Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

Bet 10 pots he wont',

Libs may get there but they will have to make that change. There is no doubt he performed badly as an individual at the last election, Rudd's dud ways were there for the taking but Abbott stumbled at every turn. In an election the heat and focus turns up and Abbott will falter again under that pressure, his makeup in my take is just not up to the task.

I would be interested in the next Morgn Poll, (last one 54 Libs and 45 ALP, which away from an election is nothing). In fact polls out from elections are always a bit hit and miss in my view.


What do you make your assumption on about Abbott faltering before the next election.

I'll take you up on those 10 pots mate and I'll double the wager Gillard will be gone before Abbott.
Bet 10 pots he wont',

Libs may get there but they will have to make that change. There is no doubt he performed badly as an individual at the last election, Rudd's dud ways were there for the taking but Abbott stumbled at every turn. In an election the heat and focus turns up and Abbott will falter again under that pressure, his makeup in my take is just not up to the task.

I would be interested in the next Morgn Poll, (last one 54 Libs and 45 ALP, which away from an election is nothing). In fact polls out from elections are always a bit hit and miss in my view.


Maybe your own personal political bias coming out here, Explod?
My impression - and this seems to be fairly widely agreed across commentators - is that Mr Abbott is gaining in confidence and ability.
Just a look at the polls should tell you this.
If the liberals and Abbott have any sense they will be grooming Abbott.
Just hope they do a quite transition from Hockey to Turnbull as (I think noco called it)
Not that I think Joe is a problem, just better in industrial relations, everybody loves him.
I just cannot see what Abbot has ever achieved apart from smug criticism

That's because you have blinkered vision. He has Gillard's measure and he has her on the run. Even your hero Bob Green was looking glum when he assured us, on Gillard's behalf, that there would be no early election.

Brown needs Labor in power on 1st July in order to achieve his vision of destroying our economy. By the way, what is your attitude on closing down the coal mines?
All Tony Abbott has to do is point the finger and say "look over there" because the ALP ship is sinking under its own weight of bad and/or poorly implemented policy.
Its been fascinating to watch the spin doctors move from the government to Abbottliars camp and clearly the media has now joined Abbottliars band wagon.

The budget media commentary or lack of real questions of Abbottliars contradictory attacks has been illuminating.

Abbottliar will become PM....looking forward to more 3 worded slogans...only the brave and forthright hill billy Barnaby can save Australia.
Its been fascinating to watch the spin doctors move from the government to Abbottliars camp and clearly the media has now joined Abbottliars band wagon.

The budget media commentary or lack of real questions of Abbottliars contradictory attacks has been illuminating.

Abbottliar will become PM....looking forward to more 3 worded slogans...only the brave and forthright hill billy Barnaby can save Australia.

IFocus, I really used to think you were smarter than this...

When it comes to outright blatant lies, I think Gillard and Swan take the prize. And note that even the word Gillard has the word "liar" in it - so just typing her name, one is typing liar every time. Even Julia is simple to add one R to the end and there you have it. (No offense to our Julia as ASF and usually the reason I type Gillard as it spells liar every time.) Apart from the A there is no other letters to make up the word liar and so you have to add it all to the

It's a bit silly to try and point the finger at Abbott by calling him a liar. I think the three fingers pointing back tell the true story.

It seems to be a labor thing, I have noticed, to project their own problems on to others. It is often a thing that happens with certain mental illness. Usually the controlling, manipulative sort.

But I don't think calling Abbott a liar will do any good whatsoever. His budget speech was clearly brilliant and warmed the hearts of many disillusioned Aussies who feel that someone is actually listening.

How Gillard can possibly think she can retain respect from the people when, prior to the last election, she clearly stuck her nose into every TV camera she could find and droned out "THERE WILL BE NO CARBON TAX IN A GOVERNMENT I LEAD" And she also promised to stop the boats. Why didn't she promise that pigs could now fly?

What lie has Abbott told that comes anywhere near these fibs that were designed to get votes with apparently no intention of keeping those promises? No-one likes to be blatantly lied to...

So, everytime you resort to this silliness of calling Abbott a liar to try and distract from the real source of lies, you are only reminding us how badly your side has lied. Not very clever, IMO.
IFocus, I really used to think you were smarter than this...

