What's TA offering as a counter to Rudd's lack of substance? i don't think a lack of platform or policy wins over perceived lack of substance...first the Noalition has to stand for something, i don't think winding back the clock is actually "something"
What is Rudd offereing apart from trying to sort out the internal Labor problems? That is all we seem to be hearing about ATM.
No election date.
No solution to the ever increasing boat arrivals.
Whether he going to scarp the Carbon TAX for a floating ETS.
How is he going tp pay back the $300 billion he has borrowed?
What savings is he going to make or will he keep throwing money around like a drunken sailor until election day?
How is he going to assist low paid workers who are struggling under increased living cost created by Labor over the last 6 years?
How is going to build confidence in the business world?
All we seem to hear is what a good fellow Kevin Rudd is and what he is 'gonna' do with reforming the Labor Party.
He is all smoke and mirrors like Mandrake the magician. Very trickey and very clever with all his spin and usual rhetoric.
Now please don't come and ask what Abbott will do, for what ever ideas Abbott will promote Labor will say me too. Just recently Labor has stolen Abbotts idea with the illegal boaties to process those with IDs first and are now wanting to take credit it for it.
Labor is in Government and Labor should be the ones coming up with solutions to fix their own mess. Abbott has every right to wait untill the election is called before releasing any more policies.