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Trading The SPI - NON-Gann Techniques

good morning all
today,s road map
have a great day and good trades
eod chart..
well price cut through support like a knife through soft butter,
next support on eod chart is at 2956, and if that should go the only other one i have left is at 2252


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good morning all
Monday;s road map
have a great weekend and keep safe

price close on sycom was 3535


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spi eod chart to keep you in the loop,
strong resistance at 3921,
have a great day


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good morning all
today's road map
have a great day and good trades


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Here is a tip from TH which I did not take heed.

On days where the SPI is very thin, with a lot of bids/asks being pulled, wide spreads, low volume - then trade off the charts.

Today, descending triangle, broke, retested the trendline and then bounced. Formed a bearish wedge, broke down to the target. Around lunch, there was a symmetrical triangle, which again broke to the target. Sorry, don't have the chart infront of me so this may not be exact, but remember watching it respecting trendlines, hitting pattern targets etc etc. VERY unusual for the SPI, but on days like today, may be extremelly useful for you SPI traders.

Hope this helps someone.

Didnt get a trade on the Jo (xjo) all day,, crap patterns i thought,,
But caught the ride down on the FTSE late this arvo,, humdinger

I also caught the ride up on Jo Friday arvo,, that was a beauty, then just before our mkt closed went long on ftse and DJ .. TYMFTR hehe:


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good morning all
today's road map
have a great day, and good trades


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Today even dodgier than the last two.

Look at the downwards trend channel it is respecting on the one minute. Beautiful.
I only caught bits of the trade today... but here is the chart showing break and the measured patten..


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Yes, well the one I am talking about is only in the morning. It is respected on both sides numerous times.

But that upbreak of the trendline before the break down, got me long!

That was vintage SPI.

Hope you caught the downleg rockon, unfortunately, I am not a position trader, and though it looked very weak, I didn't have the conviction to hold!

A decent day nonetheless.
good morning all
today;s road map
have a great day, and good trades


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good morning all,
Monday's road map
have a great weekend and take care


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Do any of you guys monitor the open interest on the spi and derive any useful info from it for day trading?

Do any of you guys monitor the open interest on the spi and derive any useful info from it for day trading?


I cant get that info on IG mkts,,,,, wish i could ...

Did ok today ,, went long from the 3670 level and exited when it hit he 3690 level,, 15 points net. ty..

Interestingly though, i picked up on the pattern first from the actual xjo (webiress ) and not IG ...
Don't think u can get Open interest except for daily levels.

IG Cash and WebIress cash is different cause IG is pretty much just SPI - a few ticks, whereas webiress XJO cash is cash
Thanks all,

that was quick. You must just all be waiting for me to ask a question so you can pounce on it. No? Oh well.

I'm using historical tick data in simulation replays and was thinking of buying historical eod for the open interest information as it didn't come with my tick data. It's not expensive but was just wondering if it was worth it.
I think I'll get it and just monitor it anyway.

Well I didn't meet IB's minimum liquidity requirements (even though I've got the account opening capital and told them I'm only after a paper trading account) and eSignal don't provide market depth for the spi. Bollox!
No drama really, I'll just lie next time I apply.

For you dom privileged traders, is there much pulling of orders from the market or can you rely on the dom as a true indicator of the support/resistance at various bid/ask levels?
I.e. Will the big boys place a safety blanket of heavy bids to give the illusion of support only to pull the rug out and does this happen often enough to shake trust in the dom?

Hope you keep up your blog TH. I like your honesty.

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