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Fulfilment centres and large data centres.
Thats where the money will be made.
There have been a number of orgs coming out over the past few days suggesting that the BLS will drop the numbers of newly employed persons by up to a million.
MSN News
NY Post
Just to name a few.
Given that none of these organisations have questioned the monthly figures that have been revised downwards sometimes up to three times after initial release, a cynical person might suggest this is part of a coordinated plan to give the FOMC excuses to lower interest rates.
But they would never do that would they!
The expected BLS admission that it had overstated employment figures by 800k came as no surprise to anyone.
What did come as a bit of a surprise, was that the BLS failed to put up its report at the advertised disclosure time of 10:00 a.m.
Fortunately for a few orgs (banks), those that rang up the BLS and asked what was going on, were given the figures over the phone, giving them somewhat of an advantage over the rest.
From Bloombergs
At least three banks managed to obtain key payroll numbers Wednesday while the rest of Wall Street was kept waiting for a half-hour by a government delay that whipsawed markets and sowed confusion on trading desks.
After the Bureau of Labor Statistics failed to post its revisions to the monthly payroll figures at 10 a.m. New York time, Mizuho Financial Group Inc. and BNP Paribas SA both called the department and got the number directly. So did Nomura Holdings Inc.’s economic research team, according to a person familiar with the situation.
These figures are up to March, and as Zerohedge have pointed out, every month since March has been revised downwards.
So it is most likely that the exercise will be rep3eated next year as there will most likely have to be another yearly revision in a negative direction.
But the garbage BLS figures served their purpose.
It made the Biden regime look good, and will allow the Fed to ease rates right before the elction.
What , me cynical?
The expected BLS admission that it had overstated employment figures by 800k came as no surprise to anyone.
What did come as a bit of a surprise, was that the BLS failed to put up its report at the advertised disclosure time of 10:00 a.m.
Fortunately for a few orgs (banks), those that rang up the BLS and asked what was going on, were given the figures over the phone, giving them somewhat of an advantage over the rest.
From Bloombergs

These figures are up to March, and as Zerohedge have pointed out, every month since March has been revised downwards.
So it is most likely that the exercise will be rep3eated next year as there will most likely have to be another yearly revision in a negative direction.
But the garbage BLS figures served their purpose.
It made the Biden regime look good, and will allow the Fed to ease rates right before the elction.
What , me cynical?
Suely not you being cynical, Mick