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US prints money to stave off deflation

12 March 2006
Well the US joins the UK and Japan in basically what amounts to printing money.

"An investment manager at Supervised Investments, Phil Carden, said the move to create money "out of thin air" was "hugely inflationary".

"It's a direct and blatant attempt to ignite inflation because they're scared of deflation," he said.

He said it was the lesser of two evils, as deflation was a bigger menace to the US than inflation. If asset prices started to fall across the economy, it would threaten the country's ability to pay back $US11 trillion in national debt, he said."

Will be interesting to see if they can get the balance right and not stuff it up completely and end up like Post WW1 Germany or current day Zimbabwe..

I see the US dollar has already fallen against most other currencies on this great news.

I wish I had my own printing press, I could give them a helping hand and print off a few billion dollars..
Re: US prints money to stave of deflation

Spelling? I don't care. It's great that you posted.

Cheers friend

From a non-paid off voice. Certainly not Made-offed that's for sure!

Telling it how it is
Re: US prints money to stave of deflation

Spelling? I don't care. It's great that you posted.

Cheers friend

From a non-paid off voice. Certainly not Made-offed that's for sure!

Telling it how it is

Hey mate that video has been pulled,, looks like the old YouTube censors are at it again. "We're sorry, this video is no longer available." Yeh because the thought police have removed it!!!
Re: US prints money to stave of deflation

The video came up fine for me, maybe try again.
OT, but that video just hammers home for me the fact that America is in big, big trouble. Which ever way they turn, a new problem appears! That's what happens after years of ignoring sane people's advice in favour of lunatic greedy policies.
If the Fed and the Treasury hadn't been interfering in the free market for the past 20 years, none of this rubbish would have happened.

The US is basically a big ponzi scheme in itself. It borrows more from China to pay off its existing debts. Why aren't these guys sent to prison like Madoff?

China must be very, very worried.
Some time ago USA asked China to revalue their currency, China refused.

Hence now by devaluing USA Dollars USA will achieve what they wanted, but chances are that they'll get more what they bargained for.

This is only the beginning, as I cannot se that keeping economy hot will get the desired effect.

At some stage the World has to slow down, looks like stimulation is only going to delay the inevitable.

Where has this guy been living? If asset prices fall? US household wealth has fallen 20% or $13 trillion (that's trillion with a Tfrom it's peak in 3Q07. US household wealth fell a record $5.1 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2008 alone.

I don't buy this argument that inflation is the lesser of two evils. The global economy needs to deflate to shake out all the leverage. Sure in the short term it is going to be painful but there are some good trends forming, such as household savings rates rising.

The Fed has just a sent a message to the rest of the world to sell US treasuries as they are going to debase their currency to try and reflate the economy. However it is going to take a lot more money printing to accomplish this as velocity has fallen off a cliff.
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