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Useless Labor Party

Poor Bill.

Just when he's hoping the electorate might forget about the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd governments, Wayne Swan pops his head up.
.......but because we created the mess,” Mr Ferguson said.

At least Martin Ferguson is honest.

He was talking about the mining tax, but he could have said it about Labor generally!
Anyone else think it was strange the media didn't report that Shorten was being investigated by vic police (of course I hasten to add they have now cleared him)? It seems like a paternalistic decision was taken by the media that the public shouldn't be told as they would jump to conclusions.

That alleged rape incident by Shorten was in the news months was also alleged Shorten impregnated one of his staff while married to his previous wife......that was well suppressed.

Possibly those media outlets were worried about being sued if the allegations proved false, as they have been.
This this goes to show how inconsistent the Labor Party is on co-payments.

Indeed, successive Labor governments since 1983 have supported co-payment arrangements for access to pharmaceuticals, including for pensioners and concession card holders.

The Hawke government sensibly sought to introduce a co-payment for access to medical services to put their public funding on a sustainable footing

That was good public policy then and it is good public policy now.

The only reason it ultimately did not happen then is because of internal Labor Party politics and division in government, not because the reforming Hawke government got the policy wrong.

Now, Labor is making the entirely irrational argument that a $360 price signal a year for pensioners accessing pharmaceutical products is good, but a $70 a year price signal for unlimited access to medical services is bad.

The reality is that the co-payment for access to medical services is unfinished business from the healthcare financing reform agenda initiated by the Hawke government in 1991.

There is another Labor attack on our proposal that is wrong. Labor suggests it is a tax that won’t do anything to help repair the budget as the revenue raised will be spent on medical research anyway.

That is completely inaccurate and shows what little understanding Labor has of good financial management in government.
You can’t argue with fact…This says it all really…


Author unknown.

You hear that Australia? You know what that is?? It’s the sound of laughter. Thats right.......laughter. The entire Labor party is laughing at us.......because they actually think we are THAT stupid. I cannot begin to explain how totally embarrassed I am as an Australian right now.

Thank you Labor for proving once again that you have absolutely no respect for the role of Prime Minister in this country, and that our highest office is nothing more than your political play thing. What a way to tell the world that we are a complete and utter joke !! No, it wasn't enough that you have subjected us to this three ring circus of a government. It wasn't enough that you completely drained our finances, but now, you have gone and completely embarrassed this nation on the international stage - again! No, you didn't do it for any greater good, no, you didn't do it in the best interests of our people, no, you did it for your own personal and political agenda. Nothing more. You are supposed to be representing the people of this country, not yourselves, but apparently, that is a concept that is completely lost on you.

At this exact moment, I can barely express into words how fundamentally you disgust me!!! Three years ago YOU, as a party, stood before the world and told us that you had to change the leader of OUR country because a ‘good government had gone bad’, and it had gone bad because of Rudd. That was your statement, not ours, and, by the way, whilst we're on the subject, that’s OUR job to do, not yours, you bunch of arrogant self serving hypocrites and scumbags!
If you don't like who's PM, call a general election!

So what now Labor ? Has Rudd suddenly come good? What, has he found some spare time during his time on the back-bench and on his world tour to go to leadership school? Learned how to deal with his 2 year old type tantrums? So since then, you've been telling us and everybody with a microphone what a fantastic leader Julia was, and how she was the best person to run this country. I swear I remember hearing that many times. So once again Labor, was that just all more self serving lies and deceit ? Apparently so.

Do you want to know how I know, with absolute certainty? You blokes are just a bunch of self centred, self preserving, arrogant, egotistically ENTRENCHED LIARS? Because you just fired that 'supposed great leader’ you for three years espoused, and replaced her with the very bloke you previously told the entire world, was INCAPABLE at being a leader. Are you kidding? Wow! How fundamentally bad do you need to be as a leader for that to occur? In fact, how is that even allowed? We have a bloke as PM that even one of your own MPs is on record as calling a ‘psychopath’. “Rudd is a ‘psychopath with a giant ego. His chaotic and deeply offensive style of leadership, etc". Great choice fella’s. That’s the way to let the cream rise to the top!

No, I'll tell you what you've done. All you have proved over the past few years is that, as a party, you really don't give a DAMN about this country, and that you are only really in this gig for yourselves - period! The number of members who have jumped ship with this change, is disgusting and indicates exactly how you feel about this country, and only goes to further re-inforce how self indulgent and totally selfish you really are.

If Labor retains even one seat at the next federal election as a result of this desperate, demeaning, and totally self-centred stunt, all it will prove to the world is just how gullible and stupid the Australian voting public is, and how easily manipulated its members can be. Let’s never forget that this perception is a simple re-hash of the feelings of that great ALP patriarch, Paul Keating, who, in 1993, said “Never under-estimate the stupidity of the Australian voting public”.

