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Universities are disgusting

Perhaps it's worth understanding what Critical Race theory is about from people other than Donald Trump, Q anon Dutchie and Fox News.

So is critical race theory poisonous or illuminating?​

Maybe one day we can get back to talking about whether what people say is correct instead of whether it offends somebody (which almost anything said will offend someone).

Perhaps its also worth while learning about the true history of a country rather than a white washed version that doesn't offend the sensibilities of the rich and powerful.:)

Did you take the opportunity read the article I posted ?
Perhaps its also worth while learning about the true history of a country rather than a white washed version that doesn't offend the sensibilities of the rich and powerful.:)

Did you take the opportunity read the article I posted ?

Yes I did, but really there is racism in all races, the thing that really offends is when those with power exercise that racism against those without it.

But let's not get sidetracked, this thread is about universities and their increasing unwillingness to hear the views of people they think may offend some of their students, eg the Dawkins "cancellation" on PC grounds.

If students don't want to hear what he has to say, then it's their individual choice not to attend, it should not be imposed on them by a "nanny" in the form of the institution's executive.

White privilege bolstered by teaching math, university professor says​

A math education professor at the University of Illinois says the ability to solve geometry and algebra problems and teaching such subjects perpetuates so-called white privilege.

So all you white bast#@@s stop teaching your children the times tables!

White privilege bolstered by teaching math, university professor says​

A math education professor at the University of Illinois says the ability to solve geometry and algebra problems and teaching such subjects perpetuates so-called white privilege.

So all you white bast#@@s stop teaching your children the times tables!

In recent years many of the top performers in NSW HSC exams have been of Asian extraction, so I guess she would also include Asian privilege as well.

I would suggest that some Chinese mathematicians are world leaders as well

My understanding of our maths history includes Arabic and Indian nations making a large contribution to its advancement

She seems to suffer from a bad dose virtue signallers guilt syndrome.

A summary from a search

Seven Periods of Mathematical Practice
The evolution of mathematics to its contemporary state has seen fundamental changes in concepts, organization, scope, outlook, and practice. Without understanding the evolution of mathematical thought, it is difficult to appreciate modern mathematics in its contemporary, highly specialized state. Roughly speaking, I would identify seven periods in the evolution of mathematics, each with distinct characteristics.
1. Proto-Mathematics (from the mists of ancient time, through the archeological evidence of c.30000 BCE, up to 2000 BCE): empirical, not abstract, basic
2. Ancient Mathematics (from 2000 BCE up to 800 BCE): empirical, number and figures abstracted, highly sophisticated (Babylonian, Egyptian), not axiomatic
3. Classical Mathematics (from 800 BCE to 1500 CE): axiomatic geometry (Greek), highly sophisticated geometry, sophisticated abstraction in algebra and algorithmization of arithmetic (Indian, Arabic, Central Asian)
4. Mercantile Mathematics (from 1400 CE to 1500 CE): improvement in numeration, symbolic development, and symbolic shorthand arithmetic (Renaissance Europe), sophisticated algebra and solution of equations (Italian wranglers)
5. Pre-Modern Mathematics (from 1500 CE to 1700 CE): functions, continuous mathematics, analytic geometry, calculus, applications to science
6. Modern Mathematics (from 1700 CE to 1950 CE): modern abstract analysis, modern abstract algebra, modern abstract geometry, modern logic – all freed mathematics from the perspectives, paradoxes, and problems encountered during the classical and mercantile periods
7. Post-Modern Mathematics (from 1950 CE to present): dramatic expansion in scope and productivity in mathematics, based upon axiomatic methods, accelerated by unprecedented growth in science, applied science, engineering, technology, statistics, and applications to all areas of human endeavor.

White privilege bolstered by teaching math, university professor says​

A math education professor at the University of Illinois says the ability to solve geometry and algebra problems and teaching such subjects perpetuates so-called white privilege.

So all you white bast#@@s stop teaching your children the times tables!
She has obviously benefitted from this white privilege. So if she was fair dinkum she would resign.
But she wont do that. What a hypocrite.
In recent years many of the top performers in NSW HSC exams have been of Asian extraction, so I guess she would also include Asian privilege as well.

I would suggest that some Chinese mathematicians are world leaders as well

Not to mention recent Fields medal (“Nobel Prize of mathematics.”) winner Maryam Mirzakhani, who was both female and Iranian. Unfortunately she passed away at a very young age just 3 1/2 years ago.


White privilege bolstered by teaching math, university professor says​

A math education professor at the University of Illinois says the ability to solve geometry and algebra problems and teaching such subjects perpetuates so-called white privilege.
Given that our entire modern world, even the ability to feed the current population, is built upon math it's a truly bizarre anti-intellectual argument that we shouldn't be using it. :2twocents
Maybe one day we can get back to talking about whether what people say is correct instead of whether it offends somebody
Doing that would fix an awful lot of problems in the world.

As it stands, basically nothing can be fixed because merely proposing to do so upsets someone. See the past decade's worth of political "debate" for all the evidence anyone needs - some of the same issues are still being discussed and still unresolved. :2twocents
Selective attention. What do we "see" when for example, the words "white privilege" get thrown around by Fox News ?