When it comes to outright blatant lies, I think Gillard and Swan take the prize. And note that even the word Gillard has the word "liar" in it - so just typing her name, one is typing liar every time. Even Julia is simple to add one R to the end and there you have it. (No offense to our Julia as ASF and usually the reason I type Gillard as it spells liar every time.) Apart from the A there is no other letters to make up the word liar and so you have to add it all to the

It's a bit silly to try and point the finger at Abbott by calling him a liar. I think the three fingers pointing back tell the true story.

It seems to be a labor thing, I have noticed, to project their own problems on to others. It is often a thing that happens with certain mental illness. Usually the controlling, manipulative sort.

But I don't think calling Abbott a liar will do any good whatsoever. His budget speech was clearly brilliant and warmed the hearts of many disillusioned Aussies who feel that someone is actually listening.

How Gillard can possibly think she can retain respect from the people when, prior to the last election, she clearly stuck her nose into every TV camera she could find and droned out "THERE WILL BE NO CARBON TAX IN A GOVERNMENT I LEAD" And she also promised to stop the boats. Why didn't she promise that pigs could now fly?

What lie has Abbott told that comes anywhere near these fibs that were designed to get votes with apparently no intention of keeping those promises? No-one likes to be blatantly lied to...

So, everytime you resort to this silliness of calling Abbott a liar to try and distract from the real source of lies, you are only reminding us how badly your side has lied. Not very clever, IMO.

sails the tread is Tony Abbott for PM and I am serious that I think Abbott is a shoe in come an election labor is toast unless they stop the boats (Malaysia could well do this) and pass the carbon tax.

That being the case then what is it Abbott stands for

Saying we wont do what Labor is doing isn't going to cut it.

The budget reply was rubbish great politics but content deficient really it was rubbish / spin just what you wanted to hear if you are a Coalition supporter.

The Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, gave a budget address-in-reply that was a searing reinforcement of every negative perception about the government and this was hailed by many, including Abbott, as ''an alternative vision''.

Read more:

If and when Abbott becomes PM I will have a field day on this forum as Abbott really is a liar remember scripted and non scripted.

Ho hum! All politicians are liars, all of them. Didn't you know that?

I am finding this way of looking at things tiresome.

As parents and we change our minds our kids will say "but you said". The change will be due to a set of new circumstances or a better insight. We learn to be parents as we go, its a tuff job

As traders we fix ourselves on an idea but find the markets or trends are in charge so have to change our minds often, my poor judgement often on the gold thread is a good example. Does this make me a liar? Again we learn as we go.

Polititions in the heat of the moment, and to look like they really know, will often make statements that are not backed by research or in fact tested by the rank and file of their collegues. So are they lying? I think not. They too have to learn as they go.

Would be good if we could depart from our imprinted bias toward our own party at all cost, and be a bit more objective so that the real problems and solutions could be properly weighed and debated.

However on Abbott, he makes no real constructive arguments at all nor does he put up alternatives that can be measured by reason or backed up example, in my view.

Our forum would be a better place and some of us older posters could lend better examples to our growing ASF community by being a little bit more constructive than just saying "nar nar ne nar nar" to each other.

Need another red. :2twocents
I am finding this way of looking at things tiresome.

As parents and we change our minds our kids will say "but you said". The change will be due to a set of new circumstances or a better insight. We learn to be parents as we go, its a tuff job

As traders we fix ourselves on an idea but find the markets or trends are in charge so have to change our minds often, my poor judgement often on the gold thread is a good example. Does this make me a liar? Again we learn as we go.

Polititions in the heat of the moment, and to look like they really know, will often make statements that are not backed by research or in fact tested by the rank and file of their collegues. So are they lying? I think not. They too have to learn as they go.

Would be good if we could depart from our imprinted bias toward our own party at all cost, and be a bit more objective so that the real problems and solutions could be properly weighed and debated.

However on Abbott, he makes no real constructive arguments at all nor does he put up alternatives that can be measured by reason or backed up example, in my view.

Our forum would be a better place and some of us older posters could lend better examples to our growing ASF community by being a little bit more constructive than just saying "nar nar ne nar nar" to each other.

Need another red. :2twocents

Ahh Mr Plod, straight out of the Fabian playbook.

Leftist pugnaciousness is marked by a willingness to fight dirty, to hit below the belt etc. Unfortunately others recognize the rules and an eye gouge and a couple of kicks in the nuts later and you go all pious and Marquess of Queensbury on us.

Also unfortunately, this monumental hypocrisy only goes unnoticed by the intellectually challenged and cognitively biased tribal socialists (of which there is a large overlap ;)).

Politics in Australia just isn't an arena where fair rules prevail, it is a no rules cage fight where only the tough survive and duplicitous amateurs squealing "let's play fair" get their kidney punched out.

