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TSLA - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ)

This article by Jeremy Clarkson from this morning's Sunday Times or yesterday's The Times says it all about Elon Musk .

Let's hope his cars are not as touchy or unreliable now. Musk is all American now, with a touch of South African, Canada long forgotten.

As the big boys depart, the retail investors pile in.
According to a JP Morgan analyst, even as they downgrade the Tesla Sp expectations, retail buyers are pouring in.
Most times the big boys win.
From Bloombergs

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Tesla was always going to face headwinds as international competition improved their products AND the 'great EV narrative' had reached peak saturation and was starting to lose impact

if all the other stuff influenced buyer's decisions they are being rewarded for their foolishness

the bottom line IS the bottom line

will Tesla end up being the new GM , endlessly propped up by special exemptions , carve-outs and subsidies

the middle-class is under intense pressure and a Telsa is rather cramped to make it your home
actually i am watchful for collateral damage as insurers face increased claims , and ( Tesla ) car loans come under increased pressure

business claims could accelerate ( and will those for retail customers )
Last I read today Musk is asking his Tesla employees not to sell their shares.

Big money, big worries.

Musk might be better just buying those shares from the employees , after all they were mainly issued as productivity incentives , and the share sell should persuade Musk into increased automation in his plants
Perhaps they can't start the robotaxi with this crap going on. Robotaxis in my opinion would be destroyed.
I suspect corporate money in a lot of this backlash
I reckon the car side of Tesla is done, but time will tell.

It's another Lance Armstrong moment and Yanks don't forget.

Politics doesn't care how much money you have, once you get spat out the back that's what it is.
It's the shrinking customer base that's the problem.
It's not just cars there either.

If you're a big utility company looking to spend $ millions on a battery installation, there's a few things you want over and above the product itself. One of them is some confidence the company will still be around to honour warranty on your $200 million purchase. The other is that you're not going to become a political target in any way, something the electricity industry is extremely conscious of.

All the attention on Tesla and its leader isn't doing the company any favours in my view.
Elon's baby is really space x, I'd imagine Trump will find ways to keep topping it up through govt funds at the worst. I think at this stage the cult following with Tesla products is done for, they were targeted at modern day hippies with money and not sure how they'll return to this brand again.

but is he actually generating free advertising for his companies

if bad publicity was as toxic as claimed several major US companies would have folded decades ago

maybe he is saving heaps by not using paid advertisements ( in mostly Leftist-facing media )
Unfortunately the stock is holding so far.
The negative news cycle is also turning onto the protesters and democrats.

You downrampers had one job.
Probably a short play in here somewhere soon on next negative news cycle. You could see the news cycle turning last week and buyers would filter in and push the stock.
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