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U.S. Presidential Election 2012

The Empire State building is blue!
Repeat ...
The Empire State building is blue!

Thanks for all the updates folks...

I'm very grateful for that indeed!

Four more years of gridlock
Yay for USA

Yeah, this could be interesting. The GOP risks losing voters if they continue to stand in the way don't they?

Supporters celebrate the re-election of a black president.

View attachment 49593

As distinct from a white president ?

Yeah!!! Now we can all blame a black president (who's a Muslim, has rigged the vote and isn't a true American anyway) for anything and everything that goes wrong in the next 4 years.

Suck it in boy...
Just listened to Obama's victory speech - it's almost enough to make me wish I was American One of the greatest orators of all time - I sure wish an Aussie politician could be half as inspirational.
Just listened to Obama's victory speech - it's almost enough to make me wish I was American One of the greatest orators of all time - I sure wish an Aussie politician could be half as inspirational.

Yes. It's a pity his ability doesn't match his oratory.
Just listened to Obama's victory speech - it's almost enough to make me wish I was American One of the greatest orators of all time - I sure wish an Aussie politician could be half as inspirational.

+1. Our politicians have no enthusiasm, they would be about the most boring of all nations surely.

I spoke to a retired owner of a couple of american insurance companies while on holidays recently( I have no idea which ones or how big) but he had money. His opinion was if Obama is re-elected, the US is going down the gurgler

Lol, must be a rebloodlican! The US is going down the gurgles regardless of the political party at the helm.

When you guys say the US is going down the gurgler, what does that mean exactly?

Just curious as to the opinions of where the "gurgler" is....

Maybe they need The Great Orator to get them through the Gurgler, seeing as there is clearly no hope for the US economy with either side in charge, says the internetz
Yes. It's a pity his ability doesn't match his oratory.

That's a consequence of the American election system:
The best orator, the candidate with the best speech writers, is always going to attract the greatest number of popular votes. As long as he shirks the real issues, doesn't offend any lobbyists (Bankers, Shooters, ...) and promises the rosiest future most convincingly, he'll be elected.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, the gulf between Americans with money and Americans with debt deepens...
I spoke to a retired owner of a couple of american insurance companies while on holidays recently( I have no idea which ones or how big) but he had money. His opinion was if Obama is re-elected, the US is going down the gurgler

His theory being the last Republican in office left everything in fantastic shape?
Einstein was simply wrong

not black holes in deep space, gurglers in America are the key to everything.... :1zhelp:

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