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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2021

hows that porridge going @finicky , still warming up ?
taste test today ?
@Joules MM1
My selection poised for last Quarter sprint, it'll be like one of those tornado pictures where only one house stands mysteriously untouched.
haha, whirlwind bears are not roaming (yet) but local indexes need of a decent retrace/consolidation,
Scotty should be watching, decent enough pullback says "where the index goes the vote goes"

suddenly, someone has an exclusive play .......
Last day of Sept which marks the end of the third qtr. There's only three months left. That's < 60 trading days.

The competition bear has raised his head a little but I anticipate he'll go back to sleep very soon. Night, night @finicky

Uranium companies are in midst of a pull-back as the short term profiteers sell. Lithium remains solid in demand.
Updated results later this evening.
CY 2021 Yearly Competition - End of September update: XAO +11.4% ytd

Uranium decayed a little at the EOM fueling the fossil to the lead once again. (Apologies to a youthful GG for my word play.)

Leader: @Garpal Gumnut +176%

@PZ99 +146%

@leeroy +135%

Best Monthly gains
: (>30%)

@Padowan +45% (LTR, AVZ)
@johnsy800 +40% (LTR, HAS)
@PZ99 +39% (CXO, LTR)
@UMike +37% (CAU, KCN)
@Dona Ferentes +31% (CXL)
@tech/a +30% (DYL, RHY, MLX)

# Competitors above ZERO: 41/66 = 62% (More than last month)
# Competitors beating the XAO: 29/66 = 44% (same)

Competitors above zero:

Competitors below zero:

CY 2021 Yearly Competition - End of October update: XAO ytd +11.5%

New leader as VUL fell on the last day of the month.

Leader: @PZ99 +210%

2nd: @Garpal Gumnut +204%

@leeroy +163%

Best Monthly gains
: (>30%)
@PZ99 +64% (CXO, LTR)
@debtfree +37% (LOT,MNS)
@johnsy800 +37% (LTR,HAS)
@Padowan +34% (LTR, MGV)

# Competitors above ZERO: 40/66 = 61% (~ last month)
# Competitors beating the XAO: 33/66 = 50% (better)

Competitors above zero:

Competitors below zero:

Latest news update on the ASF CY21 Tipping Comp. Seven weeks to go.

Things are happening! The leaderboard has come to life with lots of changes. The year long rally in lithium has paused. Fairy tales (VUL) have been shorted. Uranium is rallying, off the wall tech (CXL, BRN) have sprouted. Assorted explorers are pumping.

I'll be providing weekly updates for the top 10 only. I will provide the regular EOM updates.

This is going to get very interesting (for those in the top 10, sigh).

New leader is @leeroy , 2nd is @PZ99 and 3rd is @debtfree .

Competitors rallying strongly: leeroy, debtfree, @investtrader , @So_Cynical , @bux2000 , @Dark1975

Note: At the EOY if any of the prize money place holders are within 5% of each other I'll include any divs and capital returns that have been earned throughout the year. eg WES $2 + divs FCredits won't be included.
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