Shame on you Labor movement. Shame on you, and shame on every one of your self-centred, incompetent, arrogant, and inept federal politicians! I am sure none of you could lie straight in bed, even if your life depended upon it!!
Well the truth of the stimulus package, that got us into this mess, is starting to come out.

The summation is interesting.

So why did the Rudd government push so hard for stimulus? Once again, it's right there in the document: because of "the potential political costs of being seen to do nothing in the face of slower growth and rising unemployment".

Monetary policy is hardly nothing. But the government couldn't take credit for it.

The decision to deploy massive fiscal stimulus set in train all the events and personality clashes that defined Labor's term in government.

The debt racked up in those few months crippled Kevin Rudd's policy agenda, undermined every one of its future budgets, and, by liquidating the surplus in an instant, damaged its economic management credentials.

And for what? To avoid "the potential political costs of being seen to do nothing".
Chris Berg is Policy Director at the Institute of Public Affairs. Follow him at View his full profile here.

As we have said on here, it was completely unnecessary and nothing but an ego trip.
The time we needed the stimulus if at all was in 2011, better still if we had no stimulus and no government debt and no budget deficit.
If Labor had acted maturely, they would still be in office.

Now we have them trying to tell the government how to run the country, best thing they could do is show some maturity, rather than let Palmer appear to be deal maker.
And for what? To avoid "the potential political costs of being seen to do nothing".Chris Berg is Policy Director at the Institute of Public Affairs. Follow him at View his full profile here.

Ah yes, the good old IPA. They would have been quite happy to see the country go down like the USA and the rest for the sake of their ideology.

Did the IPA ever criticise Howard/Costello for racking up those surpluses in the first place ? After all taxing more from the taxpayer than you give them back is theft surely ?
It was inevitable that an increasingly hostile and impudent govt would spawn a vociferous Sir Knight to lead the nation out of the Feudal darkness of servitude the working class were headed for. Trouble is the trusty steed appeared to set the pace, Kevin was locked into the saddle and the stable boys couldn't keep up.

Maybe next time the Labs get in they might kerb their enthusiasm, correct the social injustice they were hired to fix and then steady as she goes with growth agendas and less nanny state stuff.
Maybe next time the Labs get in they might kerb their enthusiasm, correct the social injustice they were hired to fix and then steady as she goes with growth agendas and less nanny state stuff.
They would crawl back into bed with the Greens, without hesitation.
Ah yes, the good old IPA. They would have been quite happy to see the country go down like the USA and the rest for the sake of their ideology.?

Actually Chris Berg has been very scathing of the coalition, if anything I would see him as left wing

Did the IPA ever criticise Howard/Costello for racking up those surpluses in the first place ? After all taxing more from the taxpayer than you give them back is theft surely ?

As you say, taxing more from taxpayers than you give back is theft surely?

That is why Howard/ Costello gave tax cuts, good to see you are finally seeing sense.
Now all you have to do is convince Sydboy.
They would crawl back into bed with the Greens, without hesitation.

They would crawl into bed with any political persuasion, the one thing Shorten is showing at the moment, is they have no conscience.
They would crawl back into bed with the Greens, without hesitation.

As would the LNP, if only the Greens would stop rejecting their advances. Everyone knows the Greens are just a breakaway group from traditional Labor, it just happened without schisms and acrimonious splits; the LNP created the nonsense about insidious coalitions, while it ignored it's own nuptials of City and Country parties.

I listened this morning at our Treasurer setting up his dilemma as some sought of evil conspiracy with an imperative of his own making and blaming Labor for not easing his duress (and reputation) by voting in obedience to his maleficence to the working poor and carless unemployed. All the Labor party are guilty of is carrying on the tradition of obstructionism started by the previous opposition (constitutionally the alternative govt).

Good to see you back, look forward to the repartee.
As would the LNP, if only the Greens would stop rejecting their advances.
I can't ever see either of these sides ever coming to a formal power sharing agreement as the Gillard government did with the Greens after the 2010 election.

Ideologically, they are way too far apart.
I can't ever see either of these sides ever coming to a formal power sharing agreement as the Gillard government did with the Greens after the 2010 election.

Ideologically, they are way too far apart.

Do you think so Doc?......I firmly believe both the Greens and the left wing socialist Labor Party follow the Fabian rules......I cannot see any difference.

Lea Rhianna is a confessed communist and and so is Gillard.......Bowen ans Macklin are members of the Fabian Society which originated in Russia.....Gough Whitlam is still their patron.

Why is the Fabian society attractive to middle aged women like Gillard, Macklin and Lee Rhiannon ?

this may tell you
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