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Ukraine War

Yes, my polish mate said that both Germany & Russia have screwed them over, He also told me that many people were angry at Germany for going ahead with the gas pipeline, they understood what problems could occur. The Polish government built a LNG port instead of a pipeline, so that they were not reliant on Russia.
Russia has committed war crimes and must pay.

The Westphalian system is at risk if this is allowed to go on.

MAD means there must be a measured response, but there must be something greater. Europe, and especially Germany, has allowed this to occur due to their hangover from WW2, and race to renewables, but it's time they stand back up on the right side of history.

In the Aus:


This is a bit of a escalation form outside the box. Quiet a escalation tho, things are sliding more just as I thought they might stabilise a bit
Russia has committed war crimes and must pay.
The Westphalian system is at risk if this is allowed to go on.
War crimes have nothing to do with the Westphalian system, and wrt Ukraine, 2014 saw Russia take control of Crimea, so it's just a principle that's often broken and leads to border clashes and wars. In the context of your comment, "it's been allowed to go on for 8 years!"
MAD means there must be a measured response...
No it doesn't. Attacking nations determine what weapons they will use, and an equal response is reasonable. Who gets involved in defending against an attack is somewhat immaterial. NATO broke their own charter in not defending European democracies when they opted out of assisting Ukraine militarily.
... but there must be something greater.
Nope! Once MAD is invoked it's pretty much game over.
Europe, and especially Germany, has allowed this to occur due to their hangover from WW2, and race to renewables, but it's time they stand back up on the right side of history.
I joined the dots and ended up in New Zealand, or was it Swaziland.
The contention that Trump won the 2020 Presidential election is more credible than you ideas.
From this month or so old Time article:
So thinking about war crimes and I'm wondering how the Law of War or rules of war (also known as international humanitarian law or the law of armed conflict) even applies as Russia/Putin has named this as a so called "special military operation", how does "jus ad bellium" and "jus in bello" even apply?

By not declaring war, is this how Putin circumnavigates around the Geneva Convention and war crimes et al scenario?
As a UN security council member, does Russia's and hence Putin's power of veto make any legitimate war crime claim against Russia, just a lame duck?
... how does "jus ad bellium" and "jus in bello" even apply?
They are different things and IHL applies to jus in belllo (ie., what occurs during armed conflict), rather than how parties want to describe the nature of the conflict itself ie., jus ad bellium.
I can't see how Putin is protected in any way from international action against him. However, who exactly would enter Russia to put him on trial?
They are different things and IHL applies to jus in belllo (ie., what occurs during armed conflict), rather than how parties want to describe the nature of the conflict itself ie., jus ad bellium.
Yes but I’m trying to understand, how was jus ad bellium determined between Putin and Ukraine?

If there’s no declaration of war, jus ad bellium, how can jus in bello be applied?

I assume that jus in bello, IHL, applies in any armed conflict regardless.
I can't see how Putin is protected in any way from international action against him.
However, who exactly would enter Russia to put him on trial?

That’s easy, Seal Team Six
Yes but I’m trying to understand, how was jus ad bellium determined between Putin and Ukraine?
Jus ad bellum refers to the conditions under which a nation may resort to war, or to force in general, so it can be applied to any conflict without a war necessarily being declared. The term seems to have been invented to suggest there are such things as "just" or righteous wars or conflicts, which I am sure every belligerent would claim to be the case. Putin, for example, claims to be ridding Ukraine of Nazis, which is superficially justifiable ... except there are most likely many more Nazis in Russia itself!

America declared a War on Terror, yet invaded a whole nation rather than confined its attack on terrorist elements. The Iraq War had an equally appealing rationale, but lacked credibility.
Thanks, that confirms my thinking in that any excuse will do for a "just cause".
More dirt on the Biden Administration; Just want to display my discuss with Biden and the way his led NATO and the EU not to confront the Russian forces, but to dance around the invasion and leave Ukraine out to dry without a no fly zone...i don't think he's a competent person, leading Australia into dismay around it's policy to China...A filthily individual that passed his overdue date and should be espied.

The Biden Crime family on the wrong side of the fence. A corrupt Biden, that thinks and says he knows the enemy, but really he's just apart of it... Say's he knows Putin, but really there kissing cousins...


I believe that Biden has made quite a few verbal blunders that cause issues, but what would happen if NATO countries did start shooting down Russian planes, and then Russia took that as a declaration of war and launched their nuclear missiles into those countries?
I must admit that puts me in my place. But I have a hard time reasoning or recognizing to that fact. It's past tenth's and I should let by gone's be by gone's. And roll with the punches. As long as Ukraine get the better of Putin and win the war for their Independence and liberty as a sovereignty free nation. despite the repercussions, I fell Ukraine have been ripped off. The infrastructure damage is a bit much...I thinks the nuke's are just politics...

What the west can do is to supply weapons and aircraft to Ukraine, and not to back off on the economic sanctions, thinking that Putin is giving up.


Russians think the invasion is a good idea. Free land one woman says, unbelievable.

and another festering issue. Moldova .... and Transnistria.
  • 2.7 million pop
  • Dependent on Russian gas
  • the government was fully aware of the "vulnerabilities that Moldova is in", including the energy sector..
  • applied to join EU
  • Some 1500 Russian troops in the latter breakaway sector could cause problems

.... "The more elderly part of society thinks we should preserve ties with Russia," she said. "But the younger generation thinks differently and supports moves towards the West."
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