Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Things I hate...

I hate people who drive in the over taking lane and sit on or just under the limit and block the way. Even when you flashed your lights and honk the horn to move over they just keep going. Always wanted one of those rocket launches on the front of my car to blow them out of the way :)mmmm maybe ARB could develop something
Okay, since everyone is letting it out, I'm going to join in too.

However, rather than "hate" I would say "dislike a great deal". :D

When it comes to forums:

  • Spammers
  • Rampers
  • Those who cannot engage in civilised discussion without getting personal
  • Those who put absolutely no care into the presentation of their posts

Outside of forums:

  • Able bodied people who park in handicapped parking spots
  • People who cannot drive but are in possession of a drivers license anyway
  • Hatemongering and bigotry

Ahhhh... that feels better. :)
I hate people who drive in the over taking lane and sit on or just under the limit and block the way. Even when you flashed your lights and honk the horn to move over they just keep going. Always wanted one of those rocket launches on the front of my car to blow them out of the way :)mmmm maybe ARB could develop something

Yes, that really annoys me too, especially when there is a huge sign that says " KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING".

I never flash my lights or blow the horn, I just pull into the left lane, floor the accelerator and try to skim their passenger mirror and give them a fright.
I dislike all drivers on the road except me, no I really hate them

In the center of the road 20kph under the limit

People (mainly women) driving with the mobile jammed in their ear, they can hardly drive anyway but put a phone in their ear and they start nattering on about nothing and they are seriously dangerous.

Asian drivers, the harder you lay on the horn behind them the slower they drive.

Oh also taxi drivers, cant drive or speak English and dont know where they live let alone where you want to go.
Asian drivers, the harder you lay on the horn behind them the slower they drive.

I thought that was an automatic function on the Camry:p:

Hate morning mothers on the school run who BLOCK the round about going straight ahead (diagonal to me) they just have to put their 4wd (which they can't drive) on the roundabout JUST in case the hugh traffic jam in front disappears and they can go forward!:banghead::banghead:

Like every second counts when the traffic isn't moving!
Packs of lycra louts on the road. A few days ago a pack of about thirty swooped on to a roundabout in my path. I had to brake heavily to avoid carnage. I don't think they even saw me, so confident are they that drivers will give way to them.
I thought that was an automatic function on the Camry:p:

Hate morning mothers on the school run who BLOCK the round about as they just have to put their 4wd (which they can't drive) incase the hugh traffic jam in front disappears and they can go forward!:banghead::banghead:

I was dropping the kids off years ago and there was a woman double parked on the CORNER of the sidestreet into the school, having a nice chat with her girfriend.
In my city days.

I really really hate women - they were always women - who would park their cars across my DRIVEWAY!! for Godsake it's a bit bloody obvious someone lives there. Called the rangers who issued tickets - one conceited B?? told the ranger at the top of her voice "Oh is that all, it's just loose change to me" and walked off and didn't move the car:banghead:
When you tell your child 4 times to do something and they have given you eye contact and you think they have heard you, then they say "what was that you wanted me to do?"

I hope this is a hormonal problem that will disappear by 18:eek:
When you tell your child 4 times to do something and they have given you eye contact and you think they have heard you, then they say "what was that you wanted me to do?"

I hope this is a hormonal problem that will disappear by 18:eek:

What was that?
  1. Getting old
  2. Realising that you won't leave the world a better place than when you arrived in it.
  3. Running out of grog half way through a session.
  4. People who just "dont get it"
  5. An education system run by arrogant dickheads who turn out kids who cant read, spell or add up.
  6. People who swear in front of women.
Ahhhh why not have a rant::p::banghead:

HATE - built in obsolescence - like the fact that my new PC will be obsolete in a year... and just to rub it in - the parts that could potentially upgrade it - will be made to diff specs and won't fit!!! :banghead:

REALLY dislike - kids with no experience of anything, who seem to think they know everything
- AND the parents/teachers who somehow fail to teach the lesson about 'experience is just about everything in this world' - it's ok not to know everything before you start;
- Ok to f#ck up sometimes - we all learn by mistakes,
- OK to be cr#p at new things when you first try them out

Blah bloody blah blah.

mmm - Hate my body getting older while my brain feels 25!! ;):banghead:
Getting an email from Tatts saying you've won, scanning ahead while drooling on the keyboard only to see the figure .......$10.90

shouldn't complain, buys a few Fairfax shares LOL
I dislike people who continuously complain without ever offering a solution.

I hate when political correctness goes too far e.g. The cookie monster now also eats vegetables, or state schools not being able to celebrate Christmas.

I hate when I hold the door open for someone and they don't say thank you.

I hate that I must have unique taste buds, as any food I ever like is subsequently removed from Australia (Dr Pepper, Pop tarts!!!).
The following expressions:

Going forward

Yeah, no, yeah


Global financial crisis

Unprecedented global tsunami

The global financial cyclone (Wayne Swan's latest)

Do you know what? (Kevin Rudd before making what he thinks is a BIG POINT.)

Good to be with you. (Rudd and Swan after an interview with Kerry O'Brien.)

Australian working families

Climate change

Have a great day (uttered by bored checkout operator at 6pm)

Your call is important to us: please hold.

And then there's unnecessary rudeness. It's quite possible to disagree with someone and/or correct what they have said without gratuitous insults.
1. People who cast their values on censorship, euthanasia, drugs, abortion, religion, mongamy, seatbelts and the list goes on!
2. People who have no desire to be self sufficient and think they are owed something.
3. People who use the race card all the time. Seems you cant criticize someone or point out realities unless they are white!
4. Christmas.
5. People who think because it is the law it must be right.
6. People who have no When there is a disaster overseas and thousands die it seems to be OK once they announce no australians were injured!
7. Political correctness!
8. The war on terror... well done people you gave away all your freedoms yourselves.
9. Ego's... dude I dont care if your house, bbq or whatever is bigger than mine. And yes you are always right and I am not! Now leave me be to do my own thing!
10. The housing bubble... great work people... lets take one of lifes necessities and make it unaffordable for most people so you can make a quick buck and make people become mortgage slaves.