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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2021

CY 2021 Yearly Competition - End of November update: XAO ytd +10.8%

Last month's leader holds onto slim lead. Minor changes to the places.

Leader: @PZ99 +218%

2nd: @leeroy +201%

@Garpal Gumnut +187%

Best Monthly gains
: (>30%)
@investtrader +50% (AVZ,NMT)
@Padowan +46% (AVZ)
@So_Cynical +42% (CXL)
@Dona Ferentes +38% (CXL)
@leeroy +38% (IHL,BRN)

# Competitors beating the XAO: 34/66 = 52%

# Competitors above ZERO: 39/66 = 59%

Competitors above zero:

Competitors below zero:

Imagine if IT was -540% .
I have a stop loss hedging program which limits losses to 100% by default, (before costs), so what you ask me to imagine, isn't possible... ? ?

I like the fact that I have one tip with 540% UP
I like the fact I sold all my tips early in the year... oh, and that at last record, I was beating @barney , and that I'm 4 positions away from one end of the score board.?
losses to 100% by default, so what you ask me to imagine, isn't possible... ? ?

I like the fact I sold all my tips early in the year...
The nature of a set date start/ finish renders the whole comp academic/ a curious exercise. I like the fact I held SE1 for a while, made 16% in a few months then sold .... but bought CXL in Dec 19 @ 75c, again in May '20 at 71c & have kept and not sold.. The other two, dartboard stuff. Don't even know what they do.
Three weeks to go . . . @leeroy has retaken the lead, but both leeroy and @PZ99 are starting to fade.

@Garpal Gumnut is making up ground fast and is now 2nd as VUL rallies again.

I can't discard 4th @Padowan , 5th @debtfree and 6th @investtrader just yet. They're only one price rally away from the leaders.

With only 4% separating the top 3, looks like I'll have to find the divs and any cap returns paid during the year.
Here are the latest results with two weeks to go.

@debtfree sorry to see you out.

Note: Looking through all these selections I think only WES has paid divs and a cap return.
At the end of next week I'll add the divs and cap return to the current price of WES (ie 0.88+0.90+2.00 = 3.78).
This will add 1.9% to @Garpal Gumnut total result. This may be important in the final placings.

If there are any other companies in this pic that paid a div or cap return, please let me know so that I can include it.
Commsec hints the BIG players have left the arena , don't give up yet , those mums and dads might love your stock to the stars ( or not )

good luck everyone
I hope the folks who are doing so well actually bought and held on to their winning trades for the year.

It would be interesting to see, if people really fessed up.

I wonder if that means I have to actually buy and display my results? Maybe.

OK, seriously thinking about it but will reserve the right to sell early!
Huge moves in almost all lithium stocks in the ASX today.
All the CY21 leaders have some exposure to lithium stocks. There's going to be some movers after the close. I'll post an update later.

@debtfree yes, even MNS has gone up nicely today. You'll need another two up days though to catch the leaders.
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