Bicll Ackman's letter the Harvard:

"December 3, 2023

Dear President Gay,
Since my letter to you of November 4th to which you did not reply or even acknowledge, I have received substantial feedback and input from senior members of the Harvard faculty about a number of the issues I raised in my letter concerning free speech, antisemitism, and the impact of the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (OEDIB) at Harvard. I thought to share this feedback with you now as it may inform your testimony and potential questions you may receive from the Congress on Tuesday.

Free Speech at Harvard

In several of your communications since October 7th, you have emphasized Harvard’s commitment to free speech as the reason why the university has continued to permit eliminationist and threatening language on campus – i.e., calls for Intifada (suicide bombings, knifings, etc. of Israeli civilians) and the elimination of the state of Israel “From the River to the Sea.” You explained your tolerance for these protests on October 13th: “[O]ur university embraces a commitment to free expression. That commitment extends even to views that many of us find objectionable, even outrageous.”

In my letter to you, however, I noted that In The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) Free Speech Rankings, Harvard has consistently finished in the bottom quartile in each of the past four years. I note that Harvard’s ranking has deteriorated each year, receiving its lowest free speech ranking ever for the 2023 academic year, last out of 254 universities with a rating of 0.00, the only university with an “abysmal” speech climate.

After sending my letter, I reached out to the faculty to reconcile your free speech absolutist commitment with Harvard having the lowest free speech ranking of any university. The faculty had a lot to say on this issue, as well as on antisemitism and the OEDIB. Notably, they were willing to share their views so long as I committed to keep their identities confidential. I have quoted their remarks below:

On Free Speech

“Years ago, Harvard stopped being a place where all perspectives were welcome.”

“Harvard is a place where loud, hate-filled protests appear to be encouraged, but where faculty and students can’t share points of view that are inconsistent with the accepted narrative on campus.”

“Harvard became a place where if you toed the party line, there was applause. If you disagree, you are drowned out. The gatekeepers of speech continue to further narrow what they deem acceptable speech.”

“The primary problem with speech at Harvard is that if you say the wrong thing, you will be cancelled, which leads to self-censorship. The result is what you actually think is not what you say.”

“Saying anything that doesn’t highlight the importance of slavery and colonialism as animating forces of history is not acceptable speech. Lived experience and ideology become the dominant forces of conversation. All of the courses follow the same playbook ideology. Ideology poses as coursework.”

On Antisemitism, Support for Hamas, and the Protests Against Israel

When I asked members of the faculty about the causes behind the Israeli/Gaza protests and the tolerance for antisemitism on campus, they explained:

“Whiteness at Harvard is deemed fundamentally oppressive. Indigenous peoples are presented as in need of justice and reparations. Jews are presented as white people. It is therefore ok to hate Israel and Jews as they are deemed to be oppressors.”

I asked: “Why are the protests only about Israel versus other conflicts in the Middle East and around the globe where Palestinians and other civilians were killed?”

“Israel is the rare case where we have a hot conflict between people that are deemed ‘white’ versus people of color.”

The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (ODEIB)

“The primary animating force of the ODEIB is racism-colonialism and the denial of indigenous rights. The ODEIB is a home for people who are perceived to have been victimized.”

“The ODEIB was meant to include Asians, but it does not. It is focused on communities that experienced colonialism.”

“Recency matters. India is not included because they got autonomy 70 years ago.”

“The ODEIB is at the service of black students, to a lesser extent brown students, and to a lesser extent LGBTQ students.”

“It’s about whiteness versus people of color.”

“The DEI framework prioritizes people on the oppressed side of the narrative.”

Hiring Practices at Harvard

One topic which emerged when I spoke to the faculty was the issue of hiring at Harvard, an issue about which the faculty clearly has a lot of consternation.

When I asked why Harvard’s faculty has shifted sharply leftward in recent years, they explained:

“Each department decides whom they want, and the university can accept or reject the candidate. Left-leaning faculty appoint other left-wing faculty because they get to decide whom to hire and promote. It’s a bit like the Twitter algorithm which continues to feed you the points of view you want to hear. Eventually, each department reaches the tipping point.”

One senior member of the faculty shared that it is made abundantly clear that they cannot hire new faculty members unless they meet ODEIB requirements. That is, the candidate has to be a woman, person of color, or have LGBTQ+ status. Straight white males are “off the table.” Asians and those of South Asian (i.e., India) heritage are similarly disadvantaged in the process as they are deemed successful, overachieving minorities.

A number of the faculty bemoaned that in many cases they cannot hire the substantially more qualified person if he is a white or Asian straight male as the proposed candidate “has to be a woman or BIPOC person.” I was told that behind closed doors, it is common to hear: “I clearly don’t think this is the strongest candidate, but we can see where the train is headed. I therefore have no choice but to vote for the [lesser-qualified candidate.]”

It is made clear to the faculty that Harvard’s discriminatory approach to hiring should never be acknowledged or written about in an email. One professor said that he has been continually amazed that no one has brought a lawsuit as these practices are clearly illegal.

