Sam, I wasn't implying that you were looking for the HG or easy solutions to your problems - I know how much time & effort you put in to your trading.
It was a general statement in regard to most people who come into the markets. How often do you see the newbies post looking for the perfect indicator or whatever? Why do companies selling cr@p trading systems for huge amounts of money keep popping up? You can see why people get sucked in, that's all I was saying.
Was just making sure, and yes its easy to see why people get sucked in, alot of BS around.
Maybe it is time for you to take a step back from your study and have a close look at what & how you are practicing and try to refine your study/practice a bit? Review you study methods? Reset you goals & plans to achieve them?
(These are only a suggestions, as I don't know how/what you study/practice or how you set you goals & plans or your method of executing those plans, but as you seem to be getting frustrated it might be time to review everything.)
Yeah good suggestions, I have actually been thinking on those things recently, I know there is nothing wrong with the method I am using, or the market, so its obviously me.
I think I need to be more market focused, not self-focused when I'm trading(thinking about P&L when trading etc). Things like this need work, and more deliberate practice, try some of my ideas, rather than being stupid with my sim trading.(only been stupid recently with HSI, not all the time
I often think about the bad things too much too, instead of concentrating on my good doings and my strong points, which I think makes a difference, getting distracted by things of self, rather than concentrating on the market. Finding out the patterns of the market is something I want to do aswell, like THs graphs he brings up, I think they are really helpful, also patterns in myself.
Personally I think whats more important than knowing when to go live, is knowing when to stop going live if its not working ...... you have already recognized that point a couple of times without busting the bank, so that is good.
Everytime you lose some cash on the live account, that should give you a wider base to learn from and improve on ....... Funny thing is, you should actually enjoy losing small amounts if its teaching you something of value. Worst possible thing that can happen to a new trader is he gets lucky early, cause sooner or later he'll probably blow the lot, if the initial wins weren't based on ability. All the best.
Yeah good points barney, something I need to do more as I said above, focus more on the good.
I have stopped trading live as soon as I have losses and have a problem in my trading. I tend to focus more on those small losses rather than focusing on the good, the fact that I did exit when I should have etc.