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Ukraine War

It would be too great a cost. Russian people are not the enemy. The ruling class is.
It would be too great a cost. Russian people are not the enemy. The ruling class is.

Yeah, I dunno. If the West will not do nukes for the Ukes, how far west is too far? Romania? Poland? Finland? Dealing with Russia would kind of send a message to any other interested observers on that continent of Asia of how things gonna be
It's not the size of the dog in the fight that counts ; it's the size of the fight in the dog.

This invasion is not going according to plan for Russia. The Ukrainans are not rolling over as planned (or hoped for) . Resistance is fierce, well planned and effective. The original plan called for a drop of 5000 elite paratroopers to seize the government, kill President Zelensky and install a puppet government. That operation has been effectively foiled.

It has become clear that the (conscript) bulk of the Russian army has no appetite for war and seems to have little idea of why they are there. The logistics of keeping the invading army mobile also seem to be failing.

The courage of the Ukranian military and civilian population in defending their homes is unnervng the Russian army. They can of course obliterate all opposition with the sort of fire power they have. But that wasn't the plan and the optics would be even more catastrophic than currently seen. To date Russia has been relatively careful in it's invasion to target military objectives. From what I can see civilian deaths to date have been accidental or incidental. That would radically change if the gloves came off.

Europe should provide air cover.
If they don't Putin will just start bombing them into rubble.

Wow !! That's what a determined civilian militia can do when fighting for their country. I suppose the only way the Russians could stop this would be blasting the absolute xhit out of everything they going into. Very daunting .

Those Molotov cocktails go well. A great Russian innovation in WW2.

(Just a joke. I think it was the Finnish army that mass produced these petrol bombs in their countries defense in 1940. The named them after the Soviet Foreign Minister who organized the invasion of Finland. They have been adapted and used in many theaters of war )

Hopefully no thermobaric weapons are used on the cities in response.
Apparently this video is from 6 years ago.
It's from the riots. Disinformation is being pushed hard.

Is it ? Perhaps. Be interesting to see the evidence. Even so the principle of how effective a civilian blockade armed with molotov cocktails can be against armoured troop carriers is not going to be lost.

And it doesn't detract from the many other current examples of the military and citizens fighting back against the invaders.
I hope they play this video in that useless place in Geneva called the UN.
Geneva was where the League of Nations was situated. Presently, there are UN agencies there (and in other pleasant places)

UN Security Council is in New York
It was during the riots I'm sure there is a Netflix special with this footage in it. A lot of Ukrainians were getting the shits that it's being used. Also next post down now.

Disinformation is being pushed hard

The First Casualty of War Is the Truth: The Propaganda Machine Recycles 2021 Zelensky Images

Question everything. Take nothing at face value.​
Everything we are seeing in U.S. media surrounding U.S. interests in Ukraine is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community. The sense of sympathy you are feeling is part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within this DC matrix.​
The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific outlook within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine. The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the prior examples (Ukraine 1.0, Libya, Egypt, etc.).​
It is very easy to become a victim of psychological warfare intended to manipulate our opinions.​

The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine Is Epic in Scale

“Everything is about writing a script, creating a narrative, building a ‘better story,’ where the globalists are the heroes. In essence, the ‘strategic power’ battle is for your mind…​
Everything in modern warfare is storytelling.​
Question all of it.​
The stories of the 13 guards on an island telling the Russian naval ship to f**k off… yeah, turns out they surrendered. The ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ pilot, the lady with the sunflower seeds etc., now all recognized as lies and propaganda. And do not expect it to stop, because it won’t. Thus, the nature of warfare for your mind.”​

Agreed, so everyone should get off twitter etc. and get news from reputable sources.

Posted 20 minutes ago.
Ukrainian forces resist Russian advance on Kyiv, with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying 'we will not lay down any weapons'
It's extremely hard to know what is the truth during these conflicts. US is the absolute masters of bullsht, Russia seems to be struggling. There's a reason I try to label some of the stories as *potential propaganda*.
Seems Germany finally changed its mind and listened to Trump on defence spending (just a few years late). Now bumping it up to 2% of GDP.

What did the media say when Trump said they needed to do that, oh that's right, he is just trashing the trust between allies.
Yes nothing changes, just keep feeding the chooks.
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