One faculty member explained that it is not just the administration that has been putting forth these requirements, but that external organizations like The Chronicle of Higher Education (TCHE) do “investigative reporting” where they do racial and gender audits of university departments. TCHE publicly scolds university departments that don’t meet their diversity requirements further reinforcing Harvard’s requirement for ODEIB-preferred candidates.

On all of the above issues, I know you will not rely on my survey of the faculty. I therefore encourage you to commission a highly credible, third-party firm to do an anonymous survey of the Harvard faculty. I am confident it will confirm and reinforce all that I have outlined above.

Discrimination at Harvard Is Not Limited to Antisemitism

The problems at Harvard are clearly not just about Jews and Israel. It is abundantly clear that straight white males are discriminated against in recruitment and advancement at Harvard. That is also apparently true to a somewhat lesser extent for men who are Asians or of Indian origin. The ODEIB is an important culprit in this discrimination on campus as it sees the world in a framework of oppressors and the oppressed, where the oppressor class includes white males, Asians, Jews and other people perceived to be successful and powerful.

While Harvard claims that it is committed to free expression, in practice free expression appears to only happen “behind closed doors” or among faculty and students speaking anonymously.

Conservative voices are squelched and often outright cancelled on campus. Tyler J. VanderWeele and Carole K. Hooven are two recent examples.

In March of this year, Mr. VanderWeele, the John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology, a practicing Catholic, was effectively excommunicated from Harvard (saved only by his tenure) when it was discovered he had signed an amicus brief in 2015 which affirmed his view that the definition of marriage was between a man and a woman, and when he surfaced his pro-life views. See:…

Earlier this year, Ms. Hooven, an evolutionary biologist was cancelled and eventually forced to resign because she stated that one’s sex was biological and binary on Fox and Friends. See:…

I am saddened that the Harvard I love has lost its way. I am embarrassed for not having been aware and previously taken the time to investigate these issues until antisemitism exploded on campus. I should have paid more attention as it did not take a forensic analysis to surface and better understand these issues.

Discrimination at Harvard is not just illegal, but it is extremely damaging to our nation’s competitiveness, which is critically important in a world with growing geopolitical conflict and turmoil. Harvard should be an institution for our best and brightest, taught by our best and brightest who are in search of Veritas and excellence. Russia, China, and our other competitor nations are not selecting their scientific and educational leaders using Harvard’s diversity, equity and inclusion metrics.

President Gay, beginning with your testimony to Congress on Tuesday, you can begin to address the antisemitism that has exploded on campus during your presidency, the seeds for which began years before you became President. But as I hope you recognize, the issues at Harvard are much more expansive than antisemitism. Antisemitism is the canary in the coal mine for other discriminatory practices at Harvard.

As President you have both the opportunity and the responsibility for addressing these critically important issues. It won’t be easy for you as I have been told that your recent “pivot on antisemitism” is already making the radical left wing of the faculty highly skeptical of you.

When 34 Harvard student organizations came out in support of Hamas’ barbaric terrorism, it was a wake up call for me. I hope that having to face the Congress on Tuesday will be a wake-up call for you.


William A. Ackman, A.B. 1988, MBA 1992

Cc: Ms. Penny Pritzker, Chairman,
and The Harvard Corporation Board"
Maybe one day we can get back to talking about whether what people say is correct instead of whether it offends somebody (which almost anything said will offend someone).
Two years later, still a great and timeless quote Rumpy, it has stood the test of time. :xyxthumbs

The wife and I were having a chuckle about the 'news', well the chit chat that now is broadcast, at what used to be news times on the radio.
Apparently one of the royal family said something about what colour will Harry's kid be, well if you had been at a BBQ with them I would guess that point would be aired at some time, as Megan has African heritage and it isn't a recessive gene.
Our SIL has a Malaysian mother and so I said, well blue eyes ain't happening.
So thankfully I'm a pleb, otherwise I would be on Oprah being labelled a racist, the World has gone loony.

This could probably go anywhere. But just a sad article about a Japanese professor screaming racism when there was no racism.

My favorite quote is when she said she would never tell a German person she liked sausage.... (I've said that that to a German,) If you are from a country it's pretty normal for someone to talk to you about that country. If someone from the UK only talks to an Australian about AFL that doesn't make them a racist.

‘People like me, a non-white female’, Sato-Rossberg said, ‘must constantly consider the possibility that they are treated unfairly because of gender or ethnicity’.

I just feel sorry for this professor what an exhausting way to live your life.

No wonder universities are such garbage these days. This is what happens when you have universities that exist purely to give visas to foreigners. They become a huge business which causes a limited number of intelligent rational good professors to be spread very thinly.
A handy list of who is woke, signatories supporting some fatuous pseudo academic

The entity was awarded $870,269 by the ARC to conduct a study titled “Arab/Muslim Australian Social Movements since the 1970s”.

Three years into the four-year grant, the university now has to prove to the ARC that the money has been used appropriately and for the purposes intended.

If it cannot, the money will need to be repaid to the research council.

Abdel-Fattah became the centre of media attention last year after she made numerous anti-Israel statements on social media such as, “If you are a Zionist, you have no claim or right to cultural safety”.

oh dear.