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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2021

Apologies to the GC threesome. I included a grey background but it doesn't show up very well in the pic. Perhaps I'll use a darker blue rinse so that it's easier to find you throughout the year.

CXO .... ..... XRO ...... GEM
and then IVC - Teaching my daughter about the stock market and she stated that she wants shares in death, being a teenager smarty pants reply. ... .
... and continuing the education; a lesson for Ms S/P in diversification. Next cab off the rank should not be PFP but perhaps MVF
... and continuing the education; a lesson for Ms S/P in diversification. Next cab off the rank should not be PFP but perhaps MVF
Thanks for your input,
MVF also increases early menopause side effect of treatment rarely discussed like tailored HRT using a endocrinologist. Maybe also cover the God angle to with PPH : )
Currently Ms S/P is learning about dividend reinvestment and if I stuff it up it’s off to PFP for me.
Pm8 rare earth mine soon to start construction, government backed. Bfs released shortly numbers will be huge. Believe it will be bought out
That thing has gone to the moon already (see attached chart below) !

I try and pick this type of thing early in my yearly competitions and in my spec and medium term portfolios that is shown publicly here at ASF. Picking them up early is not easy of course. I wish there was a way we could get in on these type of moves early, not once the train has left the station .

Just a general comment to all ASF members with regards to collaborating our efforts to get into gems like PM8 in it's early days. As for the full year pick, best of luck to you johnsy800 there may be some steam left in that train

Been on this one since $0.14 still got a long way to go in my opinion
I am assuming that I entered my nominations too late for this Competition?

Hi Paul, yes unfortunately your entries were received after the deadline for entries in this year's competition had passed.

Feel free to enter the monthly competitions throughout the year, and consider giving the 2022 competition a shot when entries open in December this year.
@Paul Idstein Your selections have been noted and will be included in the monthly updates. You'll be able to see your progress throughout the year. Unfortunately being late makes you unable to win any prizes but I have noted your name and selections in my spreadsheet. (top right corner)

You can check out all the selections in the pic located in post #140. I'll copy it here for you and the other late entrants.

Thanks for the update Pete2, my luck surely wouldn't have lasted til the end of the month .
Folks, please post your reasons as to why you believe your competition top pick will outperform in the thread for that stock, not in this thread.

Doing now for Zip! Sorry only just realised had to give a full reason in the Zip section. Thanks so much!
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