Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

This is disgusting!

I sometimes wish the media weren't so good at reporting depressing news like that:(

Agreed. They will spend the rest of their life in jail and hopefully will receive daily punishment until their lives are to hard to bare.

Cannot believe that humans could do such a thing. :(
Agreed. They will spend the rest of their life in jail and hopefully will receive daily punishment until their lives are to hard to bare.

Cannot believe that humans could do such a thing. :(

What goes on in this world doesn't bare thinking about, there's nothing we can do about it but we are told horror stories every day....I don't think it does us any good at all.
Makes you wonder about whether gay marriage for male homosexuals is really such a good thing, as then they will have the right to adopt. I know people will say that paedophiles come in all guises ...but still.

Its horrific and its easy to jump to that conclusion. But for arguments sake what would you say if the couple was a man and woman who did something similar? Or if it was a legally married couple who abused their child?

Just a really ugly, ugly situation whoever does it.
Makes you wonder about whether gay marriage for male homosexuals is really such a good thing, as then they will have the right to adopt. I know people will say that paedophiles come in all guises ...but still.

You cannot see the difference between sicko paedophiles and Adults who can form relationships with other consenting adults :confused:

You cannot see the difference between sicko paedophiles and Adults who can form relationships with other consenting adults :confused:


They were a consenting adult couple who had formed a relationship with each other who decided to adopt a child. So they have the right to adopt a child. Gay marriage means having ALL the rights of standard marriage. That's what it is all about.

I'm wrong though. Gay men should be able to adopt children as long as the right checks are made. How they do this, I don't know.
I don't think gays should be allowed to adopt, full stop.

Not fair on the kid.
I don't think gays should be allowed to adopt, full stop.

Not fair on the kid.

I fail to see what child abuse has to do with parents' sexual orientation.

You need to pass a test to drive a car.
You need to pass a test to install electrical gear.
You need to pass a test to fix a leaking toilet cistern.
You need to pass a test to look after kids, be it in kindy, school, even in a shopping centre creche.

But you can have as many babies as you like without proving any qualification other than being horny; and thanks to Howard's baby bonus, far too many school drop-outs used that bonus to boost their dole. Now that is what I'd call "Not fair on the kid." Growing up in a dysfunctional family/ relationship; being abused or neglected; being unloved. That's not fair, regardless of whether the parents are convex-concave, blond, black, or brindle.

Going by the logic "There once was a gay couple that sold their (adopted?) child as a sex slave, so let's ban all gays to come near kids" we'd also have to revert to the olden days and, instead of paying immature girls money for having babies, force every unmarried mother to hand their "accidents" over to "authorities", who can place them into "loving Christian foster families".

Sound absurd? Of course it does. Both ways!
I don't think gays should be allowed to adopt, full stop.

Not fair on the kid.

The buzz word "tolerance" gets thrown around a lot yet often those who use the word have zero tolerance for others with a differing opinion on the matter.

Children have biological and emotional needs which can only be fulfilled by a mother and father. Some are unfortunate not to have one or the other but that shouldn't mean those who have the chance to have one of each are denied that right.

Just because someone disagrees with gay adoption it doesn't make them any more intolerant than someone who disagrees with someone who disagrees about gay adoption.
Going by the logic "There once was a gay couple that sold their (adopted?) child as a sex slave, so let's ban all gays to come near kids"

Isn't this the standard template for how every dumb law gets passed these days? Some outlier event occurs. Outrage follows. Every drone on talkback radio wails that "something has to be done". Spineless government concedes. Wash, rinse, repeat...always repeat.
Tolerant ? You mean I should tolerate gay couples having the right to adopt children despite them not living the lifestyle that produces them ? Well I don't tolerate injustice and using kids to satisfy the perceived "rights" of gays.

I'm very tolerant but children are borne of a union of a man and woman, if you don't participate in that you shouldn't have kids.

The rights of the child outweigh those of the gay couple.

They can't demand a child, it's ridiculous.

Way off topic and nothing to do with the unspeakable atrocities committed by that pair, I hope they get what's coming to them though it wont help that poor kid.
Tolerant ? You mean I should tolerate gay couples having the right to adopt children despite them not living the lifestyle that produces them ? Well I don't tolerate injustice and using kids to satisfy the perceived "rights" of gays.

I'm very tolerant but children are borne of a union of a man and woman, if you don't participate in that you shouldn't have kids.

The rights of the child outweigh those of the gay couple.

They can't demand a child, it's ridiculous.

Yeah they should just keep unwanted babies in an Orphananage,


Tolerant ? You mean I should tolerate gay couples having the right to adopt children despite them not living the lifestyle that produces them ? Well I don't tolerate injustice and using kids to satisfy the perceived "rights" of gays.

I'm very tolerant but children are borne of a union of a man and woman, if you don't participate in that you shouldn't have kids.

The rights of the child outweigh those of the gay couple.

They can't demand a child, it's ridiculous.

Way off topic and nothing to do with the unspeakable atrocities committed by that pair, I hope they get what's coming to them though it wont help that poor kid.

No,I am agreeing with you.

I'm saying for anyone to turn around and call your tolerant is ridiculous.
Isn't this the standard template for how every dumb law gets passed these days? Some outlier event occurs. Outrage follows. Every drone on talkback radio wails that "something has to be done". Spineless government concedes. Wash, rinse, repeat...always repeat.

You got it, McLovin;
The answer to hoons "joy-riding" in stolen cars and doing burn-outs in suburban streets is building speed humps and chicanes in every suburban street, so every driver has to crawl over those impediments. And if your car's shockies need replacing sooner, that's OK too because it keeps repair shops in business - and the extra GST is a welcome bonus for government coffers.

One could of course take those hoons off the streets and make them work for a living. Plenty of litter to be collected along outback roads; pot holes to be filled; road kill to be collected and disposed of; ...

Let them put themselves on youtube or facebook doing those chores at 40 degrees. Maybe their mates at home would begin to appreciate suburban tranquility far more - and prefer to keep it that way.
My point being there are no unwanted babies.

What's your point posting photos of groups of coloured kids and an old photo of what might be an orphanage. ?

My point being that your comment about children's rights has nothing to do with the child but your own prejudices. Kids that are put up for adoption have NO PARENTS!!!

Its far better for a child to have a home and family to grow up with than to suffer a terrible life as a orphan. Or to grow up in a family where the parents are not fit to look after themselves let alone another human.