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Tony Abbott for PM

I despair.....

Thank Christ NZ politics isn't currently at the pathetic level Oz politics are at the moment (though just a matter of time really ).

Honestly, this is all pretty puerile stuff isn't it?
I despair.....

Thank Christ NZ politics isn't currently at the pathetic level Oz politics are at the moment (though just a matter of time really ).

Honestly, this is all pretty puerile stuff isn't it?

I despair also.
Australia has hit a new low and this thread is reflecting that.
The tone of the discussion level in the public realm is terrible. Partisans just throwing insults over the divide with little informed policy discussion arguing over such petty nothings and indulging in pathetic name calling.

If you hate the other paty so violently as some seem to do here, then join the party you adore and act to effect change. Or alternatively, try to get some balance. The other side is not the evil incarnate and your side is not perfect, not even close.
Nulla you said:
Yes, and also the narrative of the labor/socialist parties ever since I was a lad - patching up what the liberals/conservative have screwed up. I guess it depends on who has the rose coloured glasses on at the time.

and I replied:

Would be interested in your reply to the above, Nulla...
Does he have a shooter license for the category of rifle he fired?
Did he receive any training in the safe handling of the rifle and be tested before being allowed to fire the rifle?
He may have completed a TOET test whilst he was there, it wouldn't take long. I fired a Steyer plenty of times (I was never a grunt/dibbie), only took the TOET 3 times and never held any sort of civilian gun licence.
I despair.....

Thank Christ NZ politics isn't currently at the pathetic level Oz politics are at the moment (though just a matter of time really ).

Honestly, this is all pretty puerile stuff isn't it?
Hah, I can assure you NZ has in the past indulged in nonsense every bit as puerile as the stuff that's presently absorbing Australians!

I'm out of touch with NZ politics now, but have the impression that PM John Key is receiving some grudging respect from Labor voters as well as his own side. From what I've seen and heard of him, he seems straightforward and fairly reasonable.

The level of political debate is usually determined by the leadership.
There's little respect in Australia for any of the current bunch of politicians, so it's pretty much all downhill from there, especially as they engage in the sort of stupid, petty crap that has been going on recently.
#1032 - They are bickering over who invited whom to Afgahnistan first? PUERILE at best, PETTY display of superciliousness at it's extreme. And the media laps it up like a cat with cream. Disgusting display of prestidigitation political technique to keep the masses stupified as to what is going on in the real world.

And it now dominates the boards in here !! KEEEERHISSSTTTTT SAKE !!

When will these DRONGOS start debating some real policy for a change??

1) Where is the funds for the hospitals?
2) Where are the SUPER clinics they were to build??
3) Where is the money for the Murray Darling basin?
4) Border Protection policy out the window? Where are the boatpeople in record numbers now? Ooooh that's right - out of sight in LEONORA !!!!!!!!
5) Free Insulation - where is Peter Garrett?
6) BER - What was the outcome ??? HUH ???
7) Grocery Watch - 10 million spent and NUFFIN !!!!!
8) Ad infinitum on FAILED POLICIES !!!!!!!

JEEEEEZUZ CHRIST !!!!!!!!!! And who was right there whilst all this was going on? None other than Julia Gillard who now rules with a slender independent slant. And what has been done about it ????


And the media wants to wank on about Afghanistan. Get a grip peoples. You are being led around the ring like a prize bull. WAKE UP EEEEJITSSS !!
I agree TS so what if he fired a few rounds from a Steyr.... Vladimir Putin had 1000's of pictures of him hunting, wrestling and doing all sorts of outdoor stuff and his people loved him.

The problem with this country is we are too busy worrying about bull****, the real problems at hand we brush over.
I despair.....

Thank Christ NZ politics isn't currently at the pathetic level Oz politics are at the moment (though just a matter of time really ).

Honestly, this is all pretty puerile stuff isn't it?
NZ is already sucking down the Cabon tax, so I don't know if they are better off?
People are just blowing off steam and right after an election it's the usual argy bargy. There isn't much in the way of policy details just yet. Once something looks more solid I'm sure people will be up in arms either way.
Try reading the news reader comments for the ultimate bitchfest.
Right now is 'fulla' time.
NZ is already sucking down the Cabon tax, so I don't know if they are better off?

Well if we're talking policy there'd plenty to whinge about here. I was referring to the level of debate.


John Key and The Nationals: Some policies really give me the irrits (especially ETS :aufreg: ). But the man himself is very approachable and accessible... and doesn't indulge in too much BS political doublespeak. He just says it how he sees it; sometime even speaking the politically unutterable truth such as "I don't know right now".

He is very likeable.
Maybe Tony should run for PM of New Zealand, they seem to like him over there?

I've always said the Duckman series was well ahead of its time.

There was a classic episode where Duckman's son accidentally "ripped a hole in the time space continuum". As a result Duckman was visited by future incarnations of himself telling him what to do and what not to do based on the consequences of his actions. It got to the stage where he refused to move for fearing the consequences of his actions, and ended up staring blankly on his couch.

Sounds ridiculous - yet this is where our politicians are heading very shortly. What a very sad reflection on the level of political debate that after our two leaders visited Afghanistan the three hot topics were:

* Who decided to visit first? Gillard or Abbott? And did Gillard know that Abbott was planning his own visit when she invited him along with her?

* Should Abbott have fired off some rounds with the gun?

* What will the latest polls look like for Abbott after the "jet-lag" comment?

Contribution to meaningful political advancement for Australia and Australians??....NIL.

Duckman, the three hot topics you mention are all about Abbott. Seems to be all to distract from the bigger issues labor is facing. BTW, Gillard has gone strangely quiet (not complaining!).

Interesting there has been nothing on the Murray-Darling issues here at ASF - apart from the Climate change debates, it's mostly been whatever the latest silly thing someone can throw at Abbott.

If that's the best they can dig up on him, it says Abbott is doing OK at this stage...
Politicians generally try to occupy the front page or 1st news item on the lost dog show (commercial TV news) to stay in the punters memory.

Abbott quite successfully out did Rudd so well the daily's run cartoons on the fact.

Abbott now has an issue controlling his emotions as the full weight of losing an election and the very real prospect that this government will run its full term.

The flip flopping on policy (coalition) and his general comments on Afghanistan seem to confirm this IMHO.

It also looks like the resources put in place to ensure his discipline during the election are no longer in play.

I still believe until all the dead wood left over from Howard's era is removed the Coalition will really struggle.
I still believe until all the dead wood left over from Howard's era is removed the Coalition will really struggle.
You may well be right on this.
If this 'deadwood' were to be removed, who in the Coalition would you see as being capable of stepping up to the front bench?

I think this is where they have the major problem. Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt seem fairly promising, but have nowhere near the experience required to be in Cabinet.

It's a great shame imo that Nick Minchin has moved to the back bench. He has always been capable of more than he was given. George Brandis, too, could take a stronger role, though you probably consider him amongst the
deadwood too?

At least the Libs don't go for the celebrity appointments, a la Peter Garrett.
What a dismal failure he has been in every possible sense.

Sorry to go off topic, but next time you visit yourself through the torn space time continuim, can you let me know what happens to MQG? Does it ever improve or does it continue to consume itself then dissappear?

This is the third time I have asked these questions - so I am assuming you have no answers, Nulla???
The context of the original post was not as to what, if anything, labor had done wrong that the coalition "had to fix" or what, if anything, the colaition had done wrong that labour "had to fix".
The context of the post was the similarity of the perspective of the opposing view points in respect of their historical view of each others efforts in governement and who fixed what.

"This is the third time I have asked these questions - so I am assuming you have no answers, Nulla??? "

Stop trolling for a barney for pete's sake.
1. They saw off John Howard;
2. They saw off Kevin Rudd; and
3. They stopped Tony Abbott from becoming Prime Minister of Australia.

That could be considered as 3 good achievements of the last three years to a lot of people.
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