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Ukraine War

RE: "Possibly, or maybe you’re ignorant to what is happening inside Russia, the full control of traditional and social media by the state, and the paranoia".

fyi @JohnDe firstly, I'm not ignorant to what's happening inside Russia - as I've been & lived there myself (admittedly many year's ago though). I have huge satellite dish & see live stream Russian t.v. broadcasts so know what's reported there.

I do somewhat agree with you that what is mostly reported (across traditional & social media) is controlled & monitored by the state for sure. They clamp down/get tough on any so called "western propoganda" as they call it.

ABC Radio did a recent live cross last week @ 4am to a female journalist based there in Moscow - she called it as it was as didn't hold back in what she reported about current Ukraine situation & consensus.

People in Russia are still going about their daily lives as normal - what about impact of sanctions !? what sanctions lol as having no impact there whatsoever.

Russian's terribly miss McDonald's Golden Arches as restaurant chain sold & re-branded under new Russian licensee owner Alexander Govor to continue operations as a burger restaurant chain (it ain't the same though).

P.S. I should add I'm not Russian (far from it) but did hook up with a lovely Russian girlfriend in my younger year's so reason I ended up going there lol Always wondered what happened to her since & what if etc. such is life
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Simple fact all your propaganda can't get around the fact Ukraine is the corrupt playground the west full of resources for us to plunder and if we didn't keep encroaching on it and then Russia would not have invaded it.

We are causing the suffering of the Ukranian people, the suffering of our own people thru sanctions and we are edging the world closer to a possible nuclear world war.

I see we are on opposing sides.
You with Russia and China with their ‘propaganda’ and dictators.
Myself with democratically elected governments and the peoples will for a free and just society. You may call this ‘propaganda’ but it’s always the protagonists that uses that term first.

No this is your own mis-characterisation that is completely's almost as bad as your "for all those blaming western governments" old man shaking his first at the sky while rambling incoherently moment .

please try and do better.
No this is your own mis-characterisation that is completely's almost as bad as your "for all those blaming western governments" old man shaking his first at the sky while rambling incoherently

“Ukraine is the corrupt playground the west”, interesting how you like pointing the finger at the “west” ?
You would
“Ukraine is the corrupt playground the west”, interesting how you blame the “west” ?

Your use of the word "blame" sounds overly emotional as much as it is irrelevant and complete nonsense - you are the only one using the word in this thread.

Given you are the only one using the word it appears you are only arguing with yourself.

Ok, how about this - your words “Ukraine is the corrupt playground the west”. And my new response for you - interesting how you like pointing the finger at the “west” ?
“Ukraine is the corrupt playground the west”, interesting how you like pointing the finger at the “west” ?

You don't get more corrupt then Russia, Putin owns 90% of the country. It also happens that the corrupt Ukrainian government has been a Russian puppet government seeded there by Putin and given the green light. This is exactly why the people had enough and came out to the streets to throw out Viktor Yanukovych who was later found to have a stash in his mansions like Escobar.
"The Russian advance is slow and costly. With nato-calibre weapons, fresh tactics and enough financial aid, Ukraine has every chance of forcing back Russia’s armies. Even if lost territory will be hard to retake, Ukraine can demonstrate the futility of Vladimir Putin’s campaign and emerge as a democratic, Westward-looking state. But to do so it needs enduring support. And that is still in doubt."

So, this is still unfolding, as I expected.

A Russian strategic feint to the North while they come in from the South and East.

I think their objective is to gain all territory East of the Dnipro River, with a stretch goal of making Ukraine landlocked, which will be very difficult.

Ultimately, I think there will be a ceasefire, and peace talks, and Russia will succeed in gaining territory where there are Russian speakers. But, Ukraine will have a piece if the Black Sea.

A better outcome, IMO, is Russia collapses. This will require a massive sacrifice from the West and China staying out of the fight.
Unfortunately USA might collapse before Russia does with uncontrolled hyperinflation and likely big recession/stagflation coming, as well as loss of USD dominance.

