For Property have these been good indicators in the past?
Have we seen a so called bubble burst in housing before-----lead by these indicators?
I've been around for 60 yrs 40 of them with a strong interest in housing.
In that time I've heard moans and groans about affordability and how the bottom is going to drop out---followed by what a great investment housing is---- just keeps going up. (Think 92-94 where People were supposedly paying stupid prices for developments and getting ripped off blind---then 95-04 where the very same people with the very same developments are doubling the costs of their original investment and Laughing!!! ------ Complaints and doom and gloom stop!)
Ive seen banks tighten and slacken lending policy ----supply and demand I'm sure they evaluate risk just like everyone else---should
Recency and attribution bias. Look over the world and over time.