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Ukraine War

18 November 2021
Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well and staying health.

I kindly wondered please if anyone had any thoughts on how much the US stocks could fall if Russia does invade Ukraine, i know some of this is speculation. Does anyone have any stocks or alternative investments such as REITs that they use to protect themselves against market turbulences please apart from holding amounts in cash? I am restructuring my portfolio and please wanted any guidance on this.

Thank you very much for any advice you can give. Thank you for your kindness and have a wonderful day. All the best.
personal thoughts only but NOT advice

i don't think a Russian incursion will be that disruptive ( but SOME will blame Russia for anything and everything )

i think big chunks of the West is already a basket case , pulling the 'look over there ' trick

IF March 2020 wasn't a real crash , then i have no experience in a real crash , BUT the global economy has massive disconnects everywhere .

i have been carefully accumulating REITs as bond proxies ( over the last 5 years ) , but given the huge amount of easy credit sloshing around that is far from ideal

good luck trying to work out what a 'safe-haven ' is this time around

probably try looking for well-run companies ( but they are liable to be take-over targets , especially cashed up ones )

even without the war concerns the global economy is a mess

a worst case scenario would be a global credit drought ( where nobody will lend money , at any rate )

use March 2020 as a source of hints ( but not facts )

good luck

now a possible Black Swan would be if China raises the Bamboo Curtain again ( slashing international trade )
Putin has bluffed the west and now is going to conquer Ukraine and set it up as a client state unless he is stopped.

Europe has been weak, Ukraine asked to join NATO a couple of years ago and were refused to appease Russia.
What should happen now?

The west are trying to fight bullets with dollars.
In my opinion they need to physically act to defend Ukraine.
Germany instead of providing 5000 helmets should send in the air force. The UK should send their fleet over to the borders of Russia in the north.

The USA and Poland should send in some troops for "peace keeping purposes" which are stationed nearby. France, Italy etc should send in forces to other neighbouring countries for protection.

Send in the fleets to attack Crimea.

Let the Russian troops know that its going to be hard and they can't get away with this.
IMO if the west should do that, skip that step and just go straight for the red button, because that's where it will end up.
Or... it's probably already too late for action without mass casualties. The most that will happen is sanctions. Possibly some arms support.
They are not a part of NATO. So expect little to no action on the military front.

Putins speech was basically: Ukraine is part of Russia and it joining NATO is a threat to Russia.
Terrible for the civilians involved.
Right wing dictator invades... silence.

Where is the out rage?

Not a bad effort by Stan Grant on the Wests response

This stood out "Liberalism elevates the individual to the point of alienation"

With respect and sympathy to the people of Ukraine, at least we now see what Putin is, an international terrorist with designs not just on Ukraine but the rest of Europe too.

Maybe this will shake the Europeans out of their complacency and make them realise that Russia under Putin is a real threat to them and they need to boost their defence spending.

I hope the sanctions last and are strengthened , and the Russian economy declines to the point that Russians realise that they are a Third World country, and they won't advance while Putin or other like minded people rule Russia.
When did he become a Trump supporter?
ever wondered why the west hate putin so much?
The West is heading for a new cold war with Russia. Like the last cold war, it can only be won by bankrupting Russia. If the Russian economy is in tatters, the Russian people will deal with Putin. If they don't then they will own their ruined future.

The West needs to isolate Russia economically. It is 2022, any country can be brought to its knees by being shut off from the rest of the world. Europe needs to start finding gas and oil from elsewhere. Bullets were never going to win this war.

Biden's response is pathetic. He is a very weak leader.
no the russian economy is very secular and can near self sufficient. stop listning to the rabble western media for starters. yes including the crap from the ABC and SBS. simple fact that the ABC this morning stated that nazis are ukriane is basically is where its at with credibility

they fail to mention that the ukriane is a dictatorship as well worse than Russia and is far more corrupt than Russia , given if you remember that biden, the deep state and co were in the news about some very corrupt business happening

The Russian economy can be self sufficient? Huh. The only reason the Russians have an economy is because they export oil, gas and other commodities. Take that revenue away and their economy will crumble. What else does Russia produce that the rest of the world need or want?

Russia has been ransacked by the criminal oligarchs and Putin and his cronies since 1991. It is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth.
Knobby the West would send in troops, it is just they can't get consensus on what colour to wear, the vivid spring collection or the more sombre autumn numbers, then they have to consider what footwear matches. Also apparently there is a problem with the seating arrangements in the transport vehicles, the troops find them cramped and smelly.
When these issues are resolved, there will be a secret ballot of the soldiers, to see if they really are sure they want to travel.
This will be done in the name of inclusiveness.
Putin has been told, unless he withdraws immediately, the West will call a day of "breath holding" where everyone will hold their breaths until they collapse. If that doesn't scare him, nothing will. ?
He always was, Trump helped divide the US create chaos within the US, did Putin a massive favour.
I think the media did that, it isn't all about Trump, the Wests social structures have systematically been dismantled over the past 20 years.
The whole of the West is a basket case, no one knows what they are, or what to identify with.

This is a demographic, economic and cultural fault line that runs through the liberal pluralist West and it is increasingly political. It is a battle over what the West is, and who is prepared to defend it.

It cuts across religious freedom, LGTBQI rights, race, gender and class. It divides the rural from the urban.

And Vladimir Putin sees it as a weakness. He has castigated the West for its culture wars and its corrosive identity politics

Who makes money by exploiting this cultural fault line? The media IMO.
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It's a pity the West didn't consider all those above factors prior to invading all those other countries ?

The reason the West is doing nothing is because they don't have the guts or hardware to win wars anymore.

When you have volcano ash shutting down a Navy ship or a plane "threatened" by some Chinese light you know you've got.... issues
they are largly self sufficient not needing imports but export things like oil, gas etc lol
necessities what we need thx to the rubbish unted nations from banning Australia from drilling and refining our own

secondly we are being told nazis are running Ukrain by the rabble western media! LMAO

maybe learn why the rubbish western media and banking cartel hate Russia and Putin, whilst putin is no saint, Russia went through all this liberalism already what the west is going through
learn about the bolchviks and communism, its history how it plays effect on and and todays society


How can you expect that you, or anything you say, can be taken seriously by anyone after posting links to tinfoil hat conspiracy websites?
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