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Trading the XJO with CFDs

$hsi tri i've been tracking for a while .....can we trust text book plays?
shall look for an entry on first pullback now the tri roof is broken

closed xjo longs today when the opening HOD was retaken, money flows have not reflected any genuine bid pressure, orthodox construct was allowed to move, that is, i ignored the overlapping at the recent swing low and saw it as congestive which bids could capture weak sales so that should hve today in a rocket but it's a wet two day lettuce
short dax, still looking for retrace in hsi to get a long


She's taken off.

Short term looks overdone and I'm not sure if this is a simple short squeeze in the banks or the start of the turn around.

Interesting to see how relatively cheap we are when plotting the XJO in USD. Well away from the Feb highs.

Medium to longer term I'm unsure. New highs is bullish but this A/D Line just wont go with it. Divergence building but may take many months before it cracks


Also interesting to see my twitter feed commenting on the small end of town looking skittish. I follow several intra day traders as well as a handful of medium term punters and the micro caps aren't offering huge opportunity from what I'm seeing (and XEC confirms)

PlayBig Play Liquid I think.
Well if I thought she as short term overbought yesterday must be extremes today!

Buy side strong side although I do note the micros aren't conforming (again)
#sweetjesus #wotsyamargin
you wouldnt let this team of mechanics fix your car wouldya?

(mines the non-set-n-forget insert^)
What is going on with AUD and now ASX??!! Is this a data glitch. Exactly why I dont hold fx , index or commods over the weekend.
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yes . Checked against another account and not even close.Glad I didnt get on the wrong side of that .
First unusual data I have noticed with the broker for almost a year using them. FPM
yes . Checked against another account and not even close.Glad I didnt get on the wrong side of that .
First unusual data I have noticed with the broker for almost a year using them. FPM
that volume, it's of the cfd's ? in the 1k's as opposed to in the 1MM's ?
yes cfd vol .not sure if the vol is from futures or where from but the 15min chart big candle is about 330 contracts. The FX vol with FPM is through Deuschebank. Not sure about indices vol
The vol May be from liquidity providers.
yes cfd vol .not sure if the vol is from futures or where from but the 15min chart big candle is about 330 contracts. The FX vol with FPM is through Deuschebank. Not sure about indices vol
The vol May be from liquidity providers.

it can only be the cfd turnover (front month tracking)'s fairly useless unless you can break it down to transactions at the offer or at the bid....but even then its based on a tracking future and the future itself leads so that'd be a better edge than what the cfd can be...altho, if you wanted a guide on when the crowd is pressing then it might be useful but it doesnt let you know if that's a trap or it's impulsive .....
cmc's cfd's pos on asx200 ($xjo) are
retail 22% long
top clients 12% long

"because theyre hedging theirs stock holdings" nope
"because they have contra options" nope
"because theyre muppets with emotive logic" that'll do!

(yep, i'm long all this crud)
hi high can the squeez go before those numbers flip ?

those #'s pretty much sum up retail dispo's
aaand the ardent sellers (STO's) just hit another high at 83% sells for retailers and
88% sells for 'top clients'

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