Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The ScoMo Government

I don't know what to make of this, anyone?

Is it a warning to the Australian people or to the Federal Government? Pezzullo would know it would end up in the media.

Did the government put him up for it?

Whats it about?

Australian official warns drums of war are beating​

One of Australia's most senior security officials has said liberal democracies must brace for war while searching for peace amid elevated global tensions.
Home Affairs Department Secretary Mike Pezzullo said the possibility of war was increasing.
"Today, as free nations again hear the beating drums and watch worryingly the militarisation of issues that we had, until recent years, thought unlikely to be catalysts for war, let us continue to search unceasingly for the chance for peace while bracing again ... for the curse of war," Pezzullo said in a letter to staff on Anazac Day, which honours the country's war dead.
Pezzullo did not specify the catalyst for his warning but it follows a sharp deterioration in Australia's relationship with China and a rise in regional tensions over Taiwan."

What it means is softening up the plebs for an anouncement and photo op on defense
Did you get that from Rupert too
No just guessing that people are starting to become cautious, that the very same people that were saying we should be tolerant and accepting of people with different sexual beliefs, are now not being very intolerant of a P.M with different religious beliefs.

I think the general public will react the same, when there is mixed messages, best to stick with what you know.

Like I said a few days ago, the media may well lose the election for labor. :xyxthumbs

But you keep pumping out your one liners, it may work in the fifo workplace, but it is a very small minority of the voting public.

Also as I said at the time, Albo really needs to get on an election footing and get the message out.
My guess is an election will be called sooner than later. ;)
Hehe... I don't think an election will be called until the "drums of War" narrative gains the political mileage it was obviously designed to do by distracting all us swinging voters away from other failings :)
All very true, but denigrating people because of their race or religious beliefs is poor form mate, as was proven in the Folau case.
I'm an atheist, but I respect the rights of those who feel they need the underlying belief, in a greater power.
Denigrating those that do, just shows a lack of empathy, understanding and inclusiveness, which seems to permeate through labor ranks unfortunately, the only god they seem to follow is their inner self righteousness.
The very same people, also seem to be lacking in any self appraisal ability, which causes them to trip up constantly. ?
We call people who believe in and say weird things "crazy". They denigrate themselves by their actions and certainly need no help from me. That goes for Morrison and Folau.
As to tripping up, you could correct what you claim I said in the Folau thread, else you might need to ascribe yourself the characteristics outlined in the last sentence of your post.
The quarantine thing is all getting a bit loopy.

States (mainly Labor but privately Libs as well) are whingeing hotels are not fit for quarantine particularly for the new variants.

So the Morrison government is saying Australia has the best or equal best quarantine system in the world.
But its so good Morrison shuts down in bound flights from India because of the fear on infection breakout .

Not only that but will jail and fine any Australian passport holder entering from India... where are all the conservative freedom fighters?

In WA a mining / oil and gas construction company can build a 1000 to 2000 man (person) camp in 3 to 4 months which is exactly what Howard Springs is.

So why cannot the Australian fed Government build purpose built quarantine camps (exactly the same as mining camps) and then we can get on with international travel instead of this Communist Authoritarian Liberal party dictatorship stopping freedom of movement for all Australians.

Must say the above felt good saying that for a joke just pity its true.
In WA a mining / oil and gas construction company can build a 1000 to 2000 man (person) camp in 3 to 4 months which is exactly what Howard Springs is.

So why cannot the Australian fed Government build purpose built quarantine camps (exactly the same as mining camps) and then we can get on with international travel instead of this Communist Authoritarian Liberal party dictatorship stopping freedom of movement for all Australians.

Must say the above felt good saying that for a joke just pity its true.
From the article:
Mr Morrison said the federal government had already invested in a national quarantine facility, spending $500 million on the Howard Springs facility in Darwin. The capacity of that site will increase from 850 to 2000 by the end of May.

Mr Morrison said while there was a question mark over how much money the federal government was willing to commit to Victoria’s proposed 500-bed facility slated for Commonwealth land in Mickleham, “we will look at that in good faith”.

The Victorian government recently committed $15 million to planning the facility as an alternative to hotel quarantine, but it called for the Commonwealth to pick up most of the bill, an estimated $200 million.
says the man who stated his popularity is improving
go figure
Nothing matters but election day, those who want to get all stressed up over what the press want to say, have every right. ?

From my position I'm in a win/win, Shorten and Bowen are gone, so I'll be happy with Albo or Morrison. :xyxthumbs
Nothing matters but election day, those who want to get all stressed up over what the press want to say, have every right. ?

From my position I'm in a win/win, Shorten and Bowen are gone, so I'll be happy with Albo or Morrison. :xyxthumbs
Shorten and Bowen are still there mate... pulling the strings.

Last time that happened they took down 2 Prime Ministers :)

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