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Tony Abbott for PM

The infighting doesn't help. A stupid treasurer neither.

I remember not too long ago, the consensus was that the Chinese dragon will power the Australian economy to great riches for at least the next 20-30 years....
The infighting doesn't help. A stupid treasurer neither.

I remember not too long ago, the consensus was that the Chinese dragon will power the Australian economy to great riches for at least the next 20-30 years....

The way it is going the Chinese Dragon will own Australia in the next 30 years, I kid you

As I said, do your own research, present it, and then we may be able to see what you are on about; what are these cost blowouts due to the mining boom you are talking about? Try to be specific. And maybe you can tell us what all this nonsense has to do with Tony Abbott for PM.:screwy:

Here are a few from a quick google search. I am happy to present more at a later time.

While I am not defending the current labor government, it pays to see that other projects have had huge cost blowouts in the same time frame due to labor shortages, wage increases, productivity declines etc etc.

While I am not disputing the incompetency of the current government, it prudent not to just attribute every failure to that alone and to see the reasons beyond that. Why? If all failure where the fault of just the government, then the next government needs only to be more slightly more competent. Alternatively, if "our luck has changed", we will need a very strong leadership to get us through.

Are liberals more competent? Arguably yes. Does Abbott have what it takes to get us through GFC type event like in the US? I am not convinced...
Just to add, it seems to me anyway that the opinion on Abbott is that he is better than Gillard or liberals are better than Labor.

If we are heading to a hard landing of any description as the alarming revenue shortfalls are suggesting, the more prudent question should be are they good enough?

Wrong question . There's only two parties which form government in Australia so the question is:
Would the Abbott Government be worse than the current government? obvious answer
Wrong question . There's only two parties which form government in Australia so the question is:
Would the Abbott Government be worse than the current government? obvious answer

+1. However, the Coalition will be confronted with the Herculean Task of cleaning up the mess left by Labor. Gillard is determined to trash the joint with economic vandalism before they get kicked out. This is a deliberate Labor strategy.

As Margaret Thatcher said;

"SOCIALIST governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them."

Let's hope so.
I would love them to tackle family trusts so they can't be used as a way to escape tax by the wealthy. Also I would like some limits on negative gearing. There are many ways they could do this without getting rid of it.
They need to spend on infrastructure, desperately. I think Hockey is showing some nous. I am hopeful he will be a good Treasurer. The Oligarch's who try to run our country want GST and levys. These attack the middle class and leave them to do what they like. It is up to us to be educated and not let them get away with it. The fact that Gillard is proposing another levy just shows how clueless she and her treasurer are.
Wrong question . There's only two parties which form government in Australia so the question is:
Would the Abbott Government be worse than the current government? obvious answer

Your philosophy vs mine. While there are just two major political parties, there are not just two parties. Looking at the current government, the independents have more weight than most of labour backbenchers (or ministers). Good thing politically? No. But it shows that people can exercise their voting rights.

Your happy to settle for a better government. I want a government that is good enough!

Why is the current labour party a socialist government? I don't see them giving out handouts willy nilly?

Remember the Howard Plasma or holiday in Bali bonus? The marketing people had a blast!

Funny you should talk about Margaret Thatcher. She had the strength (balls if you will) to follow through with her convictions. If and when any Australian party comes up with a set of policies that is not as near sighted as the next election and not just stuff that is opposite to what the other party is doing,they will have my support.

Until than I reserve my right to question them and their ability to govern.
Dear Mr Abbott,
yes I will vote for you. But wake up and smell the coffee on your ridiculous Parental Leave Scheme.
Yours, in exasperation, Logique.

Drop this madly generous parental leave scheme now - 6 May 2013
Dear Mr Abbott,
yes I will vote for you. But wake up and smell the coffee on your ridiculous Parental Leave Scheme.
Yours, in exasperation, Logique.

Drop this madly generous parental leave scheme now - 6 May 2013

+1, It is an extravaganza to say the least and I agree it should be scrapped.
This issue is becoming a test for Tony Abbott. I haven't seen or heard one positive comment about it.
He has every reason to drop it, or at least postpone it. If he persists, then imo it's a negative sign for his hoped for newfound maturity.
This issue is becoming a test for Tony Abbott. I haven't seen or heard one positive comment about it.
He has every reason to drop it, or at least postpone it. If he persists, then imo it's a negative sign for his hoped for newfound maturity.

It's this comment that could be shifting opinion within the Opposition,

As it was, it was a bad idea, but if it results in an overall increase in the corporate tax rate, then it's nothing more than rank socialism.

Of 5399 votes in the following SMH poll, 79% think TA should walk away from it.

We can only hope he ultimately sees sense and at least puts it onto the backburner.
We can only hope he ultimately sees sense and at least puts it onto the backburner.

Not today, unfortunately.

These words about leaders calls and asking for forgiveness are worryingly familiar.
Problem is he cant be seen to be breaking promises, that's Gillard's special talent, he has to find an honourable way out.
Problem is he cant be seen to be breaking promises, that's Gillard's special talent, he has to find an honourable way out.
The fundamental problem with this particular policy is that he's dug himself into the same hole of fiscal irresponsibility as Julia Gillard and like she's discovered, there's no honourable way out. Hopefully in the end it will be a lesson to him and as the state of the budget increasingly comes to light, he'll see sense.

Interestingly, Alex Hawke is not only critical of the funding method, he's critical of the policy regardless of how it's funded.

He'll just have to use the well worn "we didn't know how bad the fiscal position was" excuse.
Nice to see Joe Hockey ready to take the axe to bloated welfare payments to those who don't need them.
Not today, unfortunately.
These words about leaders calls and asking for forgiveness are worryingly familiar.
Sure are.
Imo his credibility would be better served by at least postponing this on the perfectly valid basis that business conditions need to be better for it to be implemented or something like that.
And at some stage he needs to stop being terrified about making any comments about workplace relations.
Something needs to be done to address Gillard's pandering to the unions and if Mr Abbott continues to insist he's going to change nothing he's in trouble before he starts imo.

Nice to see Joe Hockey ready to take the axe to bloated welfare payments to those who don't need them.
Good. However, self interest will always prevail in the electorate, I guess.
The Essential Media report which drsmith posted includes a question about this, and there's some clear rejection of any cutting of middle class welfare. Hope Hockey will still follow through with this.
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