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Tony Abbott for PM

The liberals just need to calm down a bit and wait for the hotch potch green/labor/indepedent, partnership to implode. I have never, in my life, heard the amount of open dislike for a government before.
Just about any discussion be it with family, friends or aquaintances has some sort of comment on how bad the government is. I have never seen a period where politics is so much a part of general conversation.
Also interesting the guy I know who is involved in furniture wholesaling and has been a bit of a economical bellwether for me, reckons things are getting WORSE.:eek:
Abbott has dropped the ball IMHO. He should have shadow ministers on the air night and day spoiling every Labor initiative while he goes at Juliar constantly reminding the public of her trustworthiness.

Instead he is looking dodgy sending nasty emails to his team ( like he didn't sign off on that one:p:) saying " oh I had no idea the whip was spanking MT" when he spent a few divisions on his couch pissed as chook himself"

Personally I'm doubtful he'll make it to the next election with that sort of form. :p:
Abbott has dropped the ball IMHO. He should have shadow ministers on the air night and day spoiling every Labor initiative while he goes at Juliar constantly reminding the public of her trustworthiness.

Instead he is looking dodgy sending nasty emails to his team ( like he didn't sign off on that one:p:) saying " oh I had no idea the whip was spanking MT" when he spent a few divisions on his couch pissed as chook himself"

Personally I'm doubtful he'll make it to the next election with that sort of form. :p:

I don't think "Joe"average give a rats behind about emails and who said what when.
All they give a S#!!111 about is are things getting dearer, am I scared, will it get better.
The problem is for Julia they are attaching her face to all their fears. Hard to turn public sentiment.
Actualy Kevin Fudd is probably going to look back on the next election and say "thank god I was rolled".;)
I don't think "Joe"average give a rats behind about emails and who said what when.
All they give a S#!!111 about is are things getting dearer, am I scared, will it get better.
The problem is for Julia they are attaching her face to all their fears. Hard to turn public sentiment.

Was thinking just an hour or so back on similar conundrums. If Abbott and the Libs do get back in, the dynamics of our economic problems are going to change little. Rising dollar and increasing real estate difficulties due to world economic problems will be with us for years IMO.

Whoever takes over from Julia will face the same headkick from the electorate. Voters follow their pockets.
Hewson and Malcolm do share some similarities in proving that intelligence and principles have no place in politics if you want to be PM.

Hewson was a very savvy business mind but a total flop of a politician (maybe not such a bad thing). TBull should take some history lessons on what not to do, he is very similar to Hewson.
Don't think Hewson wasn't pissed that he got a spanking.
Hewson was a very savvy business mind but a total flop of a politician (maybe not such a bad thing). TBull should take some history lessons on what not to do, he is very similar to Hewson.
Don't think Hewson wasn't pissed that he got a spanking.

Hewson was just naive... pissing around on street corners with a loudhailer was never going to reach a TV and fledgling Internet audience... and the cake fiasco sunk him.

A shame because I think he would have been a fine PM. Turnbull wouldn't.
Its really unfair that everyone's got it in for Abbott............bloody hell who's Hewson think he is some sort of reformist?
Oh heavens, who cares what Hewson thinks about anything? As a total political failure, he's hardly in a position to be criticising anyone else!

Ditto the current relevance of Malcolm Fraser who seems compelled to poke his face and opinions up about everything. Take an example from Paul Keating and John Howard, Mr Fraser: i.e. when you're finished, stay out of the picture. No one actually cares what you think any more.

I don't think "Joe"average give a rats behind about emails and who said what when.
All they give a S#!!111 about is are things getting dearer, am I scared, will it get better.
The problem is for Julia they are attaching her face to all their fears. Hard to turn public sentiment.
Totally agree. If anything, all the fuss about the emails will only turn the electorate off even more.
Ahh John Hewson. I'd have been more worried if he hadn't supported the carbon tax. Another $$ 7-figure man who thinks ordinary folks should pay more tax, remember the GST.

Bitterness towards the Coalition - think Tony Windsor
Yearning for emissions trading - think M.Turnbull (Member for Goldman Sachs)
Relevance deprivation syndrome - think Malcolm Fraser, and don't the illuminati know how to exploit it. They now draw the hapless Hewson into their web.
Ahh John Hewson. I'd have been more worried if he hadn't supported the carbon tax. Another $$ 7-figure man who thinks ordinary folks should pay more tax, remember the GST.

Bitterness towards the Coalition - think Tony Windsor
Yearning for emissions trading - think M.Turnbull (Member for Goldman Sachs)
Relevance deprivation syndrome - think Malcolm Fraser, and don't the illuminati know how to exploit it. They now draw the hapless Hewson into their web.

An excellent summary Logique. I would add Katter and Oakeshott to "bitterness towards the Coalition."
Ahh John Hewson. I'd have been more worried if he hadn't supported the carbon tax. Another $$ 7-figure man who thinks ordinary folks should pay more tax, remember the GST.

Hewson actually works as an economist hence would actually have a valued onion unlike any current politician and he was right about the GST....he must have been Howard picked it up.
The GST was considered in the broader context of tax reform. The carbon tax is not. It is simply a new tax that adds to the existing mess.
The following is an interesting read on the challenges facing Tony Abbott.

Found this to be interesting not sure I completely believe it

He was never an industrial relations hardliner of the Howard ilk. Once, his tough attitudes on welfare might have been labelled "right", but the debate has shifted; he, Gillard and even a charity such as Mission Australia stand on the same ground.

And this to be a problem same issue for Labor

Abbott declares he plans to take his current frontbench team to the election, which won't please the young and the restless on his backbench

Read more:
Abbott flip flopper shamed / forced to flop

Abbott to back plain-packet cigarettes

TONY Abbott has offered Coalition support for plain packaging of cigarettes, bowing to political pressure from Labor and sections of his own party for the tough new anti-smoking measure.

The Opposition Leader today revealed the shadow cabinet had agreed to back the introduction of drab olive green cigarette packages, depriving tobacco companies of their colourful branding.
Abbott flip flopper shamed / forced to flop

You know I've never understood why it is so shameful for a politician to change their mind on something. :confused:

We in business do it all the time; if presented with a better argument, why not.

Yet politicians are expected to make a decision instantaneously on any issue and stick to it come hell or high water for fear of the "backflip" jibe.

Sorry I just don't understand that.
I thought that in saying he would wait for the plain packaging legislation to be presented, he was sitting on the fence.
He could have made no other decision. Can't you just imagine if he'd refused to back the plain packaging the comments that would have been tossed around?
e.g. The Abbott coalition - backers of Big Tobacco, promoters of adverse health outcomes for ordinary Australians etc etc.
Doesn't matter what Mr Abbott might think about the effectiveness or otherwise of the change in packaging, he had no choice.
Abbott flip flopper shamed / forced to flop...

At least he didn't lie about it before the last election to get votes...:D

And, imo, neither would Gillard's flip flop on the carbon tax be so bad if she took it to an election first.

Gillard is clearly the winner of the flip flop trophy.