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Tony Abbott for PM

More like a whole lot of hot air I reckon.......

Well it won't be Global Warming hot air which is all that is coming out of Rudd. Abbott will put Australia's interests first. He does not share Rudd's ambition to strut the world's stage.

possibly the first post i have ever seen that i think shows some good sense and possibly the first ever i have liked that you have posted julia.

good to see your view politics as needing balance..

turncoat is gone, the libs have another buffoon to blame their next electoral loss onto, and the quicker the better it seems for them, then after that, front a good solid opponent and try to win the one after that..

its all part of the rebuild, abbott is just a fall guy for the short term..
Read some funny Tweets on Crikey yesterday, best being:

  • Nothing says conservative Christian agenda like a party led by an Abbott and a Bishop
    "So now I know how the Libs felt when we made Latham leader!"
    "today has everything...all we need is Virginia Trioli with a crazy hand signal "
I was very disappointed to hear Tony Abbott say a few moments ago (after the senate legislation was defeated) that whatever proposal the coalition comes up with in the new year to address climate change, it will not involve a new tax.

It is statements like this that often prevent the best solutions being adopted, because credibility then becomes an issue. If you are looking for the best solution to an issue, then why close off avenues that may be part and parcel of the best solution. I am not saying that the best solution will require a new tax of any sort, but it is as stupid to rule out a new tax as being part of a solution as it is for Labor to rule out nuclear energy from the basket of solutions.

Yep, spot on bellenuit, its all power games

Why cant they work it out together.

I know they didnt like Malcolm Turnbull and maybe it was all a ploy to just get him out.

Malcolm Turnbull will be back, maybe not there, but we havent seen the last of him, much to their disgust
Malcolm Turnbull will be back, maybe not there, but we havent seen the last of him, much to their disgust
He will need to learn a lot about politics and leadership in the meantime if a second coming is to be more successful than the first.
He will need to learn a lot about politics and leadership in the meantime if a second coming is to be more successful than the first.
Agreed. And remember, he has never stuck at anything for long.
Bellenuit, the way I heard it was that he just said a straight carbon tax was ruled out. That still leaves many options under different names. You know how skilled politicians are at finding a way to spin an acceptable sounding option.

One of my reservations (and it might be unreasonable) about an ETS is that it would be yet another market to trade and probably subject to the sort of derivatives that have caused so much trouble prior to the GFC.

This is just one of the concerns about which the government has made no information available. 80% of the population said in the most recent poll that they felt there was insufficient information about the ETS.
It's quite possible that the remaining 20% just weren't interested, rather than that they felt fully informed.
Malcolm Turnbull

"He was a merchant banker and managing director and a partner in Goldman Sachs."

Did anyone know that? and he is worth 178 million?

Tony Abbott

"He completed a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Law at Sydney University where he was an active student politician and boxer. Upon graduating he attended the Queen's College at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and gained a Master of Arts.

Upon returning to Australia, Abbott entered the St Patrick's Seminary in Manly where he studied to become a Catholic priest but left before completion to take up a role as a journalist for the Bulletin and The Australian."

Just thought it was interesting. You can tell alot from a persons past.
Malcolm Turnbull

"He was a merchant banker and managing director and a partner in Goldman Sachs."

Did anyone know that? and he is worth 178 million?

Just interesting i thought

Yes, hence his unwavering support for the ETS - the banks will make a killing as the brokers to this ludicrous system.

I would be cheering if I still lived in oz.

Taxation is the worst possible solution to the wrong problem.
If looks could kill!! Tony Abbott is lucky he sits in The Reps. and not in the Senate.


  • wong420-420x0.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 181
“godbothering pugilist”
“Abbot is one bloke I would never vote for”
“No to Tony Abbott”
“Can't stand Abbott as a person”
“Couldn't vote for anyone stupid enough to believe in the 3 books God”
“I dislike Abbott too”
“Wife is a dye in the wool Liberal hates Abbott with a passion”
“I can't stand Abbot”
“I've always disliked Tony Abbott”
“Him and Howard go hand in hand and not my cup of tea”.

Just a few, not to complementary remarks about Abbott from this thread.

Has anyone seen Abbott walk up to a press conference? He struts around like he is the heavyweight champion of the world. Reminds me of that other wanker George W. Bush. Hope there is not an omen in that comparison.

So why is it that the press, and various other commentators think that Abbott is a meddling godbotherer who will bring his religous beliefs to work? But krudd is not and is OK. Methinks they are hypocrites. A touch of bias perhaps.
Ouch! The ultimate insult.

This bloke only has one way to go in popularity...


I've changed my mind, I like him now (just to be contrary ).
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