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Tony Abbott for PM

So Abbott turns the party around to victory and definite victory in the primary vote and now people want to see him go?

Please, Snake ...
Credit where it is due, AFAIK it is only me calling for Abbott to get the chop, not 'people'.

Also, I have heard the saying recently, in relation to the equity market in the US that 'sideways is the new up'. I really like that and have jotted it down in my diary. Do you mind if I add 'losing is the new victory' to it? Apparently this is an expression of the 'new normal', though George Orwell came up with doublespeak way back when.

Yes Julia, Abbott pulled the rug from under Rudd and almost succeeded in doing the same to Gillard.
Gillard is there by default and is not a legitimate Government.
Still say this election was a good one for Abbott to have lost given the headaches about to be imposed upon Gillard.
It has been interesting/amusing to see the likes of Timmy and co posting after the result.

For Timmy to take such a strong stance against Julia regarding the 2PP outcome after almost 90% of counting seems petty. And to argue that Julia is quoting unsourced facts is ridiculous. It is being plainly discussed and referred by all political commentators. Don't be so precious. Is it that important, and are you that uncharitable that you cannot accept the notion?

When I've finished this post I will contact Chris Uhlman, Kerry O'Brien, Laurie Oakes and Annabelle Crabb and tell them, to wait for the final OK from Timmy before they keep talk about the Coalition winning the 2PP.

As for Abbott - fire away. The history books will show his stint as leader over the past 18 months as one of the most successful from an Opposition leader.

Regardless of what you think of Abbott - it is most unsporting to say 6 months ago that the man was "unelectable" and then not acknowledge the results of the Federal Election (more seats and more votes). As Julia has mentioned - if not for two "Independents" who ultimately want to preserve their moment in the sun for the full three years - Abbott would be the PM.

It is also mischievious to suggest the election would have been won with Turnbull at the helm. The left-wing green Laborites might not like it but.............. not everyone wanted the Climate Change legislation to go through. I'd rather still be in opposition (particularly in this parliament) than be in Government with a half-arsed climate change white elephant.

Timmy I know that you are excited. And I know that you are having some a great time "wetting the baby's head". But before you party too hard, have a close look at what you've given birth to. It's a bastard love child between Gillard, Brown and Oakeshott.

Now it might be just me but I just can't excited about the arrival of a red-headed homosexual Christian singer making decisions on behalf of Australians.

It has been interesting/amusing to see the likes of Timmy and co posting after the result.
Well, I said the same 9 months ago then I shut up. I think it would have been most unfair to say what needed to be said just prior or during the campaign. If one cannot challenge the groupthink now, then when?

For Timmy to take such a strong stance against Julia regarding the 2PP outcome after almost 90% of counting seems petty.
I value ASF as a forum where we can find out the truth. If you do not, that is up to you. You really need to do your research, though.

Is it that important, and are you that uncharitable that you cannot accept the notion?
Actually, the 2PP result is irrelevant, but like I said I value ASF as a forum where the truth can be spoken. You may disagree.

When I've finished this post I will contact Chris Uhlman, Kerry O'Brien, Laurie Oakes and Annabelle Crabb and tell them, to wait for the final OK from Timmy before they keep talk about the Coalition winning the 2PP.
You set a fine example of being petty, Duckman.

- if not for two "Independents" who ultimately want to preserve their moment in the sun for the full three years - Abbott would be the PM.
I have covered this elsewhere.

The level of groupthink and defensiveness directed against my comments convince me that it needed to be said.
if not for two "Independents" who ultimately want to preserve their moment in the sun for the full three years - Abbott would be the PM.

What right did Abbott have to expect support from the "Independents". Firstly they were independents because they couldnt get along with The Lib/Nats then Abbott campaigned against them very hard. The Nats tried to bully them into giving Abbott their support. So being independent they had every right to go which ever way they chose.

They probably knew that Abbott would ditch them the moment he could get along without them. They also knew that Abbott did nothing for country Australia over their years at the helm.

What do you think Labor will do with them? Swan has already sidelined them on taxation reform within in one day.
They probably knew that Abbott would ditch them the moment he could get along without them. They also knew that Abbott did nothing for country Australia over their years at the helm.

