islamic State.

Shorten swore this intervention would be beyond politics, but then Kim Carr, Alannah MacTiernan, Melissa Parke and Sue Lines made a liar of him, accusing the Government of playing at soldiers for the votes.

How could they do this to their leader? Thanks to them, Shorten on Tuesday had to bat away journalists’ questions about Labor disunity.

And from one readers comment.

Joy 43 minutes ago

@deb And this is what Jones "thinks about" Shorten

In an interview in May 2014 Alan Jones and Paul Sheehan arrived at the same opinion of Bill Shorten

"We have an opposition leader willing to sacrifice the economy for the good of his career"

While it does seem very apparent Bill is taking a long sabbatical with his grey matter, it's hardly sensible to take anything Bolt has to say about anything non Liberal Party as anything but vitriol and incendiaries ....a newspaper industry troll as it were and a not too bright one either.
While it does seem very apparent Bill is taking a long sabbatical with his grey matter, it's hardly sensible to take anything Bolt has to say about anything non Liberal Party as anything but vitriol and incendiaries ....a newspaper industry troll as it were and a not too bright one either.

Two years out from an election is too far to be counting out Shorten just yet.

Abbott went into a long sulk after he lost the 2010 election and he came back (more due to Labor's mismanagement than his own brilliance), so I expect Shorten and his party will be publicly whinging, but privately have their heads down working out policies and tactics which no doubt we will see nearer the election..
"We have an opposition willing to sacrifice the economy for the good of the Union led party"

It is in the Fabian Society's DNA to ruin the economy of Australia and the shadow treasurer Chris Bowen is a member.

I have posted the ideology of the Fabians on two previous posts.
Bill Shorten should cleanse his brain from being a union hack to becoming a Green/Labor coalition leader.

Does he have what it takes to be an alternative Prime Minister?......I doubt it very much.

He is saying one thing and his troops are saying something different and does not appear to have their backing.

I believe his term as Labor leader will be short lived.
The Labor party is suffering from the Plibervola virus.

The virus is believed to have mutated in the 1970s in the Democratic Republic of Marrickville in a freakish contact between batty undergraduates and hard-core Marxist union enforcers, or apes, which in turn infected the gibbering idealists of the Greens. How the virus crossed the species barrier to infect normal, sane, rational human beings is not known, although the first identifiable case has long been rumoured to be a large man with a booming voice known only as Gough.
The Labor party is suffering from the Plibervola virus.

The virus is believed to have mutated in the 1970s in the Democratic Republic of Marrickville in a freakish contact between batty undergraduates and hard-core Marxist union enforcers, or apes, which in turn infected the gibbering idealists of the Greens. How the virus crossed the species barrier to infect normal, sane, rational human beings is not known, although the first identifiable case has long been rumoured to be a large man with a booming voice known only as Gough.

The indefatigable Andrew Bolt and his paralytic diatribe of hate.
NO..NO..NO..That was a comment from Rowan Dean and not Andrew are bit too quick to criticize Andrew Bolt.

Do you blame me!:D

I am so averse to that fellow and his primary school antics, that it's hard to get past the perfunctory fatigue and malaise I feel when I see his name. If he'd only grow into a mature man I might have some time for him.
Do you blame me!:D

I am so averse to that fellow and his primary school antics, that it's hard to get past the perfunctory fatigue and malaise I feel when I see his name. If he'd only grow into a mature man I might have some time for him.

I guess with those type of comments, it emphasis is on the fact that the truth does hurt some people.
"We have an opposition willing to sacrifice the economy for the good of the Union led party"

Shorten and his Fabian comrades have their heads in the sands with their a$se in the air blowing methane gas in the air.

They are not assisting in repairing the damage they have caused....only self interest........certainly no national interest.......They are determined to see the current government struggle to balance the budget so they can gloat.
Shorten and his Fabian comrades have their heads in the sands with their a$se in the air blowing methane gas in the air.

They are not assisting in repairing the damage they have caused....only self interest........certainly no national interest.......They are determined to see the current government struggle to balance the budget so they can gloat.

I think it was invariable that the obstructionism and bloody mindedness of Abbott and Coy while in opposition would come back to haunt them.

It may have been a hard lesson for the self appointed guardians of Australian moral conscience to learn, but playing the game by traditional rules while allowing new aggressive rules to flourish means the ALP lost big time....adapt or die.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a warrior king arise to take the ALP to the polls.
I think it was invariable that the obstructionism and bloody mindedness of Abbott and Coy while in opposition would come back to haunt them.

It may have been a hard lesson for the self appointed guardians of Australian moral conscience to learn, but playing the game by traditional rules while allowing new aggressive rules to flourish means the ALP lost big time....adapt or die.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a warrior king arise to take the ALP to the polls.

But in all fairness, I do believe the coalition in opposition at the time had good reason to oppose some of Green/Labor's outlandish proposals where money was was done in the nations best interest, however, it made no difference because Rudd/Gillard/Rudd had a majority in the senate.

The Green/Labor opposition today are opposing measure to bring the budget under control which in my mind is not in the best interest of the nation.
A spat has broken out between Labor and the Greens over the legacy of Gough,

10:52am: And the legacy war begins.

Labor is extremely agitated about this image that was circulated on social media by NSW Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon yesterday.

The Labor caucus has just met in which MPs were most upset and accused the Greens of "grave robbing".

Senior Labor MP Anthony Albanese is outraged: "[Mr Whitlam] said on so many occasions he didn't want to be a party of protest, he wanted to be a party of government. Right up until the day he was incapable of doing so due to ill health he continued to campaign for Labor."

Labor is asking the Greens to withdraw the image and admit it was an error of judgment.

Which party was it again that jumped into bed with the Greens to form government in 2010 ?


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