Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Thought for the day

The sun, with all those planet's revolving around it and dependent upon it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.


"My best friend is gone, there's nothing left for me", he said. Looking at his right hand, an empty bottle marked "whiskey"
If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him? :eek:

It's because he was bitten by a blue-tailed fly, and the pony threw him in the ditch.
The jury at the inquest decided it was the blue-tailed flies' fault and not the pony.
Thus it is written on his gravestone for all to see.
It's because he was bitten by a blue-tailed fly, and the pony threw him in the ditch.
The jury at the inquest decided it was the blue-tailed flies' fault and not the pony.
Thus it is written on his gravestone for all to see.

noi, lol, sorry, I'd forgotten the plot of that particular rivetting yarn :) ...

Jimmy Crack Corn
(Blue Tail Fly)

When I was young I used to wait
On master and hand him his plate
Pass him the bottle when he got dry
And brush away the blue-tail fly


Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
My master's gone away

When he would ride in the afternoon
I'd follow him with my hickory broom
The pony being rather shy
When bitten by the blue-tail fly


One day he rode around the farm
Flies so numerous that they did swarm
One chanced to bite him on the thigh
The devil take the blue-tail fly


Well the pony jumped, he start, he pitch
He threw my master in the ditch
He died and the jury wondered why
The verdict was the blue-tail fly


Now he lies beneath the 'simmon tree
His epitaph is there to see
"Beneath this stone I'm forced to lie
The victim of the blue-tail fly"
Given the trend in the market, lol ....
A competitor to Woolworths ?...

Strange that the Aussie Woolworths is doing so well when it is probably an offspring of the UK Woolworths that is doing so disastrously.
One of my Great Grans told me that it originally started in Brixton, London and was called the "penny arcade". Called Woolworth later as it sold a great range of wools at a time when people made their own clothes.This info is not guaranteed as it was many moons ago.
On slimming, my BMI is now 23.5 and it's a matter of cutting out chocolate, biscuits, cakes and bread. Helped by low speed power walking.

F W WOOLWORTH, USA was an amalgamation of about five, 5c & 10c stores at the turn of the 19th and 20th century’s . They quickly grew and not long after the amalgamation they opened in the UK witht 3d and 6d stores.

Woolworth in Australia has no connection with either the US or UK Woolworths. It was started in 1924 in NSW, by Messer’s Percy Christmas, Stanley Chatterton, Cecil Scott, Waine, George Creed and Ernest Williams. The name on the draft prospectus drawn up by Cecil Scott Waine was "Wallworths Bazaar" – a play on the F W Woolworth name (the owner of the Woolworth's chain in the United States and United Kingdom). However, according to Ernest Robert Williams, Percy Christmas dared him to register the name Woolworths instead, which he succeeded in doing after finding out the name was available for use in NSW.

There's some Aussie larakin sprit for you


Australian Ref from various source
thanks for that speewha ;) - older and wiser as they say .

here's a change of direction....

Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?
thanks for that speewha ;) - older and wiser as they say .

here's a change of direction....

Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?
For common people like us it's "piles". However, ONE may have hemorrhoids.

A good dose of "butchers Broom extract" will soon get rid of them. Squat toilets relieve pressure that can bring these on. It's a modern complaint. Best always to get advice as it can sometimes be cancer in similar guise.
... A good dose of "butchers Broom extract" will soon get rid of them. ....
lol and now, how do we get rid of asteroids ? :eek:

PS I once read a book (fibre etc) which included the concept of the BAMBY diet :-

B complex and
yoghurt (friendly bacteria ;) ) :2twocents

For common people like us it's "piles".
like the bloke who went to the fancy dress ball as a jetty
.. he had piles :eek:
...and the man in the Churchyard did urinate upon the gravestone, and the Vicar seeing this said, "kindly leave this churchyard as you have desecrated it".

The man said staggering, "get stuffed, you old buzzard, i'm staying put."

"If you do not leave this place there shall be a wailing and a gnashing of teeth, as the Lord God said."

"I'm not going", he said, swigging from his bottle.

"woof, woof, woof, woofity, woof, bow wow", barked Fido, teeth a gnashing, biting the man on the left buttock.

"wail, wail, wail, bloody hell", shouted the man. Fleeing from the churchyard.

"and it shall come to pass", said the Vicar, "and it did".

The moral of story, "Do not dilly dally in the churchyard".
If the US Government pays about 1 trillion dollars to buy the banks mortgage books.

Then the people own all the mortgages.

That means they must pay for the mortgages either by increased taxes, or more likely, adding debt by selling bonds.

If bonds are sold then interest rates will rise.
Paddy and Seamus at the pub ...
Paddy sez "Seamus you're my oldest and dearest friend - if anything should happen to me, there's somepin I'd like you to do for my memory .... I'd like you to get that bottle of vintage whisky I've been keeping on the mantlepiece, and pour it on my grave ..."
"sure, to be sure" sez Seamus
Long Pause .
"err, but Paddy, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I just ran it past my bladder first?"
That's the Irish for you, have to test everything.

A lot of animals were standing about wondering, time they had not a clue and thinking was far beyond them. The hours past and still they stood.
Then suddenly I noticed a lot of movement and happy faces.
Yes indeed, the walrus had just arrived. "the king will be here soon, after he's watered the cabbages" the walrus said.