The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is 42.
This Answer was first calculated by the supercomputer Deep Thought after seven and a half million years. My few weeks away from investing and trading has led me to just agree. It is 42.
Much has happened since I have been athinking. ID8 is going private schoolboys' hat in hand to investors for some crumbs to fill out the books. VML bobbles as does AR9. RIO has tumbled quite quickly with the fall in copper price and is now preserving First Nation cathedrals. WES is doing a rumba, down and up again.
Uranium is entreé de jour for some, one wonders if an earthquake or tsunami is not around the corner.
RE's bloom. EV's take money from the rich for short trips in the pandemic interrupted every hour or two by a recharge.
Oilers should be booming but are not.
Crypto continues its Tulip climb to new highs.
ASF is a mine of information.
Onward and upwards fellow travellers.
I plan to accumulate Golders.
And ABBA are also back. Progress ???