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Ukraine War

A view from a former military contractor.

From a reference in a previous vid of his which indicated the increasing shortage of precision guided munitions is a possible reason for the use of dumb bombs by the Russian military. Apparently those PGMs had a high failure rate of up to 60%. I guess that indicates the quality control is lacking along with poor manufacturing processes. Oddly enough they require imported items such as microchips and parts. Bit difficult to make more if a number of countries won't trade with you.
One thing that seriously bugs me about this conflict, (after doing my fair share DYOR) is the amount of neglect that NATO and the US (west) have given to Ukraine, considering their on their bare arse against the Russians. Not been given a no fly zone or troops, exculpating the moral support as limited to none. I'm very disgusted and NOT impressed.
There's sum sort of bitch about chemical weapons and nukes. Well personally don't take it to heart, but they don't have to exsist, they wouldn't want to know about it. Your got two fora-rds (USSR/USA) Country's, making claims to Nukes and chemical Weapons. When their just playing with them self's, what sort of C***ckhead, put there defence force on the back of Nukes. Its bloody insane and hypercritical. You might as well suck eggs...

God bless, Poland for their defiance against the EU/NATO in support for Ukraine, against the Russians and wanting to fight on for Ukraine and take Russia to war. Not scared of any feathered nuke.

Have a listen to this dribble from Biden, yesterday, in Poland. Supports, my theory that the west has no idea. To much of the UK monarchy going on and the rest! ( coward )...

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Hate to burst your buble but he could of given Ukraine cridit. The bloke doesn't have any idea about how to look after democracy or speek foR the west he's, a bewailed little kid. Running from the fight, speaking no immaterial matter at hand, with his psycho dribble about everthing else.
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Hate to burst your buble
Michael ?
but he could of given Ukraine cridit.
я не понимаю
The bloke doesn't have any idea about how to look after democracy or speek foR the west he's, a bewailed little kid.
я не понимаюя
Running from the fight, speaking no immaterial matter at hand, with his psycho dribble about everthing else.
я не понимаю
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Ukraine now offering neutrality and willing to cede Donbass!!! Sounds like a disaster for Ukraine - neutrality should have been the original position but now they're about to lose land too and there's no telling if that's going to be enough for Russia.


Zelenskiy said no peace deal would be possible without a ceasefire and troop withdrawals.

He ruled out trying to recapture all Russian-held territory by force, saying it would lead to a third world war, and said he wanted to reach a “compromise” over the eastern Donbas region, held by Russian-backed forces since 2014.
Yes a disaster.

Zelensky has whipped up Ukrainian nationalism only to now, 1 month later, willingly offer to cede territory to an invading force.

I doubt any Ukrainian patriot would swallow such a deal. If it were successful, I wouldnt be surprised if Zelensky is booted out for ceding Ukrainian land after all of his populist rhetoric - which would only benefit the Russians!
I guess he is running out of options, if the two alternatives are cede a section of the country that is under constant dispute, or lose the whole country.
I'm sure they would continue to put up a hell of a fight, but the outcome wouldn't change, eventually Russia would win just with weight of numbers and resources.
So how many lives does the guy sacrifice in the name of pride and honor, sad but reality unfortunately IMO.
The World isn't going to step in and Putin isn't going to step over the line obviously, so it would just be a death by a thousand cuts.

Just my thoughts, the whole incident is sad and just a reminder that human nature doesn't change. We can gloss it over and we can pretend that we can all live together in perfect harmony, but the fact is we are all different and not everyone is nice.

That’s what happens when you invade a proud & strong nation, you (Russia) get your arse kicked & a bloody nose.

No winners here, Putin has seriously miscalculated and weakened his nation.

Seeing now news of the rapes coming out, I shudder to think there's possibly some sinister insinuation inherent in the ridiculous term "denazification" that the Russian leadership doesn't mind so much if soldiers rape Ukrainian women. Ie, what the Red Army was famous for doing to German civilian women in 1945.
This video link must not be shown to children

Some things are best unseen so if you don't want to see the real life horrors that go on in wars then do not watch
There is every chance YouTube will bury this video, and I have no problem if @Joe Blow decides to expunge it from this site.
Currently there is dispute over whether it really is Ukrainian soldiers, or Russians with a diabolical propaganda message (eg. shooting their own deserters but they are pretending to be Ukrainian soldiers).
I felt sick after watching it.
Couldn't watch the above video but have seen the "pow shooting" one.

The Russians were trying to pin it on Konstantin Nemichev and Sergei "Chili" Velichko. Nemichev has already said he wasn't in the area.

Hard to tell if it's propaganda. Kneecapping is the most painful wound you can get. Knee is basically a big bundle of nerves. I'd expect more screaming.
Not speaking their lingo makes it hard to dissimate who's who, although it'd probably be hard even if I did. No doubt the truth will emerge at some point. Either way, still doesn't detract from the atrocities of war.
Not speaking their lingo makes it hard to dissimate who's who, although it'd probably be hard even if I did. No doubt the truth will emerge at some point. Either way, still doesn't detract from the atrocities of war.
If filmed in eastern provinces of Ukraine then most are fluent in Russian, so that definitely makes it impossible to tell.
Aside from feeling sick afterwards I wondered which army would be stupid enough to upload war crimes in action!
If filmed in eastern provinces of Ukraine then most are fluent in Russian, so that definitely makes it impossible to tell.
Aside from feeling sick afterwards I wondered which army would be stupid enough to upload war crimes in action!
My one guess would be, the aggressor!
General Patton was right. We had the army in place in Europe after we defeated Germany. Patton wanted to keep going all the way to Moscow. He said we’re gonna have to fight them sooner or later let’s get it over with now..

It's pretty disheartening to listen to this press conference with NATO security general. Sure they say the supports going in to Ukraine, toughing up the NATO borders to the east of Ukraine and so on...Poland offering a peace keeping force, but even that was rejected.
There's a lot of hype about chemical weapons and nukes, scaring the free world of a stance or deterrent against Russia.

Bad diplomacy between the US/RUSSIA (cold war). Which sux, I want to see the US/NATO stand up to Putin and put to he's knees, begging forgiveness. And put a end to his rule...I don't like the diligence that Biden brings to the table...God Bless and go in to Ukrainian territory and fight for their freedom...


Alot of people who lived through ww2 in Eastern Europe have said that when the Russians came to "free" them they were much worse then Germans. Nothing has changed
Here's video demonstrating, my disgust with Biden and his Influence over NATO. To scared to defend Ukraine from abomination, because it looks like that is were its heading because US/NATO wont step in with forces and help literally...His own country men dissing him like I do, on American fox news...Talking about the cowards dribble he speaks in Europe over the week end...

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