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Traders: Do you try to predict or react to market movements?

7 May 2007
When trading, Do you attempt to i, forecast/predict market movements OR ii, react to the market's movements whenever they occur?

Re: Question for Traders.

When trading, Do you attempt to i, forecast/predict market movements OR ii, react to the market's movements whenever they occur?


I think the best way to describe it would be to anticipate the markets likely direction based on what it has statistically done in the past, and place yourself in the ideal position to benefit from it. This may be as a reaction to what the market has just recently done.

If you can do this about half the time, and cut your losses short and let your winners run then you may have a positive expectancy. Without a positive expectancy you cannot profit over the long term and your risk of ruin will be soon realized.


Re: Question for Traders.

so its an i, for you.

thanks mate.
Re: Question for Traders.

so its an i, for you.

thanks mate.

I do not try and predict the future of the markets actions, only to be in place if it does what it has statistically done before.

When trading, Do you attempt to i, forecast/predict market movements OR ii, react to the market's movements whenever they occur?


No, I would not forecast/predict(guessing) or react(chasing).

What I would do is to constantly monitor and verifying the underlying condition of the market and take selective trades in the direction of the least resistance using various setups to enter.

Keep in mind that the actual setups bear no significance without the underlying condition.

Huh !
Isn't that forecasting, predicting and reacting

Are you quoting a text book or your Professor?
Are you quoting a text book or your Professor?

You seem to be on the money there burglar.

Mike has been a busy little vegemite since March 2012, popping up on numerous other forums since then with quotes from 'Bob's book'.

500 posts on trade2win in under two months and most of them quoting good ol' Bob including the one below as an example.
Not selling or pushing anything are you Mike ? We're a tough audience on here.

(click to view)


  • bull**** artist.png
    57.2 KB · Views: 29


I find your post also very offensive, insinuating that I have other interests and disturbing that you took the time to research trying to expose me... and you still have not told us YOUR thought regarding the subject of this thread.

Did you see me somewhere trying to sell Bob's book? Is there something wrong respecting somebody's work? I do not trade like Bob does, but I think his work is outstanding.

Mike hasn't linked to any selling page for any book, so lets give him the benefit of the doubt ay?
I also like to add that Wayne has rightly edited my last post on this thread, I can assure you it had a bit more colour.
Ever click on a thread, read it, and think "That's 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back?" then read a post like this and thought "Why did he turn that 30 seconds into 45?"

Well, that describes me, and then you.

I'm pretty sure if you're trading, you're trying to predict the future, based on what has been happening until the moment up to when you bought. Does anyone else think asking the question is redundant?

+1 Burglar
+1 Boggo

That's a bit over a minute now
It's a bit like asking a boxer does he predict the opponent's swings or react to it.

A good boxer will study the tapes and try to understand how his opponent is likely to behave. This gives the boxer an edge in assessing the probability that a left swing will follow two right jabs. But if the left swing doesn't come, the boxer has to be prepared to counter whatever it is that the oppoenent chooses to do.

Whether you call that prediction / reaction is unimportant imo.

I do not understand this, if you are so stupid to comprehend why do you need to insult? Your condition is not my fault.

I have only expressed my opinion, you have the prerogative to not agree, but insulting and accusing shows only you are a loser as much as your friends.

Where is your thought regarding the subject, what about burglar's or boggo's. You do not have one and you will never have.

Now, do you know better than I the way I trade? The way I perceive thinks? The way I act on things?

Yes, it seems that you do. Losers always do know better.

Read this about a thousand time, maybe one day you will grasp it:

No, I would not forecast/predict(guessing) or react(chasing).

What I would do is to constantly monitor and verifying the underlying condition of the market and take selective trades in the direction of the least resistance using various setups to enter.

Keep in mind that the actual setups bear no significance without the underlying condition.

Two minutes.

Great example. THe boxer is reacting, not predicting.Think about it.

thanks for the reply.
Great example. THe boxer is reacting, not predicting.Think about it.

thanks for the reply.

The Boxer is also initiating not just reacting.
He more accurately is Engaging.

Engaging = Identifying and Adapting

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