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Tony Abbott for PM

Interesting that the public for some reason seems to have wanted Rudd leading Labor and got him – they also seem to want Turnbull leading Liberal – how long before they get their way there as well?

Any rate seen this joke pinned to Abbot and thought it funny – could apply to most politicians really.

I cant see the union hacks rolling over too quickly. There is still alot of unresolved issues in there. It was all over Rudds face when asked by the reporter.
This has been the longest campaign and I am sick to death of hearing about Rudd and his dysfunctional party.
I am annoyed that they are holding up the public even longer and still no date set for the election.
KRudd has Abbott's measure........
Great summary, Bushman.
Worse still, I don't think Abbott et al would even understand what you're saying.

Craft, that post turtle homily has been applied to dozens of politicians by dozens of others over dozens of years.
So it seems that many forum members accept Bushmans analysis that KRudd has Tony Abbotts measure. The polls are saying that the parties are neck and neck and the momentum of the change suggest KRudd could open up a few points advantage in the next few weeks.

So how does the Liberal Party and Tony effectively respond ? 3 word slogans now look simplistic and counter productive. To date Tony Abbott appears unable to respond with effective policy statements longer than a sentence. For all the howls of an economy in tatters the facts are we have survived remarkably well in any comparison to other countries. And so far no factions of the Labour party has show no inclination to trash KRudd despite the his record.

Any thoughts ?

Good story in The Age expanding on Tony Abbotts situation

Abbott under pressure as the game changes

Good points basilio.

LNP ( as a member ) are just waiting to see if sugar hit evaporates.

IMO it won't.

Princess Kevin is the ultimate campaigner, i personally see through him, as many of his caucus do, but whatever.

LNP have a good plan, for the campaign, whenever it starts, but Rudd is now controlling this.

If I had to put a quid on it, I'd say Rudd will get in.

However, Abbott destroyed Rudd once, and I am sure is working to do the same again.

The last 2 weeks will be vital.

Then there is Malcolm !!

LNP ( as a member ) are just waiting to see if sugar hit evaporates.

For some of us, and while I agree with you, it has simply replaced one sugar hit with another sugar hit . See my posts on carbon tax lie as an example where people were more content with a 3 word slogan that was not true than the substance of a price regardless of what it was called. I'm bemused by people suddenly discovering the downside to perception based politics but that is what we as a democracy seem to accept for politics.

I have no doubt that things will swing and turn, each side bemoaning the apparent loss of substance at each turn, while most people will stand on the side lines cheering for their side as one would when confusing pro wrestling on TV for a real sport.

Agree ++

Great summary, Bushman.
Worse still, I don't think Abbott et al would even understand what you're saying.

Craft, that post turtle homily has been applied to dozens of politicians by dozens of others over dozens of years.

And deservedly so, no doubt – I’m not really very political and hadn’t seen it before. Sorry for clogging up the thread with a repeat.

My first point – Liberal denying the public what they want in Turnbull as Liberal leader is from my uneducated view Liberals biggest hurdle to government.

Despite the factions and faceless men etc. Labor has delivered what the public consensus wanted for Labor leader (and despite the circus and ridiculousness, has got a big boost for it). Liberal has not yet responded to public consensus on its leadership. Maybe there will be no consequences for snubbing who the public wants as Liberal leader at the election – Maybe there will. Seems very sporting of the Liberal party to take such a risk especially now the election suddenly seems losable.

+1 Agree completely.
Rudd will bend to any arguement Abbott puts forward and nullify attacks on past record by agreeing and saying they have changed.
Rudd could sell fridges to eskimos, so there is no point argueing untill it is necessary, best to leave him to explain his failings.
Then, when the election date is known, bring the campaign together in a structured and timely manner.
Waste of time IMO, debating Rudd on issues Rudd wants to talk about at a time of Rudds chosing.

The closer it gets to the election and the shorter the campaign, the less chance Rudd has to fast talk and spin his way out of trouble.IMO
And so far no factions of the Labour party has show no inclination to trash KRudd despite the his record.
Any thoughts?
Because with him, they think they are in there with a chance.

I don't often agree with you Basilio especially when it's in the Age. But I like their metaphor. Abbott has been running comfortably in low gear for years now, just keeping up momentum with repetitious slogans. I fear the election is now his to lose. The big question is can he step up a notch and show a little flair and style and humour and present a confident face.

Or will his legacy be that when the fate of our country was in the balance he couldn't step up to the plate.?
The big question is can he step up a notch and show a little flair and style and humour and present a confident face.

