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Trading The SPI - NON-Gann Techniques

any updates MS?

is the effortless, consistently profitable intraday index system still paying dividends, . . . . so to speak!?

not trying to be smart, i'd be happy for you if the above is true.

A BIG move upwards on Friday night:
Looking forward to tomorrow......
Dow up +218 points
Sycom 3500 close
3511 High
Nice how Sycom picked this mornings: 3511 High.
Nice how Sycom picked this mornings: 3511 High.

lod 3459..looks in
over lis..look for higher nos..
something to note..that the third of feb high was 3551..
rolls over there we will once again have a lower dble top..never
a good look.
good trades
any updates MS?

is the effortless, consistently profitable intraday index system still paying dividends, . . . . so to speak!?

not trying to be smart, i'd be happy for you if the above is true.


Hi James,

Yes. It works very well. I've had to make a decision though. Either I trade the SPI during the day or trade FX at night but I can't do both and keep my life balanced - not fair to my wife who is more important than everything else. So for the moment I'm committed to FX as that suits our lives better.

As I'm using exactly the same system on FX, I don't want to disclose it though - if that's going to be the next question.

Just for the record, here's the chart from the last time I looked at it on 4/2.


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Hi James,

As I'm using exactly the same system on FX, I don't want to disclose it though - if that's going to be the next question.

No it wasnt. But am happy to listen if you want to share in the future.

I'm happy with the system I use, it also works well. Although, a mix of discretionary/mechanical.

** it's fine to be protective of a system, many people are. It is interesting though, that few will be able to replicate the results of your system even if you spell it out to them 100 times. We humans struggle to follow rules, and even if we could do that, it's still too much work.

does the system you use become a self-fulfilling prophecy when more people use it!? Or does this simply make getting filled more difficult!?

. . . . just thinking out loud
** it's fine to be protective of a system, many people are. It is interesting though, that few will be able to replicate the results of your system even if you spell it out to them 100 times. We humans struggle to follow rules.

This is true. But given the amount of time and thought that I expend creating and testing mechanical systems, I just like to keep my cards close. I'm not that great at writing code so it would be painful to lose a hard-won edge.

does the system you use become a self-fulfilling prophecy when more people use it!? Or does this simply make getting filled more difficult!?

just thinking out loud

I suspect it would be an issue of getting worse fills if more people were trading the same signals. I've never been in a position of using something that I know a lot of other people use, so I don't know about any self-fulfilling possibilities.
good morning all,
as you can see, road map same as yesterday..
have a great day, and good trades


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updated chart of the road map ,it is from
midnight last night..


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good morning all
today's road map
have a great day, and good trades


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good morning all
todays road map
have a great day, and good trades


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good morning all
today's road map
have a great day, and good trades


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good morning all
Monday's road map
have a great weekend and take care


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Well this is kinda nice of you ACOUCH to keep throwing up your road map but how about throwing up some of your own trades ?
Well this is kinda nice of you ACOUCH to keep throwing up your road map but how about throwing up some of your own trades ?

I wanted to type that the road map is confusing because it does not take you to where you want to go.Although trying to decipher the (map ) it still leaves me nonethewiser.
I wanted to type that the road map is confusing because it does not take you to where you want to go.Although trying to decipher the (map ) it still leaves me nonethewiser.

it is a bit like leading a horse to water ,and trying to make it drink you think Wysiwyg ?

well like everything you have to put time in .and i have written about it in previous posts.. the road map is a guidance for those that are interested..
i am not here to take you by the hand and lead you through the maze of trading and learning i am afraid.
the only way to learn is the hard way..
hope this is of some help to you, enjoy your day
acouch matey, Is there a website you know of that explains this chart style please?

i suggest you go here to learn about medianlines..
there is a lot to learn on this site, if you wish to take your time,
the world can be your oyster..
one of the best things of trading is the learning process, it is like an adventure,
so enjoy the ride, the markets are always there ..your money might not..
so learn your trade well

my chart is my design..but it comes from medianlines

have a great day, and take care
Acouch.....have you ever thought of starting your own thread "Acouch's Road Maps" or something similar?

Seems like it would be a good idea so those that are interested can ask questions of You.

Cheers mate.
Acouch.....have you ever thought of starting your own thread "Acouch's Road Maps" or something similar?

Seems like it would be a good idea so those that are interested can ask questions of You.

Cheers mate.

i suppose i could, but most of the time, this thread is pretty quite..
but if the consensus is that i move ..i could
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