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U.S. Presidential Election 2012

awesome post! absolutely love it.... looks like a study of lao tzu is in order for me next up on the research list!
I'm entirely sympathetic to your comments above. Sadly, no such leader is even on the horizon in Australia.


On the contrary, your comments are really interesting. Thank you.
This difference has been the undoing of many western companies.
On channel 10's "Project", they read a tweat from a disenchanted American girl, who reacted to Obama's re-election by saying she wanted to move to Australia, because "the Australian President was a Christian, and when he promised something, he'd really do it."

Yeah - we really need young Einsteins like that to lift our National IQ.

I heard this being discussed on the radio and a caller rang in and said maybe the tweeter had thought Tony Abbott was PM as the comments fit him pretty well (well he's male and Christian at least ). Bit of a sad indictment of Gillard though if people in the US think Tony Abbott is the PM.
Bit of a sad indictment of Gillard though if people in the US think Toney Abbott is the PM.

Why wouldn't they think that when he is blamed for everything that goes wrong, which is more or less everything. They just assume he is the one in charge.

I'd be impressed if an American could name any Australian politician, living, dead, current, former. I lived there. I was complimented more than once on how well I spoke English, when I said I was from Australia. I was asked regularly what side of the country Sydney is on, which incidentally is also the capital of Australia. And on trips outside New York I would often get blank stares when I spoke because people couldn't understand my accent.
I think there was a bit of a thing going around on Twitter too amongst Republicans along the lines of, "If Obama wins the election I'm migrating to Australia", (similar to what all the Howard haters were saying before he won his last term). However, it seems the emigrating Republicans don't realise it's more Obamified here than in America with Gillard at the helm (which adds weight to the theory that they think Abbott is the PM ).

I know what you mean. When Gillard went to America last year I asked an American I know on another forum how the visit was going down over there and she told me she didn't even know Gillard was in the country (and this person is very into politics).

I think there's a tendency in Australia to think we're more important than we are, and I've noticed it getting worse over the last few years. We're an inconsequential middle power, at the end of the Earth. They probably have half a dozen PM's of similar sized countries come through every month.
Americans have been like that for years, and its abit of a joke thats run when you talk to one. Ask them anything outside of America and they wouldnt have a clue.

Same thing happened to me. Its funny how the accent throws them.
I ended up just making stuff up about Australia they were that clueless.
Americans have been like that for years, and its abit of a joke thats run when you talk to one. Ask them anything outside of America and they wouldnt have a clue.

Poms aren't much better either. Watching the UK "Eggheads" quiz program on ABC the other day, one of Britain's "top quiz brains" wrongly picked Kevin Rudd as being the leader of the National party.

Good one, Kevy baby!

Not a one off either. These expert quiz panellists often get very simple Oz Q's wrong.

Then again, I don't know how well our top quiz brains would answer simple Q's about China?
Lol, where's George Bush II then, with a giant crane with a steel ball on the end knocking down the wall?

I think so too. We're not at all important, nor should we strive to be. Through history, the powerful countries have always been wary of each other, creating tension and mistrust. How much money and resources were wasted on the Cold War? America became top dog, and assumed every other country was inferior. Now it's in decline and the reaction to this loss will cause misery. China's turn - they will become top dog (if they're not already). Their leaders have lusted after power and wealth like no other country before it. They assume it will last. They assume, like America, that being top dog, they will be able to look down on every other nation. Is it worth it?
Very funny

What we have here is a textbook case of the five stages of grief, reports Will Oremus from New York.

Fox News struggles with election result

After projecting a win for Obama in Ohio and therefore the presidency, Fox News struggled to accept the facts.

IN FOX News' election coverage, there was little pretence of fairness or balance. What there was, from the start, was a glum tone that turned downright funereal by the time Mitt Romney conceded, near 1am on Wednesday.

To watch the network's anchors and guests work through the dawning realisation that their candidate was doomed was to witness a textbook case of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' five stages of grief.

DENIAL With the early returns breaking badly for Romney, Karl Rove points to an exit poll suggesting that Democratic turnout was low in Ohio's Cuyahoga County. Everyone basks in the critical importance of Cuyahoga County. Anchor Megyn Kelly asks: ''Is this just maths you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better?'' Rove assures her it's real.

The glum club ... Fox presenters get news of Barack Obama's win.

Mike Huckabee is counting on rural voters to turn things around: ''I still think Mitt Romney wins when it is all over.''

ANGER Just before the result is called, Sarah Palin says an Obama victory would be a ''catastrophic setback to our economy'' and lashes out at the public: ''I just cannot believe, though, that the majority of Americans would believe that incurring more debt is good for our economy … I cannot believe the majority of Americans would believe it's OK not to follow the constitution and not have a budget.''

As midnight nears and reality sinks in, Megyn Kelly takes out her frustration on liberal colleague Susan Estrich: ''You, having managed the Michael Dukakis campaign, are familiar with the losing feeling.''

BARGAINING With all of the networks calling the race for Obama, including Fox News, Karl Rove pleads for his fellow hosts to uncall Ohio, promising forthcoming returns in the state will be favourable to Romney.

Kelly, followed by the cameras, heads back through the bowels of the building to grill Fox News' decision desk and see if the network's analysts will change their minds. They won't.

DEPRESSION Ed Henry, reporting stone-faced from Obama headquarters as it erupts in jubilation: ''The crowd is near pandemonium now, despite the fact that employment is hovering near 8 per cent.''

Right-wing columnist Charles Krauthammer: ''As a psychiatrist, I will offer to write prescriptions for anyone who needs them.''

ACCEPTANCE Still waiting on this one.

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Interesting to see how making up facts to suit your own interest can blow up in your face.

One of the many dishonest aspects of the Republican campaign for the Presidency was denying the accuracy of the pre election polling which showed Obama ahead.

Their answer was simple.

Just create new polls which recast the information so it looked as if Romney was at least neck and neck if not ahead. It was called the Unskewed polling site.

The guy who ran it, Dean Chambers, acknowledged the error of his ways.

Read more:

Now... Who could possibly have been responsible for creating such a distorted view of reality just to convince millions of people they were in the right ?

Who has the worldwide skills of creative massive deception masked as authoritative research based on hard facts ?

Only one answer here folks.

This is clearly the work of the AGW catastrophists led by the IPCC. After recognizing all their efforts in creating seemingly incontrovertible evidence supporting the presence of global warming, the GOP has used them as freelance undercover advisors for the Romney campaign polling centres.

This is just another reason to rip them out root and branch.

Go sic them Wayne !!
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