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Turnbull for PM

Have to say that Malcolm Turnbulls demand that politicians stand up against shock jocks was a breath of fresh air. Obviously he is practically the only Liberal politician to refuse to be bullied by Alan Jones so he is speaking from truth.

I wonder how it makes the rest of the party feel ?
Apparently Bill Shorten had a real go at Malcolm Turnball in parliament today on his decision to enter politics.
I don't think Shorten of all people is in a position to call anybody else an a narcissistic opportunist.
Say NO to Malcolm Turnbull becoming leader of the Liberal party....He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

01 March 2015
Dear Fellow Australians,
Foreword: I wish to acknowledge and thank Moira Kirkwood of Endeavour Forum for providing much of the information in this e-mail.


Although OzUnited attempts to remain ABOVE politics, sometimes an issue arises that is so urgently serious that break the rule is justified.
Recent indications are that Malcolm Turnbull may try and grab the leadership from Tony Abbott on Tuesday.
I will explain how, in just 5 minutes or even less you can urgently e-mail every Federal Liberal politicians to NOT support Turnbull.
If we ALL do that, it WILL make a big difference to maintaining stability in Canberra.
But first we need to check that you properly understand how seriously bad news Malcolm Turnbull is.
Just yesterday Andrew Bolt of the Herald-Sun quite accurately described Turnbull as a 'snake'.
I'd say a well-oiled snake, so unctuiously urbane he is. His 'smooth-talking' alone fools a LOT of people into not realising what he is.
Malcolm Turnbull has for a long time been sneakily and determinedly undermining Tony Abbott - literally from the moment the Liberals were elected.
Remember, some months ago, he already tried to 'have a go' at the leadership position and have Tony Abbott booted. He was completely rebuffed by a large majority.
But Tony Abbott has made some serious mistakes, no question. And Turnbull wants to strike again - at the very moment when STABILITY is vital!
Turnbull believes he is 'destined' to lead. His ambition to be Prime Minister far outweighs his willingness to put Australia first.
He is a very good 'manipulator' - something that actually is desirable in a Prime Minister. But ONLY in a conservative and very moral P.M.
Being a leftist/socialist, Turnbull's 'charismatic' manipulation skills make him VERY dangerous to our nation's well-being. Probably more so than even Rudd was.
Malcolm Turnbull is as leftist as any Labor politician.
He supported Gillard's carbon tax, he supports homosexual 'marriage,' he immorally (and even treasonously) helped a British ex-secret service agent betray Britian by materially assisting in getting the man's book published - a book giving away Britian's national secrets to enemies of the West.

Most recently, Turnbull has been supportive of Gillian Triggs, the woman who has been trying to wreck the Abbott government's successful 'stopping the boats' program.
You can get details about Turnbull's support for Labor and other nefarious actions HERE.
But in a nutshell, if he is given control of the Liberal Party, then there will be ZERO difference between Labor and Liberal. As you know, there is already far too much that the two parties have in common.
Imagine if they had no differences whatsoever. Australia would be under the control of true socialist dictatorship!
If you don't know that Turnbull is very bad news and you haven't got the time to do your own research, then ... well... you need to simply trust me on this because the matter is urgent and we all need to be loudly heard right now.
To take just 5 minutes and send an e-mail to every Federal Liberal Politician, use the automated bulk-e-mailing facility provided by The Australian Family Association. It sends a 'personalised' e-mail to every politician of your choosing.
The link is below; here is how to use the facility:
When you are on that page, scroll down to Email Members of Parliament and click that box.
Make sure there is a tick in the box for Federal House of Representatives, and click the round radio button for Show parties.
Then tick Liberal Party and make sure all other parties' boxes are NOT ticked.
At this point all the Federal Liberal Party M.P.'s names should appear with ticks in the box by their names. That confirms that they will receive your email. You can add or remove ticks by clicking inside the respective box.
In the subject line of your e-mail write: Please do NOT support Malcolm Turnbull - put Australia first!
If everyone sends the same message, then that will have the most impact.
According to Andrew Bolt, Tuesday is the deadline for Turnbull to try and grab power.
So PLEASE do this right now... (click HERE [ ] to start the process - it's really easy and quick!)
... for Australia's sake.

Fellow Australians, surely no explanation - to intelligent and properly-informed people - is needed as to why it is CRITICAL that our Call for a Royal Commission attracts huge support across the land.

To succeed, we need as many people as possible to know about and support The Call.

Therefore I ask and remind all concerned to .....

...... please make every possible effort in spreading the word.

Noco it would explain a lot if you get your views from these crackpot chain emails.
Noco it would explain a lot if you get your views from these crackpot chain emails.

Banco, it explains a lot to me that you would to see the lefty Turnbull as the new Liberal Party leader....He would be so close to the Green/Labor left wing socialist party.

If the Liberal party doesn’t get its act together one way or another Australia will be back under control of the socialist dictators anyway after the next election.

Whilst I would rather that this whole leadership issue would just go away (which could happen if the media started reporting some real news instead of make-believe news) if there must be a change of leadership and if it goes to Turnbull, then at least Australia would be under the control of a Liberal socialist dictator rather than a Labor socialist dictator. The latter would himself be under the control of the Unions.

PS: Does anyone know the difference between 'socialist dictatorship' and 'true socialist dictatorship'?

Turnbull panicked when he saw the last weeks poll which favored Tony Abbott and the Liberal party...there will be new poll out tomorrow.
I think Malcolm could be PM again.
All he has to do is join the Labor Party, shove Shorten to the back bench (should not be too hard considering how many Labor members dislike him (Shorten)).

Now then, where can Malcolm find a safe Labor seat.........
He was a merchant banker. Sure he was in touch with the Liberal vote and agreed with them on social issues unlike Abbott but he is a capitalist through and through. Not a union member but didn't suck up to Murdoch so got hate press. Forget it.
Sounds like Lucy Turnbull had too much input. Malcy using her to gauge the female vote or something.
Maybe that's just an excuse now, who knows.
Excuse? Being in touch with the electorate? Now we have no policy to reduce energy costs. Slo Mo hasn't even got a reason to hold Parliament as there are no policies being brought forward. They have stopped governing.
Knobby, he will probably get the napkin out this weekend, and work out a policy, that seems to suit Aussies better.
We obviously enjoy shoot from the hip politics.
I just hope this government goes soon.

I don't think the country deserves even another 6 months of this clueless rabble.
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