Russia will always be backed by China which is now the rising superpower, their ruble has recovered very sharply after the gold peg and now at 5 years highs. Russia has also switched to Chinese payment systems since sanctions started.

China has Unionpay to rival visa and CIPS to rival swift. Plus digital yuan vs paper USD, which is being used more and more within the BRICs nations and will likely gain a lot of global trade acceptance in the near future and could likely replace the petro-dollar system. Recent NATO labelling china as a security threat will just push China into helping Russia.

IMO the endgame for Russia is to make sure Aegis Ashore nuclear capable system does not have a chance to get built in Ukraine. And if possible, get NATO to remove the soon to be completed second site in Poland. The first site in Romania completed in 2015, I am sure the Russians not liking that one either. These so called defence sites are tomahawk missile launch capable and can be loaded with nuclear warheads if needed. These can reach major Russian cities.

It is a very similar situation to the 1960s cuban missile crisis where Russia built nuke launch sites in Cuba in response to secret nuke launch sites built by Americans in Turkey which were aimed at russia. Only this time NATO is at Russia's doorstep. I believe the next POTUS will have to sit down with Putin to hash out something in order to end the war in Ukraine, either that or Russia wil just slowly take down city by city. I am not sure why Russia is not just turning off the water supply and winning outright. Perhaps they just want to drag the war on and cause hyperinflation and cause EURO and USA economies to crash.
The war and suffering for everyone will stop instantly if NATO simply say Ukraine will never be a part of NATO either directly or via the current proxy membership.
The war and suffering for everyone will stop instantly if NATO simply say Ukraine will never be a part of NATO either directly or via the current proxy membership.
Would not have started, but honestly, would not blame Russia for not trusting that:
the Minsk resolutions were broken in no time.
They're better off getting a buffer.And why stopping now that they are on a stronger position.
I doubt it will end so easily now, and do not forget the tactical nuke wild card.
And you can trust no one,US & EU included

#Yesterday Russia annonced the fall of Lyssytchansk,
#within half an hour at 18:32 Paris time the khaki actor president was denying it during a talk with our own joker Albanese.
WTH! Do we really need to get involved with loser sides all the time?
#At 19:02...30 min later ,the Ukrainian army admitted "withdrawal"..probably meaning captured/killed if recent history is a guide

I understand Propaganda is integral part of war but a bit of truth could increase credibility of various sides...
For references:
Time line from

Our gov would never lie about our progress. Look at all the vast stockpiles of WMD's we found in Iraq and how successfully we won the war in Afghanistan.
The war and suffering for everyone will stop instantly if NATO simply say Ukraine will never be a part of NATO either directly or via the current proxy membership.

The war & suffering will stop instantly if Putin and Russia stop their illegal incursion/invasion and war crimes.

Apologists for the invasion have focused on the West’s ‘provocation’ of Russia, particularly through its expansion of NATO to include Eastern European states such as Croatia, Estonia and Poland.​
But focusing on the reasons why Russia feels threatened by the West confuses causation with justification. In addition, by referring only to the reasons why Russia supposedly feels threatened, and failing to address the legal position at all, the South African government, the governing African National Congress – and other apologists – undermine the most cardinal rule of our international legal order.​
Russia has not suffered an armed attack from Ukraine, or, indeed, any state. Neither NATO’s presence in Ukraine nor any of the other justifications offered by Russia and its apologists reach the threshold of an armed attack. This includes a range of allegations. These cover the alleged mistreatment by Ukraine of Russian speakers in that state, alleged links between the West and the far-right in Ukraine, and the alleged presence of sophisticated weapons in the state.​
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is, therefore, illegal.​

My tax dollars should be spent on Australians not Ukrainians. Has Albanese sorted out all the bush fire and flood victims? A few hundred million would go a long way to engineering controls in NSW and QLD. Would buy a few firetrucks too. But hey, just keep printing money like the liberals.

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