Or will his legacy be that when the fate of our country was in the balance he couldn't step up to the plate.?
The other question is when he and the Coalition needs to step it up. I suspect the Coalition have chosen later, after the initial Kevin Rudd revival wave subsides a bit. That being said, TA has seemed to me to be a little flat in recent media appearances.

I would agree doc.

However one must remember that Tony Abbott alone destroyed Rudd.

His own ALP party were cowed by Rudd's psychopathy.

The ALP still are, look at Shorten a eunuch.

The Coalition under Turnbull was powerless.

Abbott is inside Rudd's mind.

I would bet on Abbott untangling Rudd's psychopathy.

Psycho Princess Rudd is having a sugar hit atm imo.


On politicians and travel entitlements,
"Kevin 747" to campaign overseas: Abbott

TONY Abbott says he has no doubt Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will be happy to campaign for the 2013 election while attending a host of international summits scheduled for the next few months.

But the opposition leader says he'll be spending his time at home because he wants to be prime minister of Australia, "not prime minister of the world".

Fairfax on Wednesday reported that busy sporting and international summit schedules mean November 16 is now the most likely date for the federal election.

It says overseas events likely to be attended by Mr Rudd include the G20 summit in St Petersburg and UN leaders week in New York, both in September, and the APEC and East Asia summits in October.

Mr Abbott said there was no doubt that Mr Rudd loved to travel: "They didn't call him Kevin 747 for nothing".

"I think there is every chance that Mr Rudd will want to spend most of his time campaigning for election in Australia from the front of the 747 in other countries," Mr Abbott told reporters in Melbourne.

"My own view is that I'm running to become Prime Minister of Australia, not to be prime minister of the world, and I'll be spending my time here in Australia between now and polling day."
Firstly, great post Bushman. Interesting to see how one very articulate and to the point post can swing the quality of an entire thread.

I would agree doc.

However one must remember that Tony Abbott alone destroyed Rudd.


Abbott is inside Rudd's mind.


Different time, different place IMO.
Abbott didn't orchestrate Rudd's demise, but I agree he certainly executed it. I think the single biggest issue was the price on carbon which caught Rudd out because until Abbott overthrew Turnbull it largely had bi-partisan support. Once Abbott knocked it back Rudd was on the back foot and never recovered.
Same will need to happen this time if Rudd is to be defeated. He's too comfortable at the moment.
IMO Rudd has a better read on Abbott than the other way round. It's going to take something special from Abbott to turn the polls. A mistake on Rudd's behalf, followed by negativity from Abbott is not going to be enough to reverse the momentum at this stage. Then again, we've got till November from the sounds of things...
"My own view is that I'm running to become Prime Minister of Australia, not to be prime minister of the world, and I'll be spending my time here in Australia between now and polling day."

Maybe it's me that's out of touch, but IMO Australia in the coming decades needs to be ever more involved in global politics. I think the average voter realizes this and I don't think Abbott realizes does. The China driven mining boom, wars in middle-east, GFC led by US and sustained by EU, high AUD - all had far more effect on Australia than any policies or "reforms" since the early 2000's.
"Kevin 747"

It is still a slogan, a negative, a personality play. Abbott will not beat KRudd in a populist shoot out.

He needs to talk about supporting SMEs along the east coast who are really struggling, repealing Labour's regressive taxes, his vision for 21st century Australia, his approach to curbing wage inflation, his plan for out of control government spending, Libs track record in standing up to bank gauging on mortgage rates, his vision for the Future Fund, his vision for making the NBN targeted and effective, etc etc. In other words, don't just be a conservative party, be a reforming Liberal party.

Libs should set the economic reformist agenda in Aus discourse, the tax reformist agenda, the vision for a small gov't etc.

Let Kevin remind Australia that he is all 'vision' and not much 'elbow grease'.

If Abbott cannot shift gears from an opposition leader keeping government accountable (which he excelled at) to potential PM selling the Liberal vision, then get someone else in who can .... otherwise Uncle Psycho will lead us a merry dance around the globe starting with his triumphant return to the G20.

+1 good find, someone mentioned this to me a few weeks ago. this is exactly why Rudd is waiting. He knows that chances are he wont get voted in so hes gonna make the most of it while he can; he will do this by traveling to all the overseas summits. also it may trick some people into thinking he is an authoritive figure by attending these summits. I say bring on the election, im sick of waiting

Yes that's exactly what he's doing running around big noting himself while he can then off to the UN after the election loss..........
Everyone complains about the biased media etc. that does not focus on what they believe it should but this is what happens when some do something more than just complain.

I have also heard of people setting up bounties for journalist to ask questions i.e. start a fund for questions that one believes are not being asked and pay the bounty to the journalist who adequately investigates it.
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