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Tony Abbott for PM

Actually, most who had anything to do with Howard believed he was a nice guy, but resolute and determined.
how do i go about shorting ANSELL ? clearly its a requirement as the libs are morals to be returned to office any day now.

Just had some nice Champagne and a media adviser for afters.

It is so nice when one backs a winner.

I dislike Abbott too.

But he may just be the right leader for the right time.
Abbott is a smart guy but he is also a religious right wing conservative, ex Howard head kicker, and a long way from the middle ground which is where you win elections.

Interesting that on the surface the extreme right seem to hold very safe seats where as moderates hold the marginals = Liberals doomed

Its all a free kick for Labor

Wife is a dye in the wool Liberal hates Abbott with a passion............and I think that's a trend with women
I can't stand Abbot and if he ever gets into power in Australia I suspect I will literally dry retch. Unfortunately I live in his electorate too - at least I'll be able to vote against him. I'd really like to see the liberal party move on from the Howard legacy and get some fresh blood and ideas. Before he got the leadership I thought Turnbull held some promise but he was dissappointingly lacking in actual substance or leadership skills.

I'd rather have seen Hockey given a go for a change of pace.
Just had some nice Champagne and a media adviser for afters.

It is so nice when one backs a winner.

He's good for putting the ETS on ice for a bit but if he becomes PM all that might be on offer for afters is a stint in the confession box.
If Abbott can unite the party and trusting the Hockey supporters can show some common sense, there is no reason not to believe he could not defeat Rudd with a strong and well organised campaign. He has the tools and plenty of amunitions to expose Rudd for what he is, a liar and the greatest spin doctor of all times.

The Labor Party propaganda machine got into top gear at 10am this morning and will be working 24/7 to raise what ever dirt they can dig up on Tony Abbott to ridicule and discredit him any way they can not only politically but personally. He may have made mistakes in the past; haven't we all.

One cannot undo the past, but we can control the future.
The Labor Party propaganda machine got into top gear at 10am this morning and will be working 24/7 to raise what ever dirt they can dig up on Tony Abbott to ridicule and discredit him any way they can not only politically but personally.

This will not be difficult at all, most of it is already out there.
I've always disliked Tony Abbott, essentially on the basis of his religiously based anti-abortion, anti -euthanasia etc stands. And I don't believe he can genuinely say that his public or policy views are not influenced by his personal beliefs.

However, as Wayne has said, he may well be the right counterfoil to Labor right now. As far as I'm concerned, he's off to a damn good start by insisting on further examination of the ETS, or if necessary, the scuttling of same.

He's not afraid of speaking out and will not be a Labor Party proxy which is what Turnbull had become.

There was a good interview with him on the 7.30 Report this evening.
It was refreshing to have a politician actually answer most of the questions posed, instead of the parroted weasel words we have become used to from Rudd, Gillard and Swan. The interview actually seemed like a genuine exchange between two people who probably even quite liked each other.

However, time will tell what sort of leader Mr Abbott will be.
It's difficult to see him as a unifying force, especially given the slender nature of his victory and the resulting numbers obviously against him.
Tough job for anyone.
I had to laugh when Abbott said, Rudd has taken us back to the 1970's.

OMG with him we would be going back to the 1950's

No thanks

Him and Howard go hand in hand and not my cup of tea.
Abbott has balls

Rudd doesn't.

It comes down to that in the end.

And most women go for bad boys, and most men respect them.


disclaimer: there may be an AM in this for me for backing him and travelling down here to Canberra to twist a few arms, when nobody else supported him.

If they got together there could be a double act Abbott and Costello
Already been done in opposition ("the things that batter" spark any memories?)

In any case, our opposition leaders are now an Abbott & a Bishop
Forget about Abbott. The focus will be on Rudd who hasnt achieved anything but put Australia in a debt hole.
The issues will be border security and the carbon tax proposal..

Rudd won the last election on doing nothing with bogus policies...

Watch the independants rise, the Greens fall along with Labor.
The Climategate scandal will undo them.

One thing I liked about Abbotts interview this morning he mentioned that Australia was over legislated.. He wants people to be more repsonsible for their own actions unlike the Nanny States and Federal policy makers we have now... Bureaucratic blunders.. Another $1 billion of wastage by Rudd.
The liberals search for an opposition leader reminds me of "Man who look too long for horse end up with donkey"
I've always disliked Tony Abbott, essentially on the basis of his religiously based anti-abortion, anti -euthanasia etc stands. And I don't believe he can genuinely say that his public or policy views are not influenced by his personal beliefs.

I agree that Abbott's religion based views are a drawback, but at least he is not a hypocrite like Rudd who makes sure he is seen coming out of church on Sundays, but who worships at the altar of no god, but a religious zeal for power and influence. In his religion you either worship him or you are out.

I think Abbott will be a breath of fresh air. He is certainly not there to help the government achieve it's global warming ambitions. He will ensure that the media focus returns to what damage the government policies can do to the country rather than what the opposition alternatives are.
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