Sorry chart did not come out ...
Basically top 10% own 84% of all stocks ... top 20% even more.
Other factors why the rally ....
Warren threat seen gone.
Sanders they also seem to think no threat for 2020 ...
USA has taken control totally of the USA Fed and clearly so.
USA fed stuffed money and liquidity into the market AGAIN ...
France who was sick of being ripped of an not paid any tax by any of these USA based crooks was threatened with 25% tariffs and actually backed off ...
Nothing like a bribe or political donation to the USA Republican party and sanctions occur or tariffs and so on.
France and Germany agreed to wait till after 2020 to deal with it.
Micheal West writes excellent stuff, google him, on the impact these tax thieves are having on Australia and I agree with his numbers at the 20-30 billion a year, every year benign stolen from Australia.
Sickening that Chevron pays NO tax with some of t
he largest LNG plants, No does Netflix in Australia and the likes of Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook pay at a weighted average of 2% .... verses out tax rate of 30%. I would add that over 15 billion is booked via overseas tax havens and GST of 1.5 billion is NOT paid.
So the UK going Google cost 60,000 nurses alone, if I were to use the full number at 25 billion and say 75k which is what a Nurse should be paid, not what they are .... USA and I mean both sides of the isle Republican and Democrats have been in the past just as bad in allowing and encouraging tax theft globally ...
We could at 75k per nurse .... have 333,333 MORE nurses each and evey year.
Nothing is perfect, this and PM Morrisons obscenity and lack of spine is astounding and disgraceful. He is like a dog to the USA. I don t expect we get it all, but no Australian company can compete with NO tax and NO GST .... companies. Our economy and the global economy HAS A HOLE ...... a leak that goes to Mr Zuckerburg, or Tim Cook at Apple or Google and so on.
Meanwhile they the USA deny any climate issue as we do and 28 EU nations along with the UK have declared a zero 2050 CO2 target, they must be MAD ....
Greed has no bounds.
I prefer to be optimistic and a deep love of the USA people on the main, leads me with some degree of growing confidence that USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide and denial and death to the poor or gays, or Mexicans or Islamic followers and no tax for the rich and the poor pay tax but get no benifits will be replaced by, something similar to what we on the main enjoy here despite efforts to swing us to the NO TAX for the rich side of the equation.
USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide ...
The media and it being run by the elite will not cover it much as FDR was mocked in the 1930's.
I note Bloomberg who is ... well so far right ... a republican who has a charity that ... well gave out 01% in 10 years and has Jeb Bush on its board and the Ex head of Goldman Sachs and Republican Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson is spending 2 billion to TRY ... to win.
Good LUck ...
USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide ...
Despite under 1,000 billionaires in the USA ... we have 3 ... yes 3 running for president. The Guy who did Starbucks ... Styer is running. Amusingly Starbucks used to buy its coffee from where ? Switzerland of course dummy. That nation of course does not produce or make any coffee. It does however have Cantons with tax rates of 5% and tax breaks of 90% for the first 20 years so 0.45%.
USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide ...
Trump and the impeachment will fail.
Of course it will.
The battle is lost ...
The WAR is actually won.
I am so amused by Lev Parnas who Trump claims he does not know this Ukrainian mafia guy.
I think even hardcore Republicans not ... fanatical ones are astounded by one side Trump going I dont know him, as did Vice President Pence ... and a long list of others .... then pictures ... video ... so amusing and now the Audio of TAKE HER out ... instructions to take her out an Ambassador or the USA.
When Joe Rogan who, well is a racist homophobe comes out and says with 7 million viewers he is voting for Bernie ... I suspect 90% of his mainly white young to middle age male audience ... he bloody endorses Benrie Sanders and got to great lengths to explain WHY ... times they are a changing.
Trump meanwhile ... did 109 twitters in a single day.
Vice President Pence attended a lecture by a well known anti gay hating preacher and the ... well ... text of what was said was a disgrace.
Trump himself attended the anti abortion rally. Are you kidding me ... Not a great fan of abortions but also NOT unaware of the right of a female over her bloody reproductive system and totally ... completely and absolutely opposed to the theory that a raped women or one via incest is NOT allowed to abort. Let alone a medical emergency where the woman will die ... No abortion ... Yes Trump supports it totally.
USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide ...
That Hillary Clinton is even trying to besmirch Sanders who actually did after he dropped out in 2016, and Hillary was going against Trump, sanders did 41 rallies for Hillary 2016 ... in 19 states. Hillary, sadly sat on the board of Walmart as they slashed healthcare cover and refused to raises wages from $8 and hour .... they now are at $11- ... GO Hillary. Obama is just as disgusting whilst both Democrats, they are further right than the liberal party here and oppose universal healthcare. Oppose taxing the rich where Gates pays tax at 12% whilst Buffett at 15% and his secretary pays it at 35%.
USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide ...
If I am correct and its a wild call ... a wish ...
If Bernie were to get a mandate and control both houses, all hell will break loose. USA on the main does not give a rats arse that stocks are at all time highs. Life expectancy of the lower 10% is at 57 Years and the top 10% at close to 90.
If the Trump tax cuts were to be reversed ... stocks would tumble ... it would mean NOTHING ... as the rise MEANS nothing unless your in the top say 10% in the USA and the top 1% holds over 50% ....
Mayhem .... healthcare stocks such as the criminal Dialysis one that does 70% of dialysis its up 150 fold since 2000 ... it does however charge at 20 times the rate of any other nation. Heath-care insurers ... up 15 fold ....
Gee medicare for all will shed 20% all by itself ...
THAT'S 50% .... so 2020 ... BE very aware .... whilst Bernie may or may not. My faith in humanity and all America not being totally stupid must be coupled with an intense post 2016 dislike African Americans have for Trump and his type, Bloomberg ... with polling at 5% and under. Latino were in 2016 ambivalent to him, well ... Peuto Ricans and Mexicans I doubt feel the same in 2020. As for Islamic faith people in the USA, well, I think if one turned up to a MAGA rally, it would not be pretty.
If Sanders got a landslide, which, well ... being realistic is me being optimistic, but if he did the USA equity side is a mere mirage on NO TAX ... Global Tax theft and ... well uber rich Americans who have paid no tax so 40 years. Wealth tax increasing to 8% on over a billion is ... harsh, but, the sad fact is the median person working full time in the USA earns $32k and 28k after tax and Social Security FICA ... and average healthcare costs in the USA ... just hit $12,000 ....
It would be obvious if they starved them .... they just play FOX news blaring instead of the classical music in the Showers 75 years ago. BOTH are a disgrace and Bernie being Jewish recently reminded people NEVER again is NOT just about the Jewish faith its ALL BLOODY PEOPLE .... race religion ... beliefs and creeds.
One may disagree with many things Sanders say. but reality is, he just wants better healthcare much as we have it. A fairer tax system there ... where rich pay MORE not less ... MORE as a percentage as income rises. He also wants better roads and education which ... is a shambles.
USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide ...2020 BE AFRAID .... if they actually do !! USA will slide ... the paper profits of NO tax ... will be replaced with something fairer ... not onerous. Then again I can hear Bill Gates ... yet again ... claiming he wants higher taxes ... but when pressed in 2019 he WILL VOTE TRUMP ... as will Buffett ... surprise surprise surprise ...
MINE ... its MINE ... MY Precious ...
This of course is USA based crooks not ours. Our best ... is worth less than 10% of BEzos and Gates is falling behind.
Reason why ? Not because they are silly or USA is great, its because they PAY TAX >... YES PAY TAX ...
What a novel Idea ... PAY a fair share of tax ... or REPAY non payment of tax for 40 years ... sorry must run USA has a Drone buzzing me !!
Jeff BEzos of Amazon ... a company that rarely makes a profit,
never paid a dividend. Never not once .. EVER paid tax ... not anywhere ... not to any one. The richest person in the World ? Second pays it at 12% rate verses someone on 100k at 35% .... Third Buffett at 15% tax ....
Gee this is going to be fun.
So so so many tears, Boomberg thinks he is some sort of savior ... HE IS THE PROBLEM and his type.
Bloomberg media makes Fox look tame in its pro USA ... USA first ,,, USA can only be the one that invents anything. Huawei actually employ more R+D staff than Facebook Apple and Google combined.
Sorry upset ... I just checked that 25 billion would employ say 333,000 Nurses in Australia or some fire fighters and a lot of very very good things for our nation .... instead of going to shitheads and Bribes to USA political system that supports this crap. Each year this is stolen ....
I hope and pray ... USA will elect Bernie Sanders by a landslide ... not because I hate billionaires. Of course say Steve Jobs should be one, but that was NOT enough. Its not because I hate America I actually love yanks, its not socialism ... its JUST fair ... the goverment at times controls some things or it gets totally out of hand with NO rules, no ta, no healthcare unless at blackmail prices .... insulin at 10 times the price here in the USA ....
I have admiration for say Gina Rhinehgart on some levels, she has built up her fathers work. Disgust on many others as her support for CO2 and climate denial so she can build her mines. Andrew Forrest of Fortescue, an imperfect self made man. Not some scumbag ... as these neo liberals are in the USA.
enuf ... I find where we are in 2020 ... astounding and absurd. USA wise and globally. Casually threaten nuclear option against 3 nations, almost start a war with another, condone a genocide in Yemen that killed 250,000 in 2019 and when asked, its all about USA arm sales.
Time for new global leadership. All built on little self interest groups that are totally out of control.