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This is disgusting!

I am stuck for words

Club in shock after Dutch linesman Richard Nieuwenhuizen is kicked to death after football match

It won't be long before we see something similiar in Australia, if the behaviour I've seen at my son's sport is typical. Some parents at U13, U15 & U18 boy's sport seem to totally "lose the plot" and abuse the umpire, the opposing coach, sometimes their own child's coach and occasionally each other. A local club has resorted to video footage of the supporters in order to enforce bans for abuse of umpires etc. At the beginning of each season, and at least once during it, an email outlining acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour by parents and supporters is sent out (as if this should be required) but it seems some adults are incapable of setting any sort of good sporting example to their kids. I know people get passionate about sport, but some parents seriously need to get a grip! An U9 player abused an umpire and told him to f*** off last season - and was proudly supported by Dad! There are some poor kids that have their parents shouting instructions to them from the sidelines all game (with no clue what the coach has told them to do) and telling them off if they're not playing to parent's expectations - makes me wonder if the poor kids actually enjoy their sport or are just playing to allow Dad or Mum to live out their unfulfilled childhood dreams by proxy.

Fortunately the majority of the players and parents behave in the spirit of good sportsmanship - but this majority seems to be getting thinner each season lately. Maybe frustrations with money or jobs or politics are spilling over into sport?
Richard Nieuwhuizen came to watch his son play football on a Sunday afternoon. When one of the official linesman did not turn up he was asked to perform the linesman duties. Being a keen follower of his son and football he agreed to do the job.

After the game three Moroccan youths aged between 15 and 16 chased Richard, pulled him to the ground and kicked him in the head with their football boots.

It appears that they did not like some of the decisions he made during the game.

It is thought that Richard suffered severe head injuries and he died in hospital the next day.

I mention that they where Moroccans because the Dutch society I knew, before mass immigration, did not have these traits. If I am classed as racist so be it.

My condolences go to the Nieuwhuizen family.
That is disgusting, dutchie.

I saw the same thing a few years ago DocK, a dad was banned from coming to the centre and the games, I felt sorry for his son, constantly screaming and then ended up fighting with a few of the dads when told to get a grip. Agree, the majority do have good sportsmanship though.

Sadly, sport has a wonderful side but also a down side where tempers flare.
Automatic weapons were banned for 10 years but Bush Jr. allowed the ban to expire. Thanks to the gun lobby who campaigned tirelessly, maybe gun manufacturers were losing a fortune in not being able to arm the myriad gangs in the US or allow them trickle into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
I mention that they where Moroccans because the Dutch society I knew,before mass immigration, did not have these traits. If I am classed as racist so be it.

Just interested as to why you left a country that introduced mass immigration to move to a country that was founded on mass immigration (apologies to the indigenous population).
Just interested as to why you left a country that introduced mass immigration to move to a country that was founded on mass immigration (apologies to the indigenous population)?

Any reason you did not answer my question Dutchie, or was it to hard?
I read that Indian lawyers are refusing to represent the accused. I am sure this has happened before.
What options does the Indian Judiciary have to overcome this problem?

Don't know about overseas but there is no rule here that says you have to be represented.

In fact it happens now and again people representing themselves succeed.

India being a colonial state to England years back I would guess have a very similar legal system to our own here.
Don't know about overseas but there is no rule here that says you have to be represented.

There's no law but the HC did say that in certain circumstances legal representation was necessary to ensure a fair trial; Dietrich v The Queen, 1992.

In practice, most courts won't proceed if someone doesn't have legal representation, unless they want to defend themselves.

It appears that it is not safe to referee football matches these days.

US football referee dies after punch from teenage player during match.

My condolences go to the Portillo family.
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