Juliar and Wayne Swine et al want to fight dirty, but Abbott is a fair dinkum cage fighter and he will rip their livers out and eat them for lunch. If that is so unpalatable for socialists, remember it is you who have set the tone.
Ahh Mr Plod, straight out of the Fabian playbook.
Perhaps, but I think explod has made some reasonable points.

Tony Abbott is doing a great job of capitalising on Labor's multiple weaknesses.
The government is wedged pitifully between the Right and the Left.
It's difficult to see how they will find a way through this with the disparate demands of acquiescing to the Greens on the one hand and the right of Labor supporters on the other, plus of course the demands of the Independents.

However, all Mr Abbott is doing is reflecting the (very real and understandable) concerns of voters with his three word rhetoric. It's extremely effective but essentially thoughtless.
He is failing to provide any genuine alternative vision for Australia, but I suspect that just doesn't matter at present. The electorate is fed up with the government on so many issues that it has stopped even considering that Labor can fix the multiple messes they have on their hands, most notably the asylum seekers issue.

Totally reasonable on the part of the electorate, surely, when they hear that each asylum seeker is costing $85,000 taxpayer dollars per annum, whilst many of them are struggling to pay tax amongst bringing up a family on as little as about $50,000 p.a.

The government deserves no sympathy for the way it is lurching from disaster to disaster, but that doesn't mean Tony Abbott, or the Coalition overall for that matter, is offering any genuinely thought out and considered alternative so far.
Let's hope they are planning to do this.
Ahh Mr Plod, straight out of the Fabian playbook.

Leftist pugnaciousness is marked by a willingness to fight dirty, to hit below the belt etc. Unfortunately others recognize the rules and an eye gouge and a couple of kicks in the nuts later and you go all pious and Marquess of Queensbury on us.

Also unfortunately, this monumental hypocrisy only goes unnoticed by the intellectually challenged and cognitively biased tribal socialists (of which there is a large overlap ;)).

Politics in Australia just isn't an arena where fair rules prevail, it is a no rules cage fight where only the tough survive and duplicitous amateurs squealing "let's play fair" get their kidney punched out.

Juliar and Wayne Swine et al want to fight dirty, but Abbott is a fair dinkum cage fighter and he will rip their livers out and eat them for lunch. If that is so unpalatable for socialists, remember it is you who have set the tone.

Your inferred insults are unwarranted and unfortunate
...The government deserves no sympathy for the way it is lurching from disaster to disaster, but that doesn't mean Tony Abbott, or the Coalition overall for that matter, is offering any genuinely thought out and considered alternative so far.
Let's hope they are planning to do this.

I am guessing they are holding their policies close to the chest at this stage. Gillard and Swan seem to be desperately looking for new ideas and it wouldn't be beyond them to take the coalition policies and re-hash them.

Remember when Abbott recently gave out his policy on welfare? And a few days later, labor announces their re-hashed version.

I think the following cartoon of 11th May says it all:

Ahh Mr Plod, straight out of the Fabian playbook.

Leftist pugnaciousness is marked by a willingness to fight dirty, to hit below the belt etc. Unfortunately others recognize the rules and an eye gouge and a couple of kicks in the nuts later and you go all pious and Marquess of Queensbury on us.

Also unfortunately, this monumental hypocrisy only goes unnoticed by the intellectually challenged and cognitively biased tribal socialists (of which there is a large overlap ;)).

Politics in Australia just isn't an arena where fair rules prevail, it is a no rules cage fight where only the tough survive and duplicitous amateurs squealing "let's play fair" get their kidney punched out.

Juliar and Wayne Swine et al want to fight dirty, but Abbott is a fair dinkum cage fighter and he will rip their livers out and eat them for lunch. If that is so unpalatable for socialists, remember it is you who have set the tone.

I only said another red, not an entire cask.

Abbott's issues with Labor using aspects of coalition policy announcements more about wanting the credit himself or worried about the policy being damaged by implementation he is not happy with?

As a conservative, wouldn't he prefer to need to only make small changes if he got in to power? Thus Labor's poor implementations of coalition politices provide a lot of area for improvement with only small changes be better for election announcements? He then can annouce broad range of policies without having to do anything radical. Labor takes the heat for the mess everywhere and then Abbot fixes everything.

Abbott needs to show some care about how he handles the politics of issues. While he easily gets the headlines and brings down Labor, some aspects of it all could come back to bite him with the reality.