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Tony Abbott for PM

Has anyone stopped to consider the MAJOR reason there are more boats coming to Australis is BECAUSE there is a LOT more conflict around the world.
Upon reading that as the initial comment in your post, it was easy to judge what the tone of the rest of it would be.

Even Labor has now admitted that most, if not all arrivals by boat are not genuine refugees in that they are economic refugees.

Regardless of where anybody stands on the quantum of our refugee intake, it's critical that we maintain control of our migration program and not outsource it to illegal people smuggling operations as has happened under Labor.

Tony Abbott is going to come in for some unfair focus given his position and calls about Peter Slipper but the problem seems to be systemic. I wouldn't be surprised to see one side or the other make fixing this aspect of the system a priority to win votes in much the same way that Mark Latham did with Superannuation in 2004.

The question that I find interesting though is why Peter Slipper's situation got referred to the police and not others such that the Minchin protocol came into effect for everyone else but the protocol was not available to him.
Has anyone stopped to consider the MAJOR reason there are more boats coming to Australis is BECAUSE there is a LOT more conflict around the world.

I can't agree with that statement.

You have given some valid arguments why more people WANT to come to Australia, but they are not the reasons more boats ARE coming to Australia.

None of what you listed commenced within a few weeks of Kevin Rudd dropping Howard's policies on illegal arrival by boat. Yet, that is when the boats, which had more or less stopped coming, began to start coming once more at ever increasing frequencies. While we must be cognisant of other factors that cause people to want to come here, the blame for the increase in boat arrivals lays squarely on the shoulder of Kevin Rudd and those that encouraged his actions.

Abbott walks the walk his problem is he doesnt talk the talk.
Abbott walks the walk his problem is he doesnt talk the talk.

I think Abbott will be a great PM if he gets the chance, if the show pony gets in I frankly give up and the next Lib leader might as well be Hugh Jackman............he'd romp it in.
Problem is Tony cannot compete with Rudd in the verbal skills dept., Rudd makes him look deficient, and in a world where the media image rules, that's fatal for Tony.

He had a chance against Gillard she was so awful but Rudd will spin his way through this unless something happens and he shows his true colours along the way.
The Coalition under Tony Abbott realise that Kevin Rudd is a bubble of hot air that will burst and are playing the game accordingly.
The Coalition under Tony Abbott realise that Kevin Rudd is a bubble of hot air that will burst and are playing the game accordingly.

They are certainly letting Rudd talk himself up, which will is probably the best stratergy.
Everyone will soon tire of the smug look, then they will have to put up with an overdose of it, in the campaign.

As usual, I think Abbott is playing it fine, no point in playing in Kevs playpen.
Better waiting untill it really matters, then Abbott will have to perform, time will tell if he's up to it.
Problem is Tony cannot compete with Rudd in the verbal skills dept., Rudd makes him look deficient, and in a world where the media image rules, that's fatal for Tony.

So why the hell is he leader? its bizarre, MT sits in the wings with a PM approval rating almost double Tony's..seriously WTF ~ they do actually want to win the election right?

The Roy Morgan Poll has Labor clearly in font on 2PP

Have a look at Today's Newspoll, TA's dissatisfaction rating is 56% compared to Kevin on 36%


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Abbott also carries a lot of baggage from the past when he took pride in being a thug and bully plus caught out lying he was dead lucky it didn't happen on the parliament floor.

Throw in scripted unscripted etc and his success proves how politically inept Labor have been.

I don't think the Libs will dump him the right faction still have control and in politics its all about factional support.
Kevin Rudd's public popularity will drop once the electorate again realises there's no substance behind the spin. That's when the Rudd bubble will burst and this is what the Coalition is waiting for.

As for Malcolm Turnbull, history reminds up what a poor political opponent he was against Kevin Rudd.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

I dont see Tbull as leader material just yet. Perhaps once the election is called the libs will step up a gear.

Throw a dart in any direction in the labor party room and youre bound to hit a crook :
Turnbull will eventually become like Malcolm Fraser, realize he's in the wrong party and become a bitter and twisted old Pinko.
Kevin Rudd's public popularity will drop once the electorate again realises there's no substance behind the spin.

What's TA offering as a counter to Rudd's lack of substance? i don't think a lack of platform or policy wins over perceived lack of substance...first the Noalition has to stand for something, i don't think winding back the clock is actually "something"

Actually, I'd call it restoring prudence and sanity.
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