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U.S. Presidential Election 2012

Just listened to Obama's victory speech - it's almost enough to make me wish I was American One of the greatest orators of all time - I sure wish an Aussie politician could be half as inspirational.

I guess he speaks fairly well, but in the charisma stakes, he doesn't come close to Clinton or the Kennedys.

I'm not a fan of modern day politicians, no matter what side of the house they sit. I resent voting here in Aus, because there's no one who deserves the position, imo. Maybe I'd give Turnbull a vote if he stepped up... not sure.
Lol, must be a rebloodlican! The US is going down the gurgles regardless of the political party at the helm.


Yeah, but they can go out with a bang, or a whimper. The plebs have chosen the whimper.
Yeah, but they can go out with a bang, or a whimper. The plebs have chosen the whimper.

Either way its going to be interesting to see what happens if the removal of the tax breaks and the spending cuts actually manage to bite.

With a staggering debt to GDP ratio already, how can anyone dispute the fact that the US in the toilet (gurgler)? Perhaps the economy is not "officially" showing it, but they can't print their way out of debt forever.

Just listened to Obama's victory speech - it's almost enough to make me wish I was American One of the greatest orators of all time - I sure wish an Aussie politician could be half as inspirational.

Are you kidding? I thought it was the biggest load of codswallop I'd heard in a long time! The guy is all platitudes and no substance. Much preferred Romney's gracious concession speech.
Nevertheless, on balance, America made the right decision in 2008, even if the silly bastid could never live up to the BS spouted back then.

This time, America screwed up massively, an unmitigated disaster. Not that Mitt is the messiah, but at this point, Owebama is the Antichrist (metaphorically speaking).

In 100 years, historians will point to thsi election as the tipping point.

There WAS hope for the America and the west in general, but the chance to preserve western economic hegemony has just disappeared.

Why do you say that Wayne, because the dangerous lack of bi-partisanship?

I think the Reps will have to come to the party, you think they'll let the US sink into the oblivion and risk polarising more voters? They can still lose votes, they don't need a federal election for that.


You sound like Gillard. Blame the opposition for the failure of your bad governance. The public won't buy it.

Because the ascent of the welfare state guarantees the descent of economic relevancy, in the long run... philosophical considerations aside.

While there are countries such as China willing practice classical liberal economics (no matter how disguised), or versions thereof, welfare states will suffer economically, unless they can somehow preserve a manufacturing base.


So Canada too then?

SAd but true

Please forgive my socio political ignorance...

But that's just western politics, isn't it? There really are no libertarian parties, fiscal conservatives...they're all the same all over the world....France, England, America, Germany...everyone is just trying to please the voters in democratic states....

I mean i just don't get it, this search for the perfect political system is just pointless. It just doesn't exist.

After all, we're just meat suits running around on an overpopulated planet until we die and revert back to whatever particle of matter we were before or are destined to be next....!

Hence succinctly encapsulating my disappointment in the plebeians, they vote through their own hip pocket rather than pro bono publico.

The socialists may think they embrace this, but in practice it is misguided and short term.

I'm reminded of Sir Winston No there is no perfect system... because people are involved.

On the human point, this week I have have one client diagnosed with ovarian cancer, one client whose nephew topped himself... and a friend just finishing off chemo for a massive stomach cancer.. unlikely to be successful.

My best advice is.... Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

And tomorrow gets closer with every day that passes.

What that has to do with Owebama, I haven't a clue LOL.

I just get ****ing cranky when the government pokes its nose into my life. I just want to enjoy (and be responsible for) my family, my friends and the crazy menagerie my missus has amassed.

Owebama (and our own facsimiles thereof) is part of the general malaise that seeks to regulate every part of that, heaping stress on existence.

**** 'im and the donkey he rode in on IMO.

Hence succinctly encapsulating my disappointment in the plebeians, they vote through their own hip pocket rather than pro bono publico.

No the Republicans went the hip pocket yet blew it by listening to the far right trying to tell everyone what to do..
From Mish:-

much of the country is sick of war, sick of military spending, sick of idiots who proclaim rape to be God's work. It is actually conceivable that enough moderates in swing states made last minute decisions based on women's right issues rather than hurricane Sandy.

Yes good point.

The 'Pubs are as full of knuckleheads, as the Dems are full of misanthropists.

Misanthropists are easier to hide however... lesser of two evils.
Just listened to Obama's victory speech - it's almost enough to make me wish I was American One of the greatest orators of all time - I sure wish an Aussie politician could be half as inspirational.
+1. Our politicians have no enthusiasm, they would be about the most boring of all nations surely.

I guess he speaks fairly well, but in the charisma stakes, he doesn't come close to Clinton or the Kennedys.

Are you kidding? I thought it was the biggest load of codswallop I'd heard in a long time! The guy is all platitudes and no substance. Much preferred Romney's gracious concession speech.
I'm with Miss Hale. Obama is all fancy oratory and no substance. Kennedy at least came across as genuine.
I didn't care for Romney but admired the simplicity and grace of his concession speech. Had he shown that sort of sincerity during his campaign, he may have done better.

Young-gun, you want enthusiasm? Do you also want the hysterical acolytes of the American leaders where they have a rally and the leader utters six words and then is drowned out by maniacal cheering from the audience before he has said anything of substance, if indeed he was ever going to? Can you ever imagine hundreds of thousands of Australians worshipping any politician as the Americans do?
I can't and thank heaven for that.

Well described. Romney succeeded in alienating half the voting population, i.e. women, with the suggestions of making contraception more difficult to obtain and abortion illegal, and one of his candidates saying a child conceived as a result of rape was "a gift from God". What planet are these people living on??

I didn't follow it all minutely, but couldn't help thinking of Romney as a bit like Nixon in personality, very inconsistent in what he said, willing to change his thinking according to the reaction in the polls.
Early on he was quite bellicose when it came to Iran, but pretty smartly realised the electorate had had more than enough of war, so changed his tune.
Obama has at least been fairly consistent.

You are spot on, that is why all they want to do is hit the pension "jackpot" it's better than lotto. At least this government has brought it to the fore.
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