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Trading the XJO with CFDs

forced out this morning and holding longs...if this is the extent of the pullback, i thought would be shallow but not this shallow, the next series upside should have some decent legs looking for new altime highs by year end leg in the pants at a time tho
looking for base of channel

euro markets in hard sell and US looks as tho requires a final swing south to complete rotation before new altime highs ......politicians huh
Seeing it the same as yourself J with with the fut's threatening to push higher here.

Internals remain mid range (albeit on the over sold side a little) and some bank buying interest (those yields!) might provide some upside.

I've had a disappointing few weeks on the stock selection front however I remain cautiously bullish with moderate exposure.

Small ords and the small end of town still look more optimistic to me. XEC below looking especially positive?

Internals remain mid range (albeit on the over sold side a little) and some bank buying interest (those yields!) might provide some upside.

Hello kid hustlr,

Any chance you could post a chart of the Cumulative Advance-Decline for ASX?

I peek at the NYSE Cumulative A/D once a week and it is looking pretty positive (new all time highs), just curious about the ASX version.


Below are the charts i keep an eye on since I've been managing a stock portfolio closely. I don't keep a longer term breadth chart but rather monitor a 10 day average as I'm looking for overbought/oversold conditions.

The second chart is what you are after - first data point only 6/11/17 though. I think I have the calc right - I've just summed the net of advance - decline since 06/11/17. Interesting divergence TBH.

cash closed at 90 cfd closed sat morning at 6028 and re-opened at 6028

pretty much all you need to know


I run a quick scan on IC each night then enter the data into excel.

Full proof until I’m travelling for work and miss a day on the scan

Thankyou for the chart. That looks pretty scary to me, quite a different picture from US markets.

FWIW, I believe some data vendors like PremiumData offer the A/D line so you don't have to do the calculation yourself and chance missing out.

Also, I think if you do miss out on a day you can look the number up in a financial paper for that day.
scaling ....the enforced to practise, eek

2:30pm 1.5 rate and RBA Rate Statement

when we broke the channel roof i thought the 6037 would go but it got rejected a second time and intra-today we've stalled again awaiting rba's decish so that 37 level becomes crucial to the bulls argument that we're in the midst of a bull leg...that denotes two levels (+/-) 37 to confirm bull leg 5970 bear leg to explore 5700 zone

i'm with the bid unless we crack 5970 which would likely attract an uh-oh momo
lack of follow-thru has all the hallmarks of interruption to larger swing, in this instance, downwards
if the $spx/$sml/hsi were in downtrends instead of strong upswings bids would be toasted already
i'm havin a whinge about watching drying paint having a fist fight .....not helping, jan!

money flow at the lows so plenty of room for them to ascend, xao m/f a better look than the 200

hanging onto this long like performing a TaskMaster test
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