Do you want to define what Tony Abbott didn't do for Australia whilst he was under the helmsmanship of Howard?
What do you think Labor will do with them? Swan has already sidelined them on taxation reform within in one day.

The fat lady hasn't sung yet. Swan may not get the last say.They are "independents" after all and they do have the balance of power. They have the key of the doorand can walk any time THEY choose.

WOW ....... you know the rules Timmy ....... if you cannot debate sensically with pie graphs and facts and figures then it is best to be burnt at the stake for your "outsider" thinking.

Just drink the Kool Aid dude.
Do you want to define what Tony Abbott didn't do for Australia whilst he was under the helmsmanship of Howard?

Improve the infrastructure necessary to maintain a progressive and prodructive Australia outside the capital cities. He/they didn't do too good in the cities either.
The fat lady hasn't sung yet. Swan may not get the last say.They are "independents" after all and they do have the balance of power. They have the key of the doorand can walk any time THEY choose.

WRONG WRONG WRONG and just plain WRONG. The corpulent contessa does not come into play until July 1st for a start.

The Independents have agreed to vote bloc with the Labor Party to form a minority Government. They DO NOT have the balance of power in the Senate ... YET. They do have the ability to sit on the crossbench and have a conscience vote. They cannot "WALK" at anytime they choose as the actions they have taken is to become untenable with either party. The last stand of the new pariahs is about to unfold.

THE GREENS have more of what you are trying to say in their mettle.
Improve the infrastructure necessary to maintain a progressive and prodructive Australia outside the capital cities. He/they didn't do too good in the cities either.

nioka ...... you are a free thinking man. I like this about you. So when the Howard years paid off the unsumountable debt left by Labor and as just as they were about to go on a massive infrastructure spending spree we get rid of them and replace them with the spinner Rudd?? WOWEEE ...... what has he done for infrastructure and hospitals and police and nurses?? HUH?? For the greater good of our country Australia.

What has Gillard done? BER?? In flames and under investigation. Where are the laptops?? Where is the Insulation?? Gerry Harvey is grateful for the Labor Party for the $2700 shoved down his throat with the handouts !! A BIG SCREEN TV FOR ALL !! Lest we forget.

$900 x 3 x 22 million people would have made how many kilometres of road? How many hospitals?? HUH ????

KEEEEEERIPESSSSSSSSSSSSS !! Open your frigggin eyes man. Think outside the square for a change ........ no wait that is your mantra. !!
THE GREENS have more of what you are trying to say in their mettle.

The greens are the one to worry about. If I did have a nightmare I guess the smiling face of Bob Brown would be in there somewhere. Abbott would be there with him though.

And Gillard and Swan.

(Windsor and Katter would be there also but riding the white horses.)

I haven't worked Oakshot out yet. (I'm waiting to interview his excellently tallented children that he consults.)
So when the Howard years paid off the unsumountable debt left by Labor !

That is the greatest con of all time. The debt was partly paid off by the sale of part of the farm with telstra being a big part of that. The rest was transferred to the private sector debt from public debt. If you examine the "books" you will find that ,as a country, we ended up worse off financially during those years.

OOOOeerrrr RRR ?? Jason Friday the 13th the last chapter has nothing on you??? Feddie Krueger perhaps ??

Welcome to my nightmare .... Alice Cooper is my favourite

That's a negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full. Run Forrest RUN.

I do not want to get into a "he said she said" dog fight nioka. Go and read Hansard for some facts instead. My opinion of you has not changed.

WORSE OFF UNDER HOWARD ??? hahahahhahaha *gasp* hahahahahhah

Tell me WHY we came through the GFC untouched then??? Small national debt? Not much money owing to the banking fraternity? How about a sovereignty that includes 20% of the nuclear WORLD stockpile??

Nevermind ....... you will get it one day. No matter how many times I brow beat it into you !!
Do you want to define what Tony Abbott didn't do for Australia whilst he was under the helmsmanship of Howard?

As Health Minister try health reform, nil. In fact try stripping out funding from health plenty fact try.......heck the list is to long but you wont find running the economy and Abbotts name in the same sentence

Costello made this very clear and we know its fact for as long as Hockey is shadow treasurer instead of Robb it shows Abbott is incapable of understanding and leadership.
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