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Trading The SPI - NON-Gann Techniques

after all some said that VSA wouldn't work on the SPI, so why is it you slag off things that you think wont work?

Prawn my initial questions about VSA on futs was to do with rollover not the actual method. Which Tech is, I'm guessing, still blissful unaware. My specific question on VSA was how was he going to handle the 4 months of the year when 300,000 contracts get rolled and completely F'k the charts for that month??

But he hasn't answered even when I gently prodded him he has ignored my questions because it would be a hit to his ego to take anything from a "punch drunk boxer on ice".

So I will just wait till the 2 week expert runs into such a problem :

See chart below of a roll-over month typical vol chart for the day. F'kin mess, half the days vol isn't real!! Spread your analysis over that!!


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...See chart below of a roll-over month typical vol chart for the day. F'kin mess, half the days vol isn't real!! Spread your analysis over that!!

I used to hate rollover week when trading the spi ages ago because of the total mess up with volume. I used to have both contracts together on my watchlist to try and determine how much was roll over - most of it was and it was pretty hopeless. I reckon it would take software to cancel out the roll over volume and only display the little that was left.
If the main markets in our timeframe (Nikkei, HSI, S&P) move in one direction significantly, you can usually expect a big guy to push the SPI the other way, then move it in the direction of the other markets.
I've never traded the SPI but I imagine traders who are opening large equity positions use the SPI to hedge their equity exposure? So the natural tendency during a move in the equity market is for a reverse move in the futures market, then soon after, arbitrage will close this gap, and then momentum moves it after that?

Ive always maintained and still do that a chart is a chart.
So my 2 weeks "experience " trading the SPI is just a part of 14 yrs charting.
Guessing even experienced guessing has in MY view no place in trading or any other business venture.

Seeing something B4 it happens is indeed instinct (I call it guessing).
Ive seen a number of scatter charts from those that trade this way.
There are huge amounts of trades both sides and the single scatter chart I saw from T/H that was profitable was very well held by 3 excellent outlier trades.

Look if you all feel this is the way to trade go for it.
But there will be many who could well bankrupt themselves just have a look at the HSI tread.

I prefer to trade whats just happened wether that be daily or on a 2 min chart.(VSA incidently--reading the bars is only valid for the next 3 bars--so you are literally looking at a chart say 2 min every 6 min to understand what Suppl and Demand are doing.

Volume for the top 2 bars in chart 1 were
196 in the top reversal bar and 111 in the folowing up bar.

At 3400 I'm short.
At the next shot its being tested Double bottom
but volume on the 2nd test is way less than the first so no demand

It breaks lower on the 3rd chart shot.
Which now brings us to a high volume reversal bar which I'm now looking closely at the next bar will tell a lot Currently little supply so this is a test.
Trailing stop now screwed down. I expect the low to be tested so this is slowing.

No guessing its happening.
This morning it was/is very clear whats happening on the SPI.
Good heavens its Taken me out.
See chart 5.

Cant get more live than that and 20 points/ticks/pips---errr


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Chart 6

Now looking for continuation or Reversal signals safely sitting on the side lines.


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No demand high in this group crap volume.
Coming off.


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Heavens it came off.
Very high volume this bar this recient high will be tested


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Good god here it comes.
What do you reckon will it fail or will it succeed?


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You convieniently avoided my point. Perhaps a chart is a chart, thats not my arguement (you and TH can bash that one out), my point is its amazing how quick you are to critisize other profitable methods.

Perhaps everyone in the world should follow your method and then nothing would move and no-one would make cash...

All im saying is if a method has been proved possible, over many years, such as scalping, then who cares if it doesnt fit what you belive? It obviously works.

Prawn and on that, as you noticed no answers from Tech, no discussion. Just the crap that he needs to spew out. Just dwelling and arguing on bullsh!t that in fact no one even disagreed with him. His so prickly a small legitimate question will get him and all puffed up forever. What a joke!!

And then he has some need to try and discredit others who are trying to contribute something to this place, Tosser!!

TH we all know the drill for budding SPI traders.

SO enthusiastic and over confident at the start, denial in the middle, tears at the end.
Obviously works.

T/H has posted a few runs.
He admittedly posted One excellent day.
Hes never posted a day of loss that I can remember.
I'm sure he has losses.

I dont know that it is all THAT obvious.
My attempt a balancing the arguement is seen as personal vendetta's.

Not so.

All of those who trade this way are a pretty amiable lot.
What I'm attempting ---rather poorly---is to point out that guessing---which is what most of these so called scalpers do---will lead to very quick bankruptcy.
Ala HSI thread.

T/H and co are mentioned as thats how they trade.
Other attempting to emulate should read the HSI thread.
I just dont think---and its a personal opinion--- that people should look at this as "THE" answer to profits rather---in the VAST majority of cases--- a first class ticket to bankruptcy.

Anyway its belted through resistance on VOLUME so long?


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Hey tech,

My point would be that any form of trading can lead to failure more often than not, that goes for both chart reading and scalping.

Re: THs profits, i suggest you check out this thread:

Read my last post in it. (about 4th from last)

Once agian i can confirm i have seen all THs statements from that account, and that they were all legit. You will prob argue that he is the exeption to the rule, but what stops you being the exception to the rule to SPI VSA trading...

PS *mod hat on* - can we please tone down the insults a bit TH
Last chart I reckon the 2 week wonder has made his point.

Enjoy your trading.
Guess where Im short again?

Back to work for me.


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VSA its just rubbish.
Watching testing of the low (Current) now.


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