Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Turnbull Liberal leadership challenge

Perhaps there will be a season 2 of the Killing Season.

Like it was for Gillard it will prove a poisoned chalice if Turnbull has the numbers. Abbott seems to be the most stubborn and aggressive politician out there, he demonstrated this with his attack dog opposition leader style. If Turnbull wins then like Rudd you can guarantee the competitive nature of Abbott will muster up every bit of energy to destabilise a Turnbull lead government.

I don't like Abbott and thing he is doing a deadful job of PM but at the end of the day the electorate is the biggest loser of these unstable political games we have now endured for 8 years. Turnbull should have waited until they lost the next election and then launch his bid.
On the other hand Malcolm does come across as far more articulate and with a capacity to explain and discuss complex policy issues. He almost certainly will reinterpret the Liberal Parties position on Climate Change. I reckon he will stop the assault on the Climate authorities. I think there will be a re thinking of policy on asylum seekers.

So just to really push the boat out.... What are the chances that there could be major splits in the Lib/Nat AND the Labour Party and Malcolm ends up with a combination party and two rumps ?

Crazy stuff ??
Everyone I know is glued to the tellie news, phone calls within family hot and this thread very active indeed. A lot of sensible argument too as we all worry in tge trying times.

But where is noco, has not posted since yesterday. Most active periods between 4 and 10pm.

Could he in fact be the Rabbit himself or one of the close bunnies.

Any hoow, politics are a joke in this chaotic age. With markets all over the place in uncertainty our Government on all sides is only focused on their own career.

Bring back the days of Malcolm Frazer.

No one wins this fiasco.
On the other hand Malcolm does come across as far more articulate and with a capacity to explain and discuss complex policy issues. He almost certainly will reinterpret the Liberal Parties position on Climate Change. I reckon he will stop the assault on the Climate authorities. I think there will be a re thinking of policy on asylum seekers.

So just to really push the boat out.... What are the chances that there could be major splits in the Lib/Nat AND the Labour Party and Malcolm ends up with a combination party and two rumps ?

Crazy stuff ??

Thoughtful observation Bas. It is clear a lot of Libs, particularly country areas moving to Greens. A coalition of reality an interesting thought
And then I was thinking...

Would Tony Abbott stay in Parliament if he lost leadership ? Could he even pretend to be supportive of a Turnball government ? How many other current Ministers would be the same position ?

What is they resigned from Parliament or were effectively forced to ?

Alternatively what if Malcolm Turnball is elected but is told by the right wing rump that they would only accept his leadership if he made no substantive changes to policies like Climate Change ? Could certainly see those conversations.

I just can't see how the Liberal /Nat Coalition can form any type of stable political Party in the next 12 months with the current Parliament
Agree Bas, all I can see is mayhem. Abbott seems cinvinced that he is the blessed chosen one and will never gracefully accept defeat.

Struth, they are just going into the party room now.

Gunna run out of whiskey. :) before this is done tonight.
Stock market crashes today in response? Does that mean investor confidence in Australia diminished further? What an unscrupulous society we live in.
Everyone I know is glued to the tellie news, phone calls within family hot and this thread very active indeed. A lot of sensible argument too as we all worry in tge trying times.

But where is noco, has not posted since yesterday. Most active periods between 4 and 10pm.

Could he in fact be the Rabbit himself or one of the close bunnies.

Any hoow, politics are a joke in this chaotic age. With markets all over the place in uncertainty our Government on all sides is only focused on their own career.

Bring back the days of Malcolm Frazer.

No one wins this fiasco.

Actually whether you believe or not, I was pleased to see Abbott go as he was dragging the party down.....I would preferred to have seen Scot Morrison at the helm but I guess he is sitting in the wings of the future.