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Trading gurus and trading courses

I find this response very valuable, as are many in this forum..thanks Nick and all.
The preliminary courses through sitm are expensive but unfortunately one is required to complete these studies before moving on to the video series it is a pre requisite and an ingenious marketing strategy at the same time . I did go through this process and I wasnt so much dissapointed at the cost even though it was expensive it did provide a good foundation to extend on , but for quality and quantity it is pricey . Bill McLarenn is quite comprehensive but you will have to spend considerable time going over his material to pick it up , its certainly worth the cost . Or you could purchase the Commodities course and Ganns original books , this will require setting up manual charts and backtracking through Ganns trades , soyabeans cotton etc . It depends on your technical orientation and what path you choose to take . Its not so much about predicting a date and a price level with the expectation of being proven correct on both factors , Gann could do this and he has proven so . Gaining an appreciation and a practical application of his techniques will provide you with indicative turning dates and potential price levels where you might expect a possible change in trend , much like any form of analysis there are several factors that are taken into consideration before an decision can be made . Gann provides different levels of exposure through his work and he intentionally makes mistakes to keep the student on track especially with his Astrological Letters . its coded material like TTTA and his work with elipses . This is Natural Law and the cause is known before the street is aware of it ( Ticker Int 1909 ) Astronomers and Astrologers to this day with the aid of computers calculators and advanced modelling techniques havent fully revealed what Gann was doing . They have come close but the man was a genius , perhaps he had divine intervention .
Astronomers and Astrologers to this day with the aid of computers calculators and advanced modelling techniques havent fully revealed what Gann was doing . They have come close but the man was a genius , perhaps he had divine intervention .

Have they made a movie about him yet? His story sounds mysterious and captivating.

Sorry Cartman I missed your post earlier .
Yep EW was one of the worst roads I ever took , energy & time spend on this drivel plus money lost !

Bloody hell these dudes are a JOKE.

Nick off until you have traded then come back and show us.

Walk the walk because ya talk is just talk.

Hey Joe – you started this thread on Feb. 25, it’s now March 3 –took 7 days to get to what looks like spam to me.
Hey Joe – you started this thread on Feb. 25, it’s now March 3 –took 7 days to get to what looks like spam to me.

thanks Timmy, I saw your initial post in size 8 font, i appreciate you changing it to size 16, i can now see it clearly

ok, so i am seeing a pattern here in the nature of the replies to this post, i thought these forums were fairly relaxed and people could just blabber on about what they want , when they want etc, provided it relates to trading / investing in some capacity?

i had no idea so many would be uptight. I will stop posting until i make a real sitm trades??? you guys come across a little hearsh for new posters, give me a break for f*** sake
some feedback on how i should be phrasing my posts would be good, so they dont come across like spam, albiet unintentiionally

im merely trying to get some views on sitm and on people's experience with them

ive seen many a post on various other educators , some strongly advocating them, and some doing the opposite, but no mention of SPAM anywhere in those threads, how is this any different ??
This post contains the ASF spam policy, have a read.

oh ok, thats more constructive, s**t that sounds like me in that post, i must admit , its my first time on kind of thread, so i am not aware of guidelines and protocol. I can assure you that im not being 'bogus', i am being genuine about being a first time attendee of a course and as such would like to hear some genuine views, specifically on 'them'. Yes, i have start this thread but i got generic answerrs with regards to educators and nothing specific about the course providers in question..

i am not sure how else i should be articulating this??

anyway... thanks for the link, made sense

I first read the SITM course in 1991. A friend had forked out over $15k for it. This friend of mine had taken over $1m out of the market in the late '80's trading commodities.

After gaining this education, his trading went backwards. He has spent years looking for the perfect trades, when all the stars line up, and when he thinks he finds them, gives them a little more room if they go against him.

If you really need education on 'how to trade' spend a few weeks reading on the net, come up with something that seems viable to you, test it, trade it on a tiny scale, practise it, refine it, test it more, hone your skills.

If you really are determined to find "the secret" from a trading guru, then go to the nearest Red Cross/Salvation Army office and give them all your money, because in the long term you will feel the money was better spent.

Any one else noticed the recent increase in spam artists to ASF? I knew voting for ASF in that, best online stock market forum was a bad idea.
Any one else noticed the recent increase in spam artists to ASF? I knew voting for ASF in that, best online stock market forum was a bad idea.

As any forum grows it is going to attract more spammers, difficult to stop it until a mod sees the post or a member reports it.

So Hotcopper or sharescene any better.........I think not, not by a mile.
Any one else noticed the recent increase in spam artists to ASF? I knew voting for ASF in that, best online stock market forum was a bad idea.

The moderators and I have definitely noticed and we will continue to remove spam as quickly as we possibly can after becoming aware of it.

We really appreciate the assistance ASF members provide by reporting suspected spam posts or threads. This helps us pinpoint and deal with spam much faster than we would be able to on our own.
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