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Tony Abbott - Indigneous envoy

What a long bow assigning section 44 to newly appointed parliamentary positions.

Luke Beck is an associate professor of constitutional law at Monash University - thus a timely reminder: Those who can, do - those who can't, teach


It's not that long a bow. Imagine it was a crossbencher who got offered an "envoy" position. His vote was important to the government passing legislation. The government can't bring him into the ministry so they create a BS job title "special envoy for the promotion of wet t-shirt comps" which carries an increased salary of $x. Is there a conflict of interest there? I appreciate that Abbott is unlikely going to be doing it for the cash, but the underlying principle of s44 and s83 should be respected. If not, then why bother with it at all?
I don't know about "grubbiest", Obeid, Dastyari and a few other sellouts probably take that title.
Probably number 1 headkicker. He took out 3 PMs.

Probably true, he (Abbott) didn't really try to disguise his ways. Almost a total opposite to the measured Abbott we see now. Hes one Politician who has really "evolved". Hopefully that "evolution" has resulted in less extreme views. i enjoy his interviews nowadays, but am still suspicious.
I agree.
You have to wonder what is bubbling under the surface. The man kept a mighty grudge against Turnbull. Literally at the cost of his party.
Well... he is a fire fighter, which is handy when cracker night happens
It is quite funny reading your comments, most are from posters preaching moderation, understanding, forgiveness and caring for your fellow man, either you are passive aggressive people who like to post or just full of $hit.
I'm full of $hit. Which is why others preach moderation whilst I preach for free speech
I agree.
You have to wonder what is bubbling under the surface. The man kept a mighty grudge against Turnbull. Literally at the cost of his party.

No one made such a fuss when Turnbull did it to Abbott?
Abbott was just last week, called the wrecking ball, yet it was Turnbull who spat the dummy and walked, leaving the Party with a by election at the worst possible time.
What is said about that, sod all?
The public is fickle and doesn't think past this mornings headlines in the paper, then they have something to wax on about at the office, while passing it off as knowledge and intelligence.
Naplan results are saying our educational outcomes are dropping, that should suit the media and politicians fine, it makes it easier to feed the chooks.

No, Turnbull didn't waste anymore time.
His party caused this idiotic mess. Why would he waste any more time. This is his second time as leader. Remember that tony did him first.

Abbott was crap as PM.
Turnbull was crap at making the hard decisions. Neither were really leadership material.
And I can't see any leadership material sitting either side of government.
And I can't see any leadership material sitting either side of government.

I think Bishop may well bide her time, gather her forces from the backbench and have another go after the inevitable election defeat.

I reckon she has too much ambition to drop out altogether.
Abbott was / is still a tosser, hit man for Howard (got the red head jailed), then education minister (did SFO) then on to one winning vote Tony / PM which was an epic failure (Zombie budget anyone).

As for Envoy for the 1st Australians some what clever move by ScoMo as its a no win job Abbott has only ever stripped money out of the Indigenous affairs portfolio and used his forays into the bush as poster opportunities without a single achievement.

Abbott never had an original idea in his life and never will and will achieve nothing except perhaps a few controversies.
I think Bishop may well bide her time, gather her forces from the backbench and have another go after the inevitable election defeat.

I reckon she has too much ambition to drop out altogether.
Unfortunately Julie summed up her problem, this week, when she said "um maybe I was a bit hasty in my decision making last week".
Sums it up perfectly, we have talked about it before on the forum.
To drive the 'big chair' you have to be able to answer any question, at any time , on any subject, or be able to BS your way around it.
It is a difficult thing to do, it's like being a striker in soccer it isn't something you learn, you're born with it.

Yes, and I think this is what forced Abbott to develop that measured tone. Remember when he first became PM and he'd take 5 minutes to answer a simple question due to all the pausing.

The Libs seem racked by factional warfare. Gettingoff topic though.
Well this is the chance for Abbott to show that he an make a positive difference.
I am hoping he will spend many months in remote communities without internet or mobile phone access.
Well this is the chance for Abbott to show that he an make a positive difference.
I am hoping he will spend many months in remote communities without internet or mobile phone access.

Why am I picturing the ship leaving the dock and the crowd eagerly waving their streamers bon voyage
Interesting, to say the least:

Liberal Party meeting erupts after Tony Abbott hit by rare and substantial protest vote.

Yes that is interesting, the SMH website is hitting Abbott with a trash can lid, while still trying to fill the front page with anti Scott Morrison/Lib Party articles. LOL

They are becoming a bit of a "watchtower" publication, for anti Liberal news, with a religious passion IMO.

It really is becoming farcical, you would think there is nothing newsworthy unless it has Abbott, attached to a cross. IMO
They're becoming